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Penulis : Febriana Nuraningtyas Fakultas : Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi : Kesehatan Masyarakat IPK : 3.

42 Pembimbing I : Fariani Syahrul, S.KM., M.Kes. Pembimbing II :

Faktor Risiko Pediculosis Capitis di Pesantren Al-Ikhlas Mulyorejo Panceng Gresik

Abstrak : Pediculosis capitis is a scalp infection caused by Pediculus capitis. This disease mainly attacks young age and quickly spread in a dense environment like a boarding school. Pediculosis capitis problems associated with unhealthy behaviors and environmental conditions. This study aims to analyze the risk factors associated with the occurrence of Pediculosis capitis in Al Ikhlas Boarding School/Pondok Pesantren at Mulyorejo Panceng Gresik. This study was an observational descriptive with cross sectional study. The population in this study were all students of Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhlas Mulyorejo Panceng Gresik. Independent variable was living expence money, students healthy behavioral factors (knowledge, attitudes and practices), and room occupancy density. Dependent variable was Pediculosis capitis. Data collection using questionnaires and observation and then analyzed using a statistical test of Spearman correlation to determine the relationship between risk factors with Pediculosis capitis. From the research results a weak relationship exists between knowledge of Pediculosis capitis with the attitude in the face of Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.541), there is a weak relationship between attitudes with action in the face of Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.403), there is a weak relationship between allowance with action in the face of Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.21), there is a weak relationship between knowledge about Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.380), there is a relationship between attitudes weak in dealing with Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.251), there was a weak relationship between actions in dealing with Pediculosis capitis (correlation coefficient 0.251), solid rooms lead to pediculosis capitis. To prevent the occurrence of Pediculosis capitis is advisable to lodge managers to pay attention to and made repairs to basic sanitation, especially reducing the residential density of spacious rooms at least 8 m2/2 people.

Keyword : Pediculosis capitis, Risk Factors

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