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PresIdent's New Year hessage for 2014

You wIll, hope, have had a thoroughly enjoyable ChrIstmas and wIll be lookIng forward to
a healthy and prosperous New Year.
We all make our plans for the year ahead by takIng tIme to reflect on what has gone
before. therefore hope that you wIll recognIse the journey that we have all been on thIs
last year, as It has been fIlled wIth success and achIevement across all that we have done.
Dne of our prImary goals was to help wIth the work of WTF PresIdent 0r Choue In hIs quest
to keep Taekwondo as a core sport for the 2020 DlympIc Cames. t Is truly an honour to say
that we dId just that and beIng a part of the team In Lausanne when It was announced was
amazIng. Dur PresIdent 0r Choue dId a remarkable job.
We have just hosted the Inaugural WTF Crand PrIx In |anchester, where our WTF PresIdent
0r Choue and WTF Secretary Ceneral 0r Ayer have both proclaImed It c huye success.
Dur athletes all dId us proud once agaIn, wIth Lutalo and Cho wInnIng Cold and Jade wIth
SIlver. We have a world class programme and want to thank Cary Hall, our coaches and
staff for theIr fantastIc efforts, know they strIve contInually for Improvement and am
sure that 2014 wIll show our strength yet agaIn.
Dur governance has contInued to be strengthened wIth the appoIntment of nonexecutIve
dIrectors Jon SmIth and PIers |artIn to our ExecutIve 8oard. We have secured 'Creen'
status on our selfassurance wIth Sport England, who have recently awarded us contInued
fundIng for our 'KIckSIster' and 'TK0 CeneratIons' programmes. Dur Coach EducatIon
Programme, whIch Is eagerly antIcIpated by many coaches, wIll be avaIlable In AprIl 2014
after the pIlot project Is complete. Add to thIs our Club 0evelopment opportunItIes, then
our 0evelopment team, led by |argaret Nolan and ably assIsted by |Ike |cKenzIe, wIll
have a very busy year ahead.
Dur membershIp, Instructor and club numbers are all up agaIn, whIch just shows how hard
our InspIrIng coaches are workIng. November 201J was our bIggest ever 0an promotIon
test. Dur |artIal Art TechnIcal Team Is already makIng plans for the 100th 0an PromotIon
In November 2014, whIch we plan to make specIal for all those candIdates wIshIng to
attend. know that |aster Lennox, our ChIef Instructor, looks on 201J wIth prIde,
especIally as the release of our vIdeo resource on our websIte has been crItIcally acclaImed
by many from home and abroad. The plans for 2014 wIll contInue that cuttIng edge
approach to help members and coaches wIth such a valuable tool.
Dur |edIa ServIces on our websIte, Facebook and TwItter kIcked Into top gear wIth the
appoIntment of 8eth 8Ishop as our |edIa DffIcer In 201J. There are further medIa
developments In the pIpelIne for 2014 agaIn whIch are all very excItIng.
We set our targets hIgh, as we rIghtly should, to be judged agaInst our strategy. We have
achIeved the objectIves and more, agaIn excellIng and settIng the standard for others to
follow. All of thIs Is because we work together, as a famIly, for the benefIt of every
member In every club. We have had a most memorable and enjoyable year and It could not
have been done wIthout you all.
We wIll agaIn challenge ourselves to achIeve our vIsIon and to strIve for better. The realIty
Is that we are at a place that we dreamed of only a few short years ago, so we have to
make sure we stay focused and be professIonal In everythIng we do.
n summary, we have had a superb 201J and that Is yet agaIn thanks to you all and the way
we all work together In such a unIfIed manner. Such unIty Is a precIous commodIty and we
should all be very proud of our achIevements, as we are the envy of many others. Dur
motto of More People, More Tcekwondo, More D]ten wIll hope serve as a beacon for
everyone In our art and sport to be a part of what we do.
FInally, as ever, agaIn echo WTF PresIdent 0r Choue's very posItIve 2014 statement, In
partIcular, the followIng remark:
Whle tcekwondo s n c yood poston currently, we must not become complccent.
HIs leadershIp and comments wIll guIde us well for the year ahead, as we buIld on our
progress toward even greater success In everythIng we do.
once agaIn look forward to makIng WTF Taekwondo and 8rItIsh Taekwondo the very best
It can be In 2014.
Fespectfully yours

AdrIan Tranter

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