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Sagittarius Cluster (circa 2632 CE)

Location of KalDraya Core Alliance territory

Main area of the Frontier Both sides want Andromeda for living space & resources

Frontier/the Void

Location of Talvan

Zharan territory

Location of ZharAea

*Note: the AICR once had territory in all the highlighted regions, until the ZIIC seceded in 2584

The Allied Intergalactic Colonial Republics is centered on the Milky Way, where its central government is based, on Earth in the Sol System, which is also the human cradle-world o The AICR also incorporates some eight other galaxies, including both Magellanic Clouds, the Botes, Draco and Sagittarius dwarf galaxies o The Large Magellanic Cloud is home to Talvan, which is one of the largest and most successful Alliance colonies, and is often referred to as the gateway to the Frontier o The Draco Dwarf galaxy was home to the KalDrayan people, who lived on KalDraya in the NaDeria system, until they were invaded and all but wiped out by the Zharans The Zharan Interstellar Imperial Confederation is centered in the Triangulum Galaxy, with the Zharan peoples homeworld of ZharAea in the DRana-Vedka (Light of the Day) system o The ZIIC also has seven other galaxies, and has large holdings in the Andromeda Galaxy, which is a major source of contention in the ongoing Frontier War o The Zharans have militarily occupied numerous systems throughout their region of the Sagittarius Cluster, and seek to increase their territory by way of aggressive expansion o By the opening of the series, they have been laying siege to the Milky Way for over six years, leading the war into perhaps its most dangerous stage yet

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