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Office of the Registrar

P.O. N. B. U, Dist. Darjeeling, PIN-734013.
Applications are invite !or" t#e Inian citi$ens in t#e prescri%e !or"at &it#in 1'
(e%r)ar*, +014 !or engage"ent
to t#e !ollo&ing positions in t#e ,entre !or -o"en.s /t)ies p)rel* on contract)al %asis
Assistant Professor : ! Post "#ontract$a%& Professiona% Assistant : ! Post "#ontract$a%&
Research Associate : ! Post "#ontract$a%& 'ata Entr( O)erator : * Post "#ontract$a%&
Research Assistant : ! Post "#ontract$a%& Li+rar( Assistant : * Post "#ontract$a%&
Detaile in!or"ation regaring 0)ali!ications, eligi%ilit* criterion, ,onsoliate /alar* an Application (or"
"a* %e collecte !ro" t#e O!!ice o! t#e )nersigne on pa*"ent o! 1s. +002- 31)pees 4&o 5)nre onl*6 at t#e
Universit* ,as# ,o)nter or "a* %e o&nloae !ro" Universit* portal at #ttp722&&&.n%), "Recr$it-ent
Section& Candidates who have applied earlier in response to advt. no. 10/R-13 dated 08.11.2013 need not
apply again, ,losing ate !or s)%"ission o! !ille in application !or" to t#e O!!ice o! t#e 1egistrar is 1'
+014. 4ill 04700 P.8.
Avt No.7 +02 1-14 Date7 30.01.+014 Registrar "Officiating&
Office of the Registrar
P.O. NBU, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, PIN-73403
!""lication are in#ite$ fro% the In$ian &iti'ens for the follo(ing "ositions on &ontract)al Basis *P)rel+
,e%"orar+- in the &entre for Wo%en.s /t)$ies. !ssistant Professor *&ontract)al- 0 01, Research !ssociate
*&ontract)al- 0 01, Research !ssistant *&ontract)al- 0 01, Professional !ssistant *&ontract)al- 0 01, Data 2ntr+
O"erator *&ontract)al- 0 0, 3i4rar+ !ssistant *&ontract)al- 0 0.
Last Date of Submission of filled in Ali!ation "#
Feb%ua%&' ()"* till )*+)) ,+-+
Na%e of the
2ssential 5)alification Desira4le 5)alification No. of
!%o)nt of
/alar+ "er
i- 8oo$ !ca$e%ic recor$ (ith at
least 99: %ar;s or an e<)i#alent
gra$e in a "oint scale at the
%aster.s $egree le#el in
/ociolog+ = !nthro"olog+
=Wo%en /t)$ies = 8en$er
/t)$ies = Political /cience =
3a( = >istor+ = Philoso"h+ =
2cono%ics =
ii- !t least secon$ class ,hree +ears
4achelors $egree (ith >ono)rs =
%ajor in the rele#ant = allie$
iii- 5)alifie$ U8& N2, = /32, =
/2,, or its e<)i#alent.
i- Ph.D $egree in
rele#ant s)4ject.
ii- Research (or; in
the fiel$ of
Wo%en.s /t)$ies
iii- P)4lication in
jo)rnals (ith I//N =
4oo;s (ith I/BN
01*,WO- Rs. 31,?31=-
i- 8oo$ !ca$e%ic recor$ (ith at
least 99: %ar;s or an
e<)i#alent gra$e in a "oint scale
at the %aster.s $egree le#el in
/ociolog+ = !nthro"olog+
=Wo%en /t)$ies = 8en$er
/t)$ies = Political /cience =
3a( = >istor+ = Philoso"h+ =
2cono%ics = 8eogra"h+
ii- !t least secon$ class three +ears
4achelors $egree (ith
>ono)rs = %ajor in the
rele#ant = allie$ s)4jects.
iii- Ph.D $egree in a4o#e
%entione$ s)4ject or in allie$
or rele#ant s)4ject.
i- 2@"erience in Aiel$
ii- Research (or; in the
fiel$ of Wo%en.s
iii- P)4lishe$ research
(or; to his=her cre$it
in the relate$ fiel$.
01*,WO- Rs. 10,700=-
Na%e of the
2ssential 5)alification Desira4le 5)alification No. of
!%o)nt of
/alar+ "er
i- 7aster.s $egree in
/ociolog+ =
!nthro"olog+ =Wo%en
/t)$ies = 8en$er /t)$ies =
Political /cience = 3a( =
>istor+ = Philoso"h+ =
2cono%ics =
ii- !t least a three +ears
4achelors $egree in the
rele#ant = allie$ s)4jects.
iii- 2@"erience in fiel$ (or; B
;no(le$ge of /tatistics in
the !nal+sis of Data.
i#- ;no(le$ge in co%")ter
o"erating B a""lications.
i- P)4lishe$ research
(or; to his = her
cre$it in fiel$ of
8en$er /t)$ies.
ii- 7.Phil = Ph.D
01*,WO- Rs. C,?71=-
i- 7.!=7./c=7.&o% *;no(le$ge
in /tatistics = &o%")ter
!""lication = Infor%ation
,echnolog+ = O"eration
Research = 8eoinfor%atics =
/)r#er+ing= acco)nting B
i- One +ear rele#ant
(or; e@"erience in
an+ &ollege =
Uni#ersit+ =
Instit)tion of re")te.
01*,WO- Rs. C,?71=-
Data 2ntr+
i- >igher /econ$ar+ 0 D 1 "ass
ii- ,+"ing s"ee$ of %ini%)% 40
iii- Eno(le$ge of Data 2ntr+ in the
soft(are "ac;ages.
i#- &ertificate &o)rse in &o%")ter
i- 8ra$)ate
ii- One +ear (or;
e@"erience in an+
&ollege =
Uni#ersit+ =
Instit)tion of re")te.
iii- 8oo$ co%%an$ o#er
2nglish 3ang)age.
0*One- Rs. 9,FC0=-
i- 8ra$)ate in 3i4rar+ /cience i- !t least One +ear
(or; e@"erience in
han$ling 3i4rar+ of
an+ e$)cational
0*One- Rs. 9,FC0=-
!""lication for%s are a#aila4le fro% the Office of the Registrar, Uni#ersit+ of North Bengal 4+ "a+%ent of Rs.
100=- in &ash or %a+ 4e $o(nloa$e$ fro% the Uni#ersit+ We4siteG (((.n4) *Recr)it%ent /ection-. ,he
fille$ in $o(nloa$e$ a""lication %)st 4e acco%"anie$ 4+ &rosse$ Ban; Draft of Rs. 100=- in fa#o)r of
.Uni/e%sit& of No%t$ Ben0alH "a+a4le at /tate Ban; of In$ia, NBU &a%")s Branch, *&o$eG 10FC- /ilig)ri.
Aille$-in a""lication for%s * set- along (ith t(o self a$$resse$ )nsta%"e$ en#elo"e *19@3c%- an$ one co"+
of the recent "ass"ort si'e "hotogra"h *i$entical (ith the sa%e "aste$ in the for%- an$ other $oc)%ents
regar$ing citi'enshi" *4+ registration-, age, <)alification an$ e@"erience $)l+ atteste$ 4+ the can$i$ate %a+ 4e
s)4%itte$ in the Office of the Registrar, Uni#ersit+ of North Bengal in "erson or 4+ "ost on or 4efore
F.01.104 till 04.00 P.7.
Please Note: Candidates who have applied earlier in response to advt. no. 10/R-13 dated 08.11.2013 need not apply again.

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