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HOLLY JONES EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY There are many aspects that combine together to create a great teacher, positive

learning environment, and overall productive system of education. The foundation of learning needs to be set appropriately so that the students can continue to grow and develop in and out of the classroom as lifelong learners. I believe that teachers need to establish an authoritative role early on in the student/teacher relationship and then work to create a positive and beneficial personal relationship. This can be done through adequate preparation of curriculum and lessons so that all students of all learning levels and abilities are actively engaged. Creating real life scenarios is an important way to involve students in the material as well as collaboarting through hands-on integration via technological implementations, debates, role play, or other problem- or project-based learning. To be an influential teacher it is necessary to know how to read your students. Each class will present different personalities and dynamics, yet it is just as important to prepare before the class ever starts to ensure that you are delivering the lessons in a way that the students will respond to. Also, being able to take chances and be honest as the lead in the classroom shows the students that it is okay to not always have the correct answer, take chances, and make mistakes. To encourage personal student growth means that the students need to know that they are in a safe environment where trial and error is encouraged as long as the teacher shows the students how to continuously build upon all lessons, even the negative experiences. Knowing the information is important, but understanding how to get the information is a valuable skill in itself. I plan to implement assertive discipline in my classroom. I believe that it is extremely important to have very clearly outlined rules for the students that directly correlate to the behavior. I want to teach my students that there are certain things that are not acceptable in my classroom and in society and they need to know where to draw the line. I will stress that it is the behavior that is inappropriate and address this with the student by utilizing you language (i.e. What could you have done differently? What would you feel if someone did that to you?) and help them to work through the issues triggering their behavior. Once the issue is dealt with and the appropriate repercussions have been handed out I believe that it is very important to move on immediately. This will show the students that it is not a personal issue, but rather just me addressing certain behavior that is not acceptable. I will have a system in place to track individual behavior as well as reward positive behavior, both on an individual level and on a class level. Positive reinforcers (both tangible and intangible) will be implemented into my daily routine both in and out of my classroom which will encourage students to act morally and ethically responsible throughout school and not only in my classroom. I am hopeful that in my classroom I will be able to provide an abundance of technologically advanced lessons and utilize a Promethian board to deliver and develop lessons to/with students.

I will structure my lessons in a challenging manner so that higher order cognitive development and critical thinking are encouraged. My lessons will be relevant to the lives of the students. If many of the students do not have access to computers at home then I will adapt my lessons so that any homework (if it is necessary to assign homework) can be done without computers. I will focus on employing multiple learning modalities so that all students will have the best opportunities to achieve comprehension, internalization, and mastery of academics. This will be done by approaching subjects from multiple angles, including sensory-oriented designs as well as varying cognitive levels and strategies. By fluctuating my lesson designs and rotating my delivery method for assignments monotony will be reduced and students will be more likely to connect with the lessons and create deeper and more meaningful understandings of the material. All learning styles will be encouraged and learning strategies will be taught and utilized so that I can deliver lessons in a way that my students will be receptive to, and not force them to adhere to my singular teaching pattern. The most important trait that a teacher can possess in my opinion is flexibility. What works with one group of students may not work with another and the same for lessons, reinforcers, field trips, technology, collaborative PBL assignments, and discipline. As I stated earlier, the ability to read my students has always been one of my strong characteristics and I plan on continuing to develop that skill as well as staying up to date on best practices, scientific research, and new developments so that I can offer my students the very best ways to learn and foster the skills needed for their future. By committing to continuing my education throughout my tenure as a teacher I will be able to provide my students with an advantage once they are in my classroom. They will learn how to behave appropriately while being able to separate emotion from behavior and repercussions in addition to the core subject materials and innovative and challenging skills necessary to succeed, both inside the classroom and in the everyday world. The most important thing I would like my students to be is curious. If I can stimulate their curiosity and make them want to know and continually learn then I have done my job. I want to teach them positive time management and productive study skills that will continue to assist them throughout high school and college. By getting away from the textbook as much as possible I will show them that learning can be fun and create lifelong learners. Each class will be different and therefore my approach should be slightly different. The skeleton of my classroom management plan and educational approach will remain intact, but just as my classes will bring different dynamics with them I should mirror this constant change and be ready to adapt and evolve my approach on a class by class basis.

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