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Only the wisest and the stupidest cannot change The spirit of the law works in mysterious ways

able to deal with both !8 /"talian#politicians#agree#to#aid#against#last#$at%#&ope'8 8(0!)/*hen#the#+ueen#is#Tried#and#,ound#to#-e#.riminal#*hat# /re#0er#$epresentati1es The &ope and 2od sa1e the +ueen children traffickers also work in mysterious ways "lluminati 33333333 "n 2od they Trust

www.)$617feature6endscreen7168(9:; $0<'s <mpire of the .ity =atican> 9ondon> ?.'0'/-O5@/"#-ritish#Oriented#5a%i#@ionist#/natomy#"ncinerator

The 5obel &eace &ri%e ?oublethink

?oublethink means holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. 5<*A 5e1er <nding *ar Atory There is no difference between good and e1il as the rele1ance a mere matter of bias perception The Nobel Peace Prize (Norwegian and Swedish: Nobels fredspris) is one of the five Nobel Prizes created b the Swedish ind!strialist" inventor" and armaments

manufacturer #lfred Nobel" along with the prizes

in $he%istr " Ph sics" Ph siolog or Medicine" &iterat!re. Since '()'" it has been awarded ann!all (with so%e e*ceptions) to those who have +done the %ost or the best work for fraternit between nations" for the abolition or red!ction of standing ar%ies and for the holding and pro%otion of peace congresses.+,'-;#CD'y/EB .ancer .ured 1

*ho could possibly be more pathetic e;cuses for humanity than our apathetic corporate puppet go1ernments4< Eedical .onspiracy The 5obel &eace> Eedical> .hemistry> &hysics and &sychology people work in mysterious ways The ,rank people work in mysterious ways as they must!F !!0/"gnorance#Our#/lbatross#Truth#Our#/mmo#Their#/lamo

They are doing ama%ing things with truth at the reciprocity e;change

The people can trust in 0e when 0e can trust in *e

*ho Gnew4

*ell 3 5O* H 5ew Order *orld 3 *e doIII *orld Aociety *A *e Aay!F !!0/"gnorance#Our#/lbatross#Truth#Our#/mmo#Their#/lamo ,or the children eh4 3 for we are all honorable children of 2od eh4

Eerry .hristmas

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