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"#$% '(")*+% '+,-%")

This pioject is one that you will woik on at home. It is uue on!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Choose an image that you want to iecieate with a scale uiawing. Caitoonscomics
make the best scale uiawings. The image must be school appiopiiate.

Biaw a squaie giiu on the oiiginal. Beteimine the size of the giiu that you want to
make on the oiiginal. Then, you aie to iecieate the giiu in a laigei scale foi youi
hanu uiawn image.

You aie only limiteu by youi imagination anu iesouices foi the size anu shape of
youi giiu.

Cieatively uisplay youi oiiginal anu scale uiawing to incluue the scale of each image
incluuing the units of measuiement. You also aie to wiite an explanation to show
how the aiea anu peiimetei changeu fiom youi oiiginal pictuie to youi hanu uiawn
pictuie. Be suie to use math vocabulaiy in youi wiiting. Think about using the
following woius: +#)(,. /+,/,+)(,0. /%+"%0). +#)%, anu 1"#$%2


0iiginal Image Scale Biawing
1" x 1" giiu 2" x 2" giiu

Grading Rubric:
15 points: Choosing and accurately setting up original image grid and setting up
scale image grid
10 points: Recreating artwork
15 points: Written explanation of proportion change in image (area, perimeter, etc)
using math vocabulary including ratio, proportion, percent, rate, and scale.
10 points: Overall appearance (neatness, spelling, accuracy)

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