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Assignment #3: Collaborative Planning

Submitted By: Will Hall & Jayme Pina

EDRL 442: Teaching Literacy 1 Nevada State College - Fall 2013 Instructor: Karen Powell

Lesson Title: Trophies Teacher Edition: 3-2 Trophies Story: Alejandros Gift

Submitted By: William Hall & Jayme Pina T.Ed Pages: CCSS:

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This lesson teaches students how to use relevant reasons to support their opinions in writing. This is a writing activity from Trophies Alejandros Gift and should take 35-40 minutes to complete. B. Student Population: Grade Level: 3rd Skill Level: On Level Groupings: Whole Group, Small group discussion, Individual C. Materials: Trophies 3-2 Alejandros Gift

Whiteboard Writing Journal Pen/Pencil

D. Objectives: Common Core State Standard

W.3.1a Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.
Learning Targets Knowledge Targets:

Students must know the purpose of an opinion piece is to state the writer's point of view
Reasoning Targets:

Students must state an opinion on a topic or text Students must determine relevant reasons to best support the opinion

Organizational Structure Relevant Text

EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

Assignment #3

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Lesson Title: Trophies Teacher Edition: 3-2 Trophies Story: Alejandros Gift

Submitted By: William Hall & Jayme Pina T.Ed Pages: CCSS:

Student-Friendly Learning Targets Student Knowledge Targets:

I know that when I write my opinion I am sharing my point of view

Student Reasoning Targets:

I can state my opinion on a topic Im writing about. I can choose relevant reasons to support my opinions.

Student-Friendly Vocabulary Important Story or book Plan

E. Procedure: 1. Discuss as a class the meaning of the word lonely and what people can do to avoid the feeling. Write ideas on the board. 2. Tell shoulder partner a time when you or a family member was lonely and write a sentence in your journal telling why he/she was lonely. 3. Having read Alejandros Gift each student will write a paragraph giving their opinion on why Alejandro was sad, using examples from the story, and things he could do to feel less lonely.

F. Closure: To close this lesson I will have each student pair up with their face partner and give one opinion on why they think Alejandro was lonely and what he could do to be less lonely. G. Assessment: Assessment Tool The paragraph they are writing will be my assessment tool. What Is Being Assessed? The ability to give an opinion on a text and back it up with relevant reasoning either from prior knowledge or from examples in the text.

EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

Assignment #3

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Lesson Title: Trophies Teacher Edition: 3-2 Trophies Story: Alejandros Gift

Submitted By: William Hall & Jayme Pina T.Ed Pages: CCSS:

H. Reflection& Thoughts: Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest to teach? I think that the concept of giving an opinion on a matter will be the easiest to teach. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the most challenging to teach? Teaching them that opinions in writing need to be accompanied with thoughtful and relevant reasons. What lesson or concept should be taught prior to this lesson? The concept of what an opinion is and what it means to give an opinion. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? I can follow up or extend this lesson by having them write their opinions about something at home or about something in another subject. Having them give an opinion on what animal they think is the strongest with reasons would extend it into Science. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? Depending on how many I would do small group or individualized instruction to further teach the concept. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change? I think that this lesson is versatile in that it can be changed but for this writing prompt I like it as is. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? The hardest part for me was wanting to use other activities rather than seeing the writing prompt as the lessons activity.

EDRL 442 - Fall 2013

Assignment #3

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