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Tariq Shahzad

Personal Information
Surname Given ame!s" #a$ of %irth Se& Marital Status Current Address Tele'hone(E)Mail Shahzad Tariq *an +,- +,,+. Male Sin/le +(0)A-%lo12-0 P.E.C.3.S.Shahra)e)4aisal 5ara1hi 6,7 8977+7::;7 ( tariqshahzad+0<$ahoo.1om

To develo' m$ 1areer as 4inan1e Professional that leads to further /ro@th in m$ 'rofessional s2ills and 'ersonal satisfa1tion >$ utilizin/ m$ s2ills and a>ilit$ to @or2 for the /ro@th of an or/anization. To >e a 'art of the 1hallen/in/ team @hi1h strives for the >etter /ro@th of the or/anization and @hi1h e&'lores m$ 'otential and 'rovides me @ith the o''ortunit$ to enhan1e m$ talent @ith an intention to >e an asset to the 1om'an$.

Professional 7AA, to 7A+A Certified A11ountant Te1hni1ian !CAT" !Au/ust 7A+A" 7A+A to 7A+8 ACCA Affiliate (February 2013) Bualified A11ountant ACCA Level+-7 and 8 1om'leted!Core Pa'er ='tions P0 Advan1e Ta&ation C P; Advan1e Audit" A1ademi1 7AA0)7AAD Sir Adam?ee Institute ! %)GRA#E 0;E " 3SC Su>?e1tsF Maths- Ph$si1s- Chemistr$ 7AA9)7AA0 GISS S1hool ! A)= E GRA#E D7E" SSC Su>?e1tsF Maths- Ph$si1s- Chemistr$- En/lish- Islamiat- Pa2istan studies

Gor2 E&'erien1e
Au/ust +0th 7A+8 H ovem>er 7Dth 7A+8 Gor2ed as a Audit Trainee of 4.R.A. .T.S C Co Chartered A11ountants. 5ara1hi Pa2istanl. Audit and Assuran1e

Actively taking part in annual audit of clients as a junior member of the audit team. Gathering relevant information and data through clients system, staff and 3 rd party documents. Identify and assess compliance with relevant standards. erforming bank reconciliations and 3rd party confirmations to gather evidence. reparing annual financial statements with disclosures in compliance with all applicable international . !inancial reporting standards "I!#$%. #eporting the findings to the audit senior. Actively participate in audit of foreign remittance.

E&tra A1tivities
Parti1i'ated in the International 5an/aroo Mathemati1s Contest held in 7AAD !Parti1i'ation Certifi1ate"

Pun1tual Trust@orth$ 3onest Gor2 as 'art of team 3ard Gor2in/ Smart Gor2in/

I am fluent in English Urdu


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