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Long stay of Mars in Libra and its consequences in year 2014

Mars in a cycle of 2 years 2 months becomes Retrograde and overstays in a Rashi for about 6.5 months to 7.5 months as against its normal stay of 45 days . During Mars overstay in a Rashi it regresses in the previous sign as well, which is crucial. Mars is the Lord of the Lagna and the 8th house of the natural zodiac and hence acquires a special dimension when it is Retrograde. Mars and Saturn return aspect has been since Mars was in Aries on the 13th April 2013 and then in Cancer on the 19th August 2013, the effects will surface till Mars crosses the sign of Libra on the 5th Sept. 2014 and ingresses in its sign of Scorpio. We are all aware of the results of the conjunction and aspect of Mars and Saturn what we have experienced till date. In 2014 they will be most instrumental in giving their results as per below combinations, specially when in the year 2014 Mars will over stay in Libra for about 211 days. I have tried to see the movement of all the planets and observing the effects of the same till 14th July 2014 when Rahu will ingress in the sign of Virgo and separate from Saturn. 1. The year starts with Amavasya Yoga on the 1st Jan 2014 at 16-44 hrs aspected by Retrograde Jupiter is definitely good to some extent. The Lagna rising is Gemini and there is exchange of the Lagna Lord Mercury and the 7th Lord Jupiter . 2. 6th-7th Jan . 2014 Venus will fall in Sagittarius and then afflicted badly by Mars and Saturn can surface similiar incidents as that of Dec. 2012 against women.

When Venus goes Retrograde, works dealing with artistic pursuits would be derailed. Relationships and financials also take a beating. New relationships that come during Venus retrograde seem to be long lasting but they need to be tried and tested after Venus goes direct and usually dont last long. Venus will become direct on the 1st Feb 2014 and ingress in Capricorn on the 27th Feb. 2014 . 14th Jan 2014 16-45 hrs Ingress of Sun takes place in Capricorn and Aries sign is rising and afflicted by Rahu-Ketu and Saturn . Sun is placed in the 10th house , hence activities of the 10th house will be surfaced in the coming months till Sun ingresses in Cancer and as per the Paksha Kundalis 3. On the 1-1-2014 Luminaries are placed in the 7th house and will receive the aspect of Mars , Saturn and Jupiter . See the degrees of the Luminaries 16.54 and that of Mars 17.47 , Jupiter 21.59 and Mercury 18. 47. The aspect of Mars will be the closest and then Jupiter. Superior planets will throw their aspect on the 9th house of the natural Zodiac, in the beginning of the year and therefore there could be Activities of Religion surfacing in all areas , including the foreign affairs, since in the Paksha Kundali of the 1st Jan 2014 the aspects are on the 7th house .Mars is inVirgo , it will transit in the sign of Libra on the 5th Feb. 2014 and become retrograde on the 3rd March 2014 and fall in Virgo again on the 24-25th March 2014, will be a crucial parameter . Mars will will be in the Southern hemisphere till 27th Nov. 2014. Mars will also have a long Stay in Libra from 5th Feb. 2014 to 5th Sept. 2014 .. Mars will be in Libra for 212 days out of which it will be in fallen stage for 111 days in Virgo from 25th March to 14th July 2014. It will be in Retrogression stage from 25th March to 20th May 2014 when it becomes Direct . This will be the most crucial period , specially from the 5th Feb. 2014 when Mars joins Libra sign together with Rahu and Saturn . Earthquakes, Explosions relating to chemicals , Accidents , specially relating to Vehicles and Aircraft, since the conjunction is in the Libra and an airy sign, Criminal and terrorist activities will surface and will be on the increase and cannot be ruled out . Women also have to take care in this period for untoward happenings. Political ups and Downs cannot be ruled out. Aam Admi Party will face obstacles at every stage . Political unstability cannot be ruled out . 3.

3.Using Rashi Sanghata on the 20th Feb 2014 Sun and Moon are offered veda by Saturn, Rahu and Mars is crucial .Using Nakshatra Sanghata Chakra as per Paksha Kundali Sun and Moon both afflicted by Vedha of Rahu and Mars from from the Chitra nakshatra .On the 31st Jan 2014 03-09 hrs In the Nakshatra Sanghata Chakra Sun and Moon both offered Veda by Rahu from the Swati nakshatra are crucial parameters on these dates, as Sun and Moon are the King and the Queen for a nation. this is indicative of malefic happenings for them.

4. Saturn, Mars will become Retrograde on the 2nd March 2014 a rare phenomena and Jupiter will then also be in retrogression , 3 planets in retrogression and the superior ones. Mars goes Retrogradeonce in every two years and two months. Hence Mars retrograde motion is a rare event when compared to the other planets. During this time conflicts, anger and hostility need to be curbed and kept under check. You need to garner your strength to prove your mettle in an area of least importance in your life. Mars retrograde provides opportunities to withdraw or re-phrase your challenges in life. When Saturn goes retrograde there would be delays and hindrances for ongoing projects. Health concerns also arise during this time. Old relations or situations shall come calling back. Saturn retrograde period can be best used to review things that need a change. This time can be spent for restructuring your financial plans as well. Saturn will come direct on the 20th July 2014. Although Jupiter will become direct on the 6-7th March 2014, Jupiter Retrograde is not that bad as that of the other planets retrograde motion but it does cause one to overdo in certain matters. It may delay the final outcome but it also should be beneficial. The only way that it may be bad is if there is a disease that is going on. As Jupiter rules travels its retrograde period might bring in lots of wanted and unwanted travels making you tired as weak. The retrograde period of Jupiter is also an ideal time to concentrate and fully understand your studies if you are involved in the same. Jupiter retrograde is also connected with pregnancy and bloating of the body but since Jupiter will be in the nakshatra of Rahu after 16-17th Jan 2014 and Rahu will ingress in the nakshatra of Mars on the 14th Feb. 2014 will be crucial parameters for the Globe . Significations

of Jupiter and Rahu will suffer greatly, Finance sector including Gold, Accidents etc as mentioned above . . I am reminded of the period 30 yrs ago when both Mars and Saturn were in the sign of Libra and both retrograde and the Blue star operation took place on the 5th June 1984. Assassination of Prime Minister Indra Gandhi on the 30th Oct 1984 . I am afraid to write similar situations can arise. The sign of Libra signifies Peace , Tranquility and Balance , since it will be afflicted there will be Predominance of Rahu significations during this period,. but ultimately there will be peace , Rahu never gives any thing easily. 5. Hindu New Moon chart of 2013 is not conducive to bring good results for the Political affairs, I have already written on this in this website. As far as the Hindi New Moon Pieces chart of the 31st March 2014 00-15 hrs is concerned Scorpio Lagna is Rising and Mars is Fallen, In Mrityu Bhag and Retrograde in the 11th house . Lagna is also in Gandantha at 29.27 degrees and in the nakshatra of Jyestha and Mercury its Lord of the 8th and 11th house placed behind Sun in the 4th house and aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house making a connection with 8th house , Jupiter will also act as a saving, 7th and 12th Lord Venus placed in the 3rd house and having Exchange with Saturn the 3rd Lord is again not good and indicates some plans being hatched by neighbours and coilition partners. 6. Solar Eclipse on the 29th April 2014 in the sign of Aries will receive the aspect of Fallen Mars 8th aspect and Saturn 7th aspect , both Mars and Saturn will then be in retrograde motion and surface deformations and unrest in the political fields. Countries having the connection of Mars and Saturn with the Luminaries and the nodes will face problems, specially those ruled by Democracy. See the degrees of the Luminaries 14-48 and the Planet Mars 17-48 , very close degrees aspect. Real Estate will suffer. . This eclipse will surface many happenings, specially where the eclipse is taking place in those countries over the Natal Lagna, Sun or Moon and adverse Anter Dasha of Rahu is in operation. This may also hold good for individuals and celebrities specially. 7. As per Myur Chitram, Saturn and Rahu conjuction bring price rise and we have experienced this ever since Rahu has ingressed in Libra and joined Saturn from 14th Jan 2013, this will continue till 14th July 2014. 8. Another Principle as Per Myur Chitram when a Benefic is Attichari and a Melefic goes Retrograde then there is war break between the Kings and famine, Mars is turning Retrograde on the 2nd March 2014 and Mercury is turning Attichari after 2 days is crucial parameter 9. Nodes will ingress in the sign of Virgo and Pieces on the 14th July 2014, may bring transformations in religious and other affairs. I am here giving the Planetary positions till the ingress of the nodes. I shall be writing detailed analysis as per Solar ingress and the Paksha kundalis separately. Countries which will be influenced most will be with movable Lagnas, Moon or Sun like India, China, Pakistan, USA, Japan, Afganistan, ShriLanka, Iran,

will be influenced most along with other countries. As far as India is concerned, there will be tough situations from 5th Feb. to 20th May 2014 for the Political system of the country. Aam Admi Party is likely to face obstacles at every stage .The situations will be real tough however till the completion of the Hindu New Moon Chart of 2013 till 31st March 2014, The Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of 2014 is definitely better than the 2013, but again not a very healthy one There is Amavasya Rajyoga in the 5th house which is a stong yoga for Scorpio Lagna , but again aspected by Fallen Mars . Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala 30th Dec. 2013

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