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The College of Teacher Education gained an overall score of 18.0 points in the mens division and 16.5 points in the womens division in the chess tournament held at the EMMA Center yesterday afternoon. Starting at 8:00 AM the whole tournament lasted for about 9 hours in 6 rounds. With the help of Mr. Marvin Yap Ruelan, Federation International De Eches(FIDE) Arbiter and BSEd-MAPEH students, all unions battled their way to victory with no hassle. There was a round which lasted for only 15 mins. until the first victor was raised. A member of the winning team (CTE) said, Wa mi strategy we just played the game. Despite the overwhelming presence of talent, what caught most eyes was the unique strategy shown by CAS. It was humorous watching their representatives play and at the same time wander around the room while still waiting for their turn. Naa man gud mi 3Gs: Goal, Gatherings, Get-ups they explained. Reaping 5.0 points on an individual basis, Marvin Earl Ravino (CTE) had the highest results in the Mens division. Nicole Angeligue Fuertes (Nursing) had a stunning perfect set with 6.0 points in the womens division. Gikan elementary naka-play nako daan. I play chess to make my father proud. Fuertes said. Final standing (Men): College of Teachers Education (CTE) 18.0 College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) 16.5 Medellin 13.0 Balamban 11.0 Nursing 5.0 Final standing (Women): College of Teachers Education (CTE) 16.5 College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) 16.0 Medellin 8.0 Balamban 12.0 Nursing 12.5

--April Jireh Hermogenes

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