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SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING 00000000PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Administrative and r!"ed#ra$ re%#irements &!

r Fie$d En'ineerin' servi"es( in"$#din'( )#t n!t $imited t! $and s#rve* +!r, and Civi$( Ar"-ite"t#ra$( .e"-ani"a$ and E$e"tri"a$ En'ineerin' Servi"es. 0UALIT1 ASSURANCE A. 4. C. D. C!ntra"t!r s-a$$ en'a'e a %#a$i&ied $and s#rve*!r2s3 t! er&!rm t-e re%#ired $and s#rve*in' servi"es. C!ntra"t!r s-a$$ "arr* !#t a s!i$ investi'ati!n. I& an* &indin's "!n&$i"t +it- t-!se ass#med )* t-e Desi'ner( t-en &!#ndati!ns s-a$$ )e ad5#sted a""!rdin'$*. C!ntra"t!r s-a$$ en'a'e a en'ineerin' servi"es. r!&essi!na$ En'ineer2s3 t! er&!rm t-e re%#ired r!ved )* t-e


T-e en'a'ed s#rve*in' and6!r en'ineerin' team s-a$$ )e a En'ineer.

PART / - PRODUCTS 2N!t Used3 PART 7 - E8ECUTION 7.1 A. E8A.INATION 9eri&* a""#ra"* !& $a*!#t in&!rmati!n s-!+n !n t-e Dra+in's( in re$ati!n t! t-e r! ert* s#rve* and e:istin' )en"-mar,s )e&!re r!"eedin' t! $a*!#t t-e ;!r,. L!"ate and r!te"t e:istin' )en"-mar,s and "!ntr!$ !ints. Preserve ermanent re&eren"e !ints d#rin' "!nstr#"ti!n. 1. D! n!t "-an'e !r re$!"ate )en"-mar,s !r "!ntr!$ !ints +it-!#t ri!r +ritten a r!va$ &r!m t-e En'ineer. Pr!m t$* re !rt $!st !r destr!*ed re&eren"e !ints !r re%#irements t! re$!"ate re&eren"e !ints )e"a#se !& ne"essar* "-an'es in 'rade( $!"ati!n !r "!n&$i"tin' "!nstr#"ti!n. Pr!m t$* re $a"e $!st !r dama'ed r!5e"t "!ntr!$ !ints +it- ri!r a r!va$ !& t-e En'ineer. Re $a"ement !& r!5e"t "!ntr!$ !ints s-a$$ )e )ased !n !ri'ina$ s#rve* "!ntr!$ !ints.



Esta)$is- and maintain t-e re%#ired n#m)er !& ermanent )en"-mar,s !n t-e 5!) site as dire"ted )* t-e En'ineer. 4en"-mar,s s-a$$ )e $!"ated &r!m

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Fie$d En'ineerin'

and re&eren"ed t! data esta)$is-ed &r!m s#rve* "!ntr!$ !ints. Re"!rd )en"-mar, $!"ati!n( +it- -!ri>!nta$ and verti"a$ data( !n Pr!5e"t Re"!rd D!"#ments. 4.0 E:istin' #ti$ities and e%#i ment? 1. T-e e:isten"e and $!"ati!n !& #nder'r!#nd and !t-er #ti$ities and "!nstr#"ti!n indi"ated in t-e C!nstr#"ti!n D!"#ments as e:istin' are n!t '#aranteed. 4e&!re )e'innin' site +!r,( investi'ate and veri&* t-e e:isten"e and $!"ati!n !& #nder'r!#nd #ti$ities and !t-er "!nstr#"ti!n and re"!rd t-is in&!rmati!n !n t-e re$evant $an. Pri!r t! "!nstr#"ti!n( veri&* t-e $!"ati!n and invert e$evati!n at !ints !& "!nne"ti!n t! sanitar* se+er( st!rm draina'e and +ater servi"e i in'.


9eri&* t-e $!"ati!n !& e$e"tri"a$ !+er and "!mm#ni"ati!n #ti$ities &!r inter&a"e.
7./00 A. PERFOR.ANCE Genera$? 1. ;!r,in' &r!m $ines and $eve$s esta)$is-ed )* t-e r! ert* s#rve*( esta)$is)en"-mar,s and re&eren"e mar,ers t! set $ines and $eve$s at ea"- st!r* !& "!nstr#"ti!n and e$se+-ere as needed t! r! er$* $!"ate ea"- e$ement !& t-e Pr!5e"t. Ca$"#$ate and meas#re re%#ired dimensi!ns +it-in indi"ated !r re"!'ni>ed t!$eran"es. Dra+in's s-a$$ n!t )e s"a$ed t! determine dimensi!ns.


S#rve*!r@s L!'? 1. /. .aintain a S#rve*!r@s L!' !& "!ntr!$ and !t-er s#rve* +!r,. S#rve*!r@s L!' s-a$$ )e made avai$a)$e &!r t-e En'ineer re&eren"e. Re"!rd deviati!ns &r!m re%#ired $ines and $eve$s( and advise t-e En'ineer +-en deviati!ns t-at e:"eed indi"ated !r re"!'ni>ed t!$eran"es are dete"ted. C!ntra"t!r s-a$$ re"!rd !n Pr!5e"t Re"!rd Dra+in's deviati!ns t-at are a""e ted and n!t "!rre"ted.


Site ;!r,s? 1. /. L!"ate and $a* !#t +!r,s( &i$$ and t! s!i$ $a"ement( s$! es and invert e$evati!ns )* instr#mentati!n and simi$ar a r! riate means. Pri!r t! S#)stantia$ C!m $eti!n( re are a &ina$ r! ert* s#rve* s-!+in' si'ni&i"ant &eat#res 2rea$ r! ert*3 &!r t-e Pr!5e"t. In"$#de !n t-e s#rve* a "erti&i"ati!n( si'ned )* t-e S#rve*!r( t! t-e e&&e"t t-at rin"i a$ metes( )!#nds( $ines and $eve$s !& Pr!5e"t are a""#rate$* !siti!ned as s-!+n !n s#rve*. END OF SECTION

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Fie$d En'ineerin'

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