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September 2nd, 2009 - A

• NEW SEATS! Sit down.

• Focus: spread out your flashcards on
your desk. I will be around to check them.
If they are not spread out and ready by
the time I get there they are late!

• Focus 2: update your “this week in L.A.”

in your daybook. Make sure you’ve added
a sentence or two from Monday’s class
AND from yesterday’s class.
September 2nd, 2009 - A
1. Class lists of rights and responsibilities

4. “I AM” poem. I recommend writing a

rough draft first (perhaps in your
daybook or on a scrap piece of
September 2nd, 2009 - A
1. To be finished today:
• Final copy of “I AM” poem. Glue this onto the 2nd
lavender page in your WHO AM I book.
• All pages up to “I AM”
-cover = glued on copy of final name acrostic poem
-dark pink = “Who am I”
-lavender = “Would you rather”
-blue = “My roots”
-light pink = name tree
-yellows = “Where I live”, “My favorite place poem”,
drawing of favorite place
-light pink = “My Rights and Responsibilities”
-blue = “My Hopes and Dreams”
-lavender = glued in copy of “I AM” poem
-dark pink = picture of you (if you want, not required)

6. Tonight’s homework: Practice Vocab. 1 (worksheet)

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