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Whole Group: Whole group instruction is when the teacher is leading a lesson for the entire class.

She may be using technology such as the interactive white board or document camera, or materials like chart paper. All students are engaged in her lesson. The information she is teaching is necessary for all students to have access to.

Small Group: Small group instruction is when the teacher pulls aside a small number of students for differentiated instruction. This time can benefit students that need an extra challenge or students that may be struggling with content. The teacher may select students from the same level of achievement to help structure instruction for the students. While the teacher is in a small group, the other students must be working on an alternative assignment.

Independent Work Time: Independent work time is when students are working on their own to complete a task or assignment. Independent work time should be given after thorough directions. Students may be asked to work independently if the teacher needs to pull small groups. Independent work time should come with the expectation of quiet and focused time for the student to work on his or her own.

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