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Excavating the Shang Dynasty Notes Shang Government Led by a King o Hereditary rule Divided into clans Had

Had powerful armies with bronze weapons and chariots Shang Social Classes Rulers and family Nobles/Landowners Craftspeople The bronze workers held the most prestige Traders Often used cowrie shells for currency Farmers (largest) Slaves Shang Religion Worshipped their ancestors Believed in life after death o Thus, they buried the kings possessions, as well as food with him o They also sacrificed the kings servants and slaves, so they could assist him in the afterlife Used oracle bones to seek advice from their deceased ancestors Used human sacrifices Shang Writing Used Pictographs like Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India Later began using logographs to stand for entire words Shang Art Made vessels for religious ceremonies Artisans worked with bronze, pottery, stone, and jade Shang Technology Among first to combine copper and tin to make bronze Made arrowheads, spearheads, ax heads, and helmets Helped the Shang remain in power for more than 500 years

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