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Reflective Writing- Ad Analysis:

-What was it like for you to transition from the personal narrative to the ad analysis? Were you able to blend styles and strategies? Transitioning from the personal narrative to the ad analysis wasnt that difficult because in both essays I was still explaining my point of view on things. Yes I was able to still use colorful words and explain what I had to say in detail. -Challenges you experience with a more traditional academic essaydid you learn to overcome these? How? The main challenge I faced was using punctuations, such as when to use commas. I didnt fully overcome this challenge, but meeting with Dr. Duffus and applying what Purdue owl said helped out with this challenge a lot. -In what other ways did your writing improve or change? Which specific skills? My writing has improved when it comes to using colorful words that help my writing stand out and help the reader stay engaged. -What skills would you like to keep working on? What skills or anything else about writing do you want the class to cover? I would like to continue to work on punctuation and grammar. Other than that there really isnt much I feel like there is to work on.

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