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Reflection 6

Today is the last day in teaching practice .MCT come to my class to observe me. Today I example lesson for grad one .The lesson was about teach students the safety way for body and Pc also. I think I do good job to explain this lesson. I use different techniques to make this lesson good. The good thing I do is les talk for me and more talk for students. I use different methods to keep myself talk less. One of this methods is computer is talk not me . I record my voice as advice from doctor . Students were very happy because think is areal doctor talk exactly to this class . In same time its gave me berth and time to observe students reaction . Students during the class were enjoin in different activity. I keep them seat on the carpet are ,and make them active my show me the good way when work on the computer .Also I try to keep students busy all the time to stop any noise on the class and to keep class quoit . I you have noise class students will cant learn or hear you . According to Krashens which I use the affective filter hypothesis. To make student from down filler to up. If I have chance to this lesson again I think I will cant do meter than to day ,because I spend too much time think who can I keep this lesson perfect as last lesson to me in this school. I learn many things from this lesson .One of this thing is; if your students have problem with work sheet give them other solution to solve the task such as game in the end of class, which is review the lesson and make students happy. Also I learn I can make students active if I have good lesson plan. Next time, which will be in next year I will try to have new ideas which is not tradition for students . New ideas help students to understand and recognize the lesson better. In this lesson my MCT give me good grad. She give me many positive comment .Also she observe this lesson which she said its good more than before one. In this lesson I try to do all comment MCT give it to be before.

Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (1999). How Languages are learned. New York: Oxford University Press.

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