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Action Plan High Achieving

Students who receive a 4 on any assessment given in the classroom will receive praise through verbal and written communication. The parents will also be notified of the excellent performance made by their child.

Meeting Expectation
For students who are meeting the expectation I will encourage them to go deep in their understanding and be available for extra tutoring if they so desire. A choice of a retest or resubmission of an assessment will be left to the student if they so wish to attempt to get a higher score. If a lower score is achieved through the result of a retest or submission then the higher of the scores will be recorded.

Below Expectation
Students who receive a 1 or 2 on an assessment will need to see me for further instruction and evaluation of the performance. I will interview the student to understand where miss communications may have occurred or if other external influences may need to be taken into consideration (absence, homework evaluation). Students will also be required to fill out either a Student Fact Sheet or a Goal Setting Summary Report. These students are strongly encouraged to come to additional tutoring sessions or set up prior arrangements with the educator. Retesting and resubmissions are strongly encouraged.

Data Interpretation
According to the data generated by the class, all of the students showed improvement between the pre and posttest. Students throughout the class had trouble with question 7. This is an indication that either the question was not worded correctly or the material needs further discussion and study. As the educator it is my responsibility to adapt the methods used to instruct this objective to ensure student understanding.

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