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Whole Group, Small Group and Independent Work Time

In whole group work time the whole class is participating. This might be a whole group discussion, or direct instruction. This type of work time helps students to hear other perspectives and ideas that may help them understand a concept better. Also direct instruction as a whole group is very effective and useful when the teacher needs to communicate a concept or message to everyone. In small group work time the students may be working in different numbered groups. This time is valuable to students because they are able to help each other better understand the concept they are working on. Sometimes students are able to put the concept into more understandable terms for other students. Examples of small group work time are: working on a worksheet, project or discussion together. In independent work time the student is working by him or herself without help from peers or the teacher. This type of works helps the student to see what they understand and what he or she is still struggling with. It also helps the teacher to better assess the students knowledge.

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