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Emily Anthony Circle Classroom Welcome Week Week 1, August 26-30 Infant Activity Blankets were placed on the

floor of the circle classroom on the blue mat by the jungle gym. The infants had the opportunity to have their whole bodies feel the different types of textures of the fabrics and blankets. Infants were able to be on their backs as well as tummies to insure the whole body was able to explore the different textures. The blankets were rotated out each day so different textures were exposed to the infants. All three of the infants were exploring with the different textures of the blankets. I rubbed Grants (3 months) leg and foot with the afghan blanket to ensure that not only his arms felt the different texture, but his whole body. Liam (7 months) grasped the afghan blanket and brought it up to his mouth. He was able to reach and pull the blanket towards himself. Liam and I played peek-a-boo throughout the week as well as worked on different ways to use a blanket. We tried to do tummy time, but he quickly rolled over to his back. P.4.1 Reaches for, grasps and releases objects. P.3.1 Roll side to side.

Grant (3 months) kicked and moving his arms while lying on the light pink blanket. I wrapped him in the pink fuzzy blanket and he was able to unwrap himself by kicking and moving his arms. P.1.5 Explore objects, people, and things by kicking, reaching, grasping, and pulling.

Isaac (4 months) engaged in tummy time. As well as the body feeling the texture of the blanket, he also strengthened the muscles in his neck. We worked on getting strength in his arm muscles to prepare him for when he is ready to crawl.

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