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Script Haribo Tangfastics Advert

EXT. Last lesson of the day, Lydia and Beth walking towards the library doors. The doors open and they walk in.

INT. Corridor BETH Ugh, I cant be bothered for this lesson, Im so tired. LYDIA Yeah, me too. Wish we could go home already! Fridays drag so much.

INT. Beth and Lydia are slowly walking up the stairs, looking tired and worn out. They open the door to the classroom, walk in and sit down. Lydia reaches into her bag and takes a folder out. BETH You done your photography wo... (interrupted)

Bag of Haribo Tangfastics drops down out of nowhere onto their desk. LYDIA Woah! Where did they come from?! BETH Ooh open them, lets have one!

Lydia opens the packet of Haribos and puts one in her mouth. Reactions of their faces filmed several times.

NARRATOR (me) Brighten up those dull days with Haribo Tangfastics!

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