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IES Libertas. Torrevieja.

Departamento de Ingls
clauses of purpose
1. Complete each sentence using in order (not) to, so as (not) to or so that and one of the phrases
in the box. You will have to make some necessary changes.

she is nearer her work
he doesnt spend much money
she knows whats in the news
they keep in contact with each other
my friends wouldnt have to wait for me
they dont get fat
they wouldnt worry for me
everybody could know our new address
they keep their clothes clean
we dont disturb our neighbours

e.g. Ann reads the newspaper everyday in order to / so as to know whats in the news.
I told my parents I would be back home late last night so that they wouldnt worry
for me.
J ack always takes the bus to work in order not to / so as not to spend much money.
a. We sent cards to all our friends
b. Scientists and doctors wear white coats
c. Larry and J ill go jogging every day
d. Police officers carry radios
e. Lets turn down the radio
f. Mary is moving to Bristol
g. I took a taxi to the airport

2 Bachi l l er at o 1

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