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Popcorn Words:

These are words that pop into stories or books.

Please practice these words often so your child may read them

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Mrs. Haans Kindergarten News: Sept. 29
This Week:

This week we started learning about word families. Word families

are sets of words that have the same rime (ending). We talked
about how word families all have the same last name (ending)
and so they all belong in the same family. The word family that
we focused on this week was (am). We learned how to blend the
two letters /a/ and /m/ together to make a smooth sounding (am).
We then added letters to the beginning of (am) to make words
like Sam, Pam, ram, jam, and ham. We have been working on
these words through building words, writing words, and reading
them in stories. Please practice these words with your child by
reading through some of the papers or books that they take
We also introduce the ball chairs into our classroom this week!
The kids were so excited to see them and to learn all about them.
We slowly introduce these chairs and how to use them so that
the students are careful and know what they are for. Each table
now has a chair and we will be adding one new ball to each table
for the next few weeks until all students have one.

Next Week:

Theme: Pumpkins
Literacy: Letter Pp and Popcorn Word a
Writing: How can I stretch my sounds?
Math: 2D Shapes
Bible: Jacob and Esau
Science/Social Studies: We will begin our unit on fall. We will
explore the signs of fall, pumpkins, and leaves.

Memory Verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your
paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


Monday: Library
Tuesday: Music and PE
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: PE


Upcoming Events:

October 1 - Judahs Birthday!

October 3 - Pumpkin Patch Visit (wear green
chapel shirt)
October 5 - Orange Day!
October 6 - NO SCHOOL - Heartland Break

Blog - Check out the blog for pictures from this week!
Pumpkin Patch - We will be going to the Dordt pumpkin patch (on
Highway 75) on Monday, October 3 to learn more about pumpkins
from Farmer Mike. We will be going in the morning for about an
hour. There is no cost for this trip.
Falling for Good Books - As a way to promote reading, your child
has taken home a book called Falling for Good Books. Inside the
cover are directions for this reading program through the month of
October. For each book that is read to them or by them, they can
color in one leaf. When all of the leaves are colored, they may
return the book to school. At the end of October, we will celebrate
reading with a little reading treat.

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