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Literature Keperawatan

Titan Ligita

Searching Strategy
Proquest 5000, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline, ISI Web Science and Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) Menggunakan key word yang relevan Kombinasi Artikel 5 tahun sebelumnya Berbahasa Inggris atau Indonesia atau bahasa Asing lain

Empirical studies/Research report Literature Review Case Studies Poster Book

Taking information or ideas from another writer and using them in your own work, without acknowledging the source in an accepted manner Di bidang akademik, plagiat merupakan kesalahan yang serius

Which of the following would be considered as plagiarism? a) Not providing a reference when you have used somebodys idea. b) Copying a few sentences from an article on the internet without giving a reference. c) Not giving a reference when you use commonly accepted ideas, e.g. Aids is a growing problem. d) Giving the reference but not using quotation marks when you take a sentence from another writer s article. e) Taking a paragraph from a classmates essay without giving a reference. f) Presenting the results of your own research.
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Mencegah Plagiarism
To paraphrase To summarize the original. you are not expected to alter every word of the original text, but your summary must be substantially different from the original.

Mencegah Plagiarism
Seorang peneliti tidak akan menampilkan hasil penelitian orang lain seolah-oleh hasil kerja miliknya Penggunaan tanda kutip disertai nama pengarang

Self Plagiarism
Bagaimana dengan ini?

Anda melakukan telaah sebuah artikel, kemudian anda bermaksud menuliskan ide, kata-kata atau hasil kerja yang relevan dari artikel tersebut untuk suatu laporan penulisan anda. Bagaimana agar laporan telaah artikel tersebut terhindar dari plagiarism.


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