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Grammatical Terms Used in This Book :: English Grammar_-_OUP__The_Oxford_Guide_To_English_Usage.PDF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=absolute used independentl of its !ustomar grammati!al relationship or !onstru!

tion" e.g. #eather permitting" $ %ill !ome. acronym a %ord formed from the initial letters of other %ords" e.g. &'TO. active applied to a (er) %hose su)*e!t is also the sour!e of the a!tion of the (er)" e.g. #e sa% him+ opposite of passi(e. adjective a %ord that names an attri)ute" used to des!ri)e a noun or pronoun" e.g. small !hild" it is small. adverb a %ord that modifies an ad*e!ti(e" (er)" or another ad(er)" expressing a relation of pla!e" time" !ir!umstan!e" manner" !ause" degree" et!." e.g. gentl " a!!ordingl " no%" here" %h . agent noun a noun denoting the doer of an a!tion e.g. )uilder. agent suffix a suffix added to a (er) to form an agent noun" e.g. -er. agree to ha(e the same grammati!al num)er" gender" !ase" or person as another %ord. analogy the formation of a %ord" deri(ati(e" or !onstru!tion in imitation of an existing %ord or pattern. animate denoting a li(ing )eing. antecedent a noun or phrase to %hi!h a relati(e pronoun refers )a!,. antepenultimate last )ut t%o. antonym a %ord of !ontrar meaning to another. apposition the pla!ing of a %ord" espe!iall a noun" s nta!ti!all parallel to another" e.g. #illiam the -on.ueror. article a/an 0indefinite arti!le1 or the 0definite arti!le1. attributive designating a noun" ad*e!ti(e" or phrase expressing an attri)ute" !hara!teristi!all pre!eding the %ord it .ualifies" e.g. old in the old dog+ opposite of predi!ati(e. auxiliary verb a (er) used in forming tenses" moods" and (oi!es of other (er)s. case the form 0su)*e!ti(e" o)*e!ti(e" or possessi(e1 of a noun or pronoun" expressing relation to some other %ord. clause a distin!t part of a senten!e in!luding a su)*e!t 0sometimes ) impli!ation1 and predi!ate. collective noun a singular noun denoting man indi(iduals+ see 2!olle!ti(e nouns2 in topi! 3.4 collocation an expression !onsisting of t%o 0or more1 %ords fre.uentl *uxtaposed" espe!iall ad*e!ti(e 5 noun. comparative the form of an ad*e!ti(e or ad(er) expressing a higher degree of a .ualit " e.g. )ra(er" %orse. comparison the differentiation of the !omparati(e and superlati(e degrees from the positi(e 0)asi!1 form of an ad*e!ti(e or ad(er). complement a %ord or %ords ne!essar to !omplete a grammati!al !onstru!tion: the !omplement of a !lause" e.g. 6ohn is 0a1 thoughtful 0man1" 7olitude ma,es 6ohn thoughtful+ of an ad*e!ti(e" e.g. 6ohn is glad of our help+ of a preposition" e.g. $ thought of 6ohn. compound preposition a preposition made up of more than one %ord" e.g. %ith regard to. concord agreement )et%een %ords in gender" num)er" or person" e.g. the girl %ho is here" ou %ho are ali(e" Those men %or,. conditional designating 081 a !lause %hi!h expresses a !ondition" or 091 a mood of the (er) used in the !onse.uential !lause of a !onditional senten!e" e.g. 081 $f he had !ome" 091 $ should ha(e seen him. consonant 081 a spee!h sound in %hi!h )reath is at least partl o)stru!ted" !om)ining %ith a (o%el to form a s lla)le+ 091 a letter usuall used to represent 081+ e.g. e%e is %ritten %ith (o%el 5 !onsonant 5 (o%el" )ut is pronoun!ed as !onsonant 0 1 5 (o%el 0oo1. co-ordination the lin,ing of t%o or more parts of a !ompound senten!e that are e.ual in importan!e" e.g. 'dam del(ed and E(e span. correlative co-ordination !o-ordination ) means of pairs of !orresponding %ords regularl
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Grammatical Terms Used in This Book :: English Grammar_-_OUP__The_Oxford_Guide_To_English_Usage.PDF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=used together" e.g. either..or. countable designating a noun that refers in the singular to one and in the plural to more than one" and !an )e .ualified ) a" one" e(er " et!. and man " t%o" three" et!.+ opposite of mass 0noun1. diminutive denoting a %ord des!ri)ing a small" li,ed" or despised spe!imen of the thing denoted ) the !orresponding root %ord" e.g. ringlet" 6ohnn " prin!eling. diphthong see digraph. direct object the o)*e!t that expresses the primar o)*e!t of the a!tion of the (er)" e.g. :e sent a present to his son. disyllabic ha(ing t%o s lla)les. double passive see 2dou)le passi(e2 in topi! 3.8;. elide to omit ) elision. elision the omission of a (o%el or s lla)le in pronoun!ing" e.g. let<s. ellipsis the omission from a senten!e of %ords needed to !omplete a !onstru!tion or sense. elliptical in(ol(ing ellipsis. feminine the gender proper to female )eings. finite designating 0part of1 a (er) limited ) person and num)er" e.g. $ am" :e !omes. formal designating the t pe of English used pu)li!l for some serious purpose" either in %riting or in pu)li! spee!hes. future the tense of a (er) referring to an e(ent et to happen: simple future" e.g. $ shall go+ future in the past" referring to an e(ent that %as et to happen at a time prior to the time of spea,ing" e.g. :e said he %ould go. gerund the part of the (er) %hi!h !an )e used li,e a noun" ending in -ing" e.g. #hat is the use of m s!olding him= govern 0said of a (er) or preposition1 to ha(e 0a noun or pronoun" or a !ase1 dependent on it. group possessive see 2dou)le passi(e2 in topi! 3.8;. hard designating a letter" !hiefl ! or g" that indi!ates a guttural sound" as in !ot or got. if-clause a !lause introdu!ed ) if. imperative the mood of a (er) expressing !ommand" e.g. -ome here> inanimate opposite of animate. indirect object the person or thing affe!ted ) the a!tion of the (er) )ut not primaril a!ted upon" e.g. $ ga(e him the )oo,. infinitive the )asi! form of a (er) that does not indi!ate a parti!ular tense or num)er or person+ the to-infiniti(e" used %ith pre!eding to" e.g. $ %ant to ,no%+ the )are infiniti(e" %ithout pre!eding to" e.g. :elp me pa!,. inflexion a part of a %ord" usuall a suffix" that expresses grammati!al relationship" su!h as num)er" person" tense" et!. informal designating the t pe of English used in pri(ate !on(ersation" personal letters" and popular pu)li! !ommuni!ation. intransitive designating a (er) that does not ta,e a dire!t o)*e!t" e.g. $ must thin,. intrusive r see item 9 in topi! 9.98 linking r see 2r2 in topi! 9.98. loan-word a %ord adopted ) one language from another. main clause the prin!ipal !lause of a senten!e. masculine the gender proper to male )eings. mass noun a noun that refers to something regarded as grammati!all indi(isi)le" treated onl as singular" and ne(er .ualified ) those" man " t%o" three" et!.+ opposite of !ounta)le noun. modal relating to the mood of a (er)+ used to express mood. mood form of a (er) ser(ing to indi!ate %hether it is to express fa!t" !ommand" %ish" permission" et!.
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Grammatical Terms Used in This Book :: English Grammar_-_OUP__The_Oxford_Guide_To_English_Usage.PDF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=monosyllabic ha(ing one s lla)le. nominal designating a phrase or !lause that is used li,e a noun" e.g. #hat ou need is a drin,. nonce-word a %ord !oined for one o!!asion. non-finite designating 0a part of1 a (er) not limited ) person and num)er" e.g. the infiniti(e" gerund" or parti!iple. non-restrictive see relati(e !lauses. noun a %ord used to denote a person" pla!e" or thing. noun phrase a phrase fun!tioning %ithin the senten!e as a noun" e.g. The one o(er there is mine. object a noun or its e.ui(alent go(erned ) an a!ti(e transiti(e (er)" e.g. $ %ill ta,e that one. objective the !ase of a pronoun t pi!all used %hen the pronoun is the o)*e!t of a (er) or go(erned ) a preposition" e.g. me" him. paradigm the !omplete pattern of inflexion of a noun" (er)" et!. participle the part of a (er) used li,e an ad*e!ti(e )ut retaining some (er)al .ualities 0tense and go(ernment of an o)*e!t1 and also used to form !ompound (er) forms: the present parti!iple ends in -ing" the past parti!iple of regular (er)s in -ed" e.g. #hile doing her %or, she had ,ept the )a) amused. passive designating a form of the (er) ) %hi!h the (er)al a!tion is attri)uted to the person or thing to %hom it is a!tuall dire!ted 0i.e. the logi!al o)*e!t is the grammati!al su)*e!t1" e.g. :e %as seen ) us+ opposite of a!ti(e. past a tense expressing past a!tion or state" e.g. $ arri(ed esterda . past perfect a tense expressing a!tion alread !ompleted prior to the time of spea,ing" e.g. $ had arri(ed ) then. pejorative disparaging" depre!iator . penultimate last )ut one. perfect a tense denoting !ompleted a!tion or a!tion (ie%ed in relation to the present+ e.g. $ ha(e finished no%+ perfe!t infiniti(e" e.g. :e seems to ha(e finished no%. periphrasis a rounda)out %a of expressing something. person one of the three !lasses of personal pronouns or (er)-forms" denoting the person spea,ing 0first person1" the person spo,en to 0se!ond person1" and the person or thing spo,en a)out 0third person1. phrasal verb an expression !onsisting of a (er) and an ad(er) 0and preposition1" e.g. )rea, do%n" loo, for%ard to. phrase a group of %ords %ithout a predi!ate" fun!tioning li,e an ad*e!ti(e" ad(er)" or noun. plural denoting more than one. polysyllabic ha(ing more than one s lla)le. possessive the !ase of a noun or a pronoun indi!ating possession" e.g. 6ohn<s+ possessi(e pronoun" e.g. m " his. predicate the part of a !lause !onsisting of %hat is said of the su)*e!t" in!luding (er) 5 !omplement or o)*e!t. predicative designating 0espe!iall 1 an ad*e!ti(e that forms part or the %hole of the predi!ate" e.g. The dog is old. prefix a (er)al element pla!ed at the )eginning of a %ord to .ualif its meaning" e.g. ex-" non-. preposition a %ord go(erning a noun or pronoun" expressing the relation of the latter to other %ords" e.g. seated at the ta)le. prepositional phrase a phrase !onsisting of a preposition and its !omplement" e.g. $ am surprised at our rea!tion. present a tense expressing a!tion no% going on or ha)ituall performed in past and future" e.g. :e !ommutes dail .
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Grammatical Terms Used in This Book :: English Grammar_-_OUP__The_Oxford_Guide_To_English_Usage.PDF =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=pronoun a %ord used instead of a noun to designate 0%ithout naming1 a person or thing alread ,no%n or indefinite" e.g. $" ou" he" et!." an one" something" et!. proper name a name used to designate an indi(idual person" animal" to%n" ship" et!. qualify 0of an ad*e!ti(e or ad(er)1 to attri)ute some .ualit to 0a noun or ad*e!ti(e/(er)1. reflexive impl ing the su)*e!t<s a!tion on himself or itself+ reflexi(e pronoun e.g. m self" ourself" et!. relative see 2relati(e !lauses2 in topi! 3.39. restrictive see relati(e !lauses semivowel a sound intermediate )et%een (o%el and !onsonant" e.g. the sound of and %. sentence adverb an ad(er) that .ualifies or !omments on the %hole senten!e" not one of the elements in it" e.g. Unfortunatel " he missed his train. simple future see future singular denoting a single person or thing. soft designating a letter" !hiefl ! or g" that indi!ates a si)ilant sound" as in !it or germ. split infinitive see 2split infiniti(e2 in topi! 3.3;. stem the essential part of a %ord to %hi!h inflexions and other suffixes are added" e.g. unlimited. stress the espe!iall hea( (o!al emphasis falling on one 0the stressed1 s lla)le of a %ord more than on the others. subject the element in a !lause 0usuall a noun or its e.ui(alent1 a)out %hi!h something is predi!ated 0the latter is the predi!ate1. subjective the !ase of a pronoun t pi!all used %hen the pronoun is the su)*e!t of a !lause. subjunctive the mood of a (er) denoting %hat is imagined" %ished" or possi)le" e.g. $ insist that it )e finished. subordinate clause a !lause dependent on the main !lause and fun!tioning li,e a noun" ad*e!ti(e" or ad(er) %ithin the senten!e" e.g. :e said that ou had gone. substitute verb the (er) do used in pla!e of another (er)" e.g. <:e li,es !ho!olate.< <Does he=< suffix a (er)al element added at the end of a %ord to form a deri(ati(e" e.g. -ation" -ing" -itis" -i?e. superlative the form of an ad*e!ti(e or ad(er) expressing the highest or a (er high degree of a .ualit " e.g. )ra(est" %orst. synonym a %ord identi!al in sense and use %ith another. transitive designating a (er) that ta,es a dire!t o)*e!t" e.g. $ said nothing. unreal condition 0espe!iall in a !onditional senten!e1 a !ondition %hi!h %ill not )e or has not )een fulfilled. unstressed designating a %ord" s lla)le" or (o%el not ha(ing stress. variant a form of a %ord et!. that differs in spelling or pronun!iation from another 0often the main or usual1 form. verb a part of spee!h that predi!ates. vowel 081 an open spee!h sound made %ithout audi)le fri!tion and !apa)le of forming a s lla)le %ith or %ithout a !onsonant+ 091 a letter usuall used to represent 081" e.g. a" e" i" o" u. wh-question word a !on(enient term for the interrogati(e and relati(e %ords" most )eginning %ith %h: %hat" %hen" %here" %hether" %hi!h" %ho" %hom" %hose" ho%.

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