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Services Parent Communication Plan

Goal: My goal with parent communication is to reach out, engage, and form an open line of communication with parents from home to school life. With this in place, I will be able to foster and develop a positive working partnership with parents. Parent communication strategies: 1. I will send a summer welcome letter to parents with information about the class and myself. 2. If possible, I would like to have a chance for parents and students to come to the school at the end of summer to see the classroom and ask questions prior to coming on the first day (especially with the Kindergarten level or with new students to the district). 3. I will invite parents to an Open House at the beginning of the year and ask them to contact me via email, phone call, or in person with ANYTHING throughout the year. At the Open House, I will stress to parents that I want their child to succeed and well make it happen through a strong partnership. 4. I will strive to make three positive interactions (phone call, in-person, email, etc.) before the 1st parent-teacher conference or before I have to address a behavior/academic problem. Also, through communication with the parent, I will make sure to separate the child from the problem. By doing this, the problem does not stand as an identifying factor of the student. In these interactions, I will also tell the parent the childs strengths in the classroom. 5. I will encourage parent involvement in my classroom and strive to get them involved as much as they would like to be. I will offer suggestions for parent involvement in the classroom and ways that they can help outside of the classroom. Room for Growth: I will continue to evaluate my parent plan as I have more teaching experience. Through reflective practice, I will be able to identify what works and what does not work for effective parent communication. In addition, I will talk to my principal and colleagues to bounce ideas and find strategies for further shaping of my parent communication plan.

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