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News and Notes

What We Are up to:

Reading: This week we are working on determining importance. We will be ready text to find the most important ideas in each section. This will help us with our retellings. Writing: We will continue to learn more about opinion writing for the next two weeks. The students are working on a piece about whether girls and boys should learn together. We will also be writing an opinion piece about the usefulness of the penny. Math: We continue our unit on multiplication. As we are beginning multidigit numbers, knowing our facts will help us greatly! Keep practicing those facts! Social Studies: We are continuing a unit on immigration. The kids will be finding out where their ancestors have traveled from to settle in the US.

Week of December 9, 2013

Art news:
Mrs. Lividini is doing an art project with the 4th grade based on stories of immigration. She would like you to pass on a story about a family member or members immigrating to America or help a student remember their own immigration experience. It can be as simple as telling them about a recipe, piece of china,or other treasure that was carried here in someones luggage, or if they came by ship or plane. If there are any pictures of the family member or objects that could be copied or photographed for your child to use as reference materials that would be helpful. Knowing the year of immigration would be helpful so that the students can research things like clothing and ships. If you dont have any information reassure your child that he/she can imagine a story and illustrate it instead. She hopes to share this with the parents later this year.

Thanks to all who volunteer in the class. The volunteer schedule was emailed home Friday. Please let me know if you didnt get one. Change to Spelling:
The next two weeks instead of a spelling test, the kids will be working on verbs. They will have a quiz on December 20, 2013.

Coats for kids

Thanks to you and your generosity, we raised $180.00 to purchase a coat, vest, fleeces, and other clothes for Francine, a 12-year-old girl who lives in Worcester!


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