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Marucs Dyrek

My Family
My family has a great personality, and also a great mix of cultures. With gods swiftness and grace we strive to do our best and succeed in our attempts for greatness. This is my family. Joseph J. Costa, my Grandfather on my Father's side was a Catholic business representative in Rockport, Massachusetts, he was also born there. With a 10th grade education he still managed to get married in Queens, New York and raise a family. He was sent to Europe and stationed in Germany during World War 1 and survived. My father had to take care of the house while my grandfather was at war. Having no other brothers or sisters, it was hard to take care of my grandmother and get a good education. But he still managed to do very well in school and become a very successful doctor. We are actually planning to move soon so he can pursue a better job as a doctor. On my Mothers side, my grandpa is the coolest of all the 67 year olds. He is a personal trainer and has worked out many athletes in his career. He has even worked out professional athletes. My Grandfathers name is John J. Dyrek, which explains why my middle name is John. My family has gone through many hard times and has still managed to be great. I hope to try as hard as my family has in their struggles. With gods swiftness and grace we strive to do our best and succeed in our attempts for greatness. My family is the greatest.

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