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Possible Research Questions

What is your study all about?

Our study is all about the Grade 11 students of Marymount Academy Better
Living who face issues regarding their academic performance in school. One of the
problems that they might be experiencing has reading comprehension skills that badly
affect their academic performance. This study will determine how many Grade 11
Students of Marymount Academy Better Living suffer from this issue and its correlation
to their academic performance. This study may help students spot an element that ends
up in reading comprehension and that they are going to be conscious of their reading
capacity. Hence, they're going to seek techniques for improvement and that they will
value-enhancing adequate reading comprehension. This process will serve as an
influence for them to counterpoint their minds with knowledge and vocabulary.

Why did you choose this topic?

According to a group, Filipino students placed last out of 79 countries in an

exceedingly global survey of reading comprehension because they are more exposed to
a narrative than informative text materials. We the researchers choose this topic
because poor reading comprehension causes students not to pay attention to what
they're reading. Hence, they are having difficulties in coping with the teachings in any
subject. This concerns the students about their ability to comprehend and decode words
and will focus on their capacity of mental ability and skills, how they cope up with any
subject and their performance on how well they do.

A. Students
This study will provide information regarding how they will improve their reading
comprehension skills. This study may help students spot an element that ends up in
reading comprehension and that they are going to be conscious of their reading
capacity. Hence, they're going to seek techniques for improvement and that they will
value-enhancing adequate reading comprehension. This process will serve as an
influence for them to counterpoint their minds with knowledge and vocabulary.
B. Parents
The information gathered will help them to understand further the matter that the
majority of students experience. During this situation, they may be aware of their child's
reading capacity and supply guidance or reading intervention. Have time investment to
concentrate on their child and encourage them to value the small and massive
achievements they acquire. Most significantly, their involvement will have an excellent
impact in solving the problem.
C. Teachers
The study results will help the teachers evaluate the standard of reading and
understanding by the students. That will allow teachers to acknowledge and monitor
students who have struggled in reading. Emphasize the student's weakness and work
on that. Promote effective reading strategies and facilitate a student's growth.
D. School Administrators
Data shown will provide the school administrators with information on how reading
comprehension skills can affect students' studies and grades. They will bear in mind
students' needs and the way to assess them for their development. They will provide
productive learning environments, support, and activities to students.
E. Future Researchers
The data shown will help future researchers to gain more information from this
study. Data may benefit them in uncovering additional information or knowledge of a
particular study. May expand studies related to low reading comprehension.

1. The researchers recommend school workshops that focuses on literature and
2. The researchers recommend that having reading programs
3. The researchers recommend making a subject or time that improves the
students’ reading comprehension. This subject will contain different stories with
different comprehension levels that accumulate their reading comprehension.
4. Positive and encouraging assessments when students find a text difficult to

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