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Fire - alarm system

I . Introduction:
Afire alarm system has been developed to protect life and property in case of fire accident. a) b) c) d) History & Background information about the fire alarm system Types of fire alarm system Component of each type Types of sensors and the disadvantages of them . nstallation and maintenance of fire alarm system.

II. History
a) background information i) !hen it !as invented "by !hom#) $ fire alarm system !as invented by %andolph smith and &enneth house in '()( !hen it !as start to take it current kno!n shapes and method# $in the early '(**+s detectors started to take the current kno!n shapes and method b) types of fire alarm system i) there are t!o types "manual, automatic) ii) !hat is the component of each type and ho! does it !ork# c) types of sensors : i) most commonly used sensors is - photo - electric sensor ,ioni.ation sensor and thermal sensor. ii) !hat is the components of each type and ho! does it !ork#


iii) the disadvantage of each type . d)Installation and maintenance of fire alarm systemi) there are some instructions need to be follo!ed so that accuracy can be guaranteed

III. conclusionFire-alarm systems proved to be very useful throughout the years. t has beaten mobile phones and micro!ave oven in a survey to find out the British public+s top '* innovations. t !as considered a top gadget by /*0 of those asked. The poll !as conducted by researchers at Brunel 1niversity in !est 2ondon in 3**4. "http-55ne! This sho!s us the importance of fire alarm system. But here in &u!ait houses are rarely e6uipped !ith both smoke detectors and fire e7tinguisher systems. For the safety of people the government should put a la! that obliges the houses o!ners to install a fire alarm system.

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