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Country Brochure Project

Instructions 1. 2. Choose one country to research and sign up for it on your class signup sheet. Research and gather information about your country. a. Please refer to my website ( for recommended sources. i. Resources: Here is a list of some suggestions for researching your country. CIA World Factbook ! Fact Monster ! http://www.factm /countries.htm l National Geographic ! Atlapedia ! /online/country_index.htm Geographic ! 3. This brochure is due at the end of class on Monday, January 27 th .

Content Areas 1. People and Language: a. Population of the country b. Ethnic groups and languages spoken. 2. Location: a. Where is your country located on the world map? What countries border it? What oceans border your country? 3. Clim ate a. Information on the weather and climate of the country. (Are the weather conditions basically the same throughout the country or do different regions experience different temperatures and conditions? Warm or cold? Does it depend on the season?) 4. Vegetation: a. Some basic geographical features of the country. (Is it mountainous? flat? Is there ocean access? Are there a lot of rivers?) Is it Is it rainy or is it dry?


Anim als: a. What species of animals live in your chosen country?

6. Governm ent & History: a. Some historical information about the country. (When did it become independent? Is there anything particularly unique about the countrys history?) b. Politics (Type of government, do the people hold any power, civil wars, international conflicts, immigration) 7. Culture: a. Some cultural information about the country. (This can be information about the types of food/music/art/clothing that are popular in this country, or it can be information about a particular festival or holiday that is celebrated in that country. This can also include famous cities or sites of interest.) 8. Tourism : a. Information about famous cities and sites within the country (Are there any famous museums, parks, beaches, monuments, ruins, etc. in that country that people might be interested in visiting?) 9. Extra Credit: a. Religion = (5 points) b. Sports= (5 points)

Country Brochure Checklist ! Brochure Design Country Name, a picture of the flag, and a map of the country on cover of the brochure. People & Language Location Climate Vegetation Animals Government & History Culture Tourism Includes photos for each content area Layout Includes colors associated with countrys flag Total 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 100 Points Possible 5 Points Earned

Grading: This is the grading rubric for this project.

CATEGORY Attractiveness & Organization (Organization) (4) Excellent The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information. Content - Accuracy (Ideas) The brochure has all of the required information (see checklist) and some additional information Writing - M echanics (Conventions) All of the writing is done in complete sentences. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. Most of the writing is done in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. Graphics/Pictures The graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Sources There are many citations from a variety of sources accurately listed on the brochure. The graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. There are some citations from a variety of sources accurately listed on the brochure. There are a few citations accurately listed on the brochure. Some of the writing is done in complete sentences. Some of the capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. The graphics go well with the text, but there are too few. Most of the writing is not done in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization and punctuation are not correct throughout the brochure. The graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Incomplete citations are listed on the brochure. The brochure has all of the required information (see checklist). The brochure has most of the required information (see checklist). (3) Good The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information. (2) Alm ost The brochure has well-organized information. (1) Not Yet The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. The brochure has little of the required information (see checklist).

4 = 90% and higher 3= 80 89%

2= 70-79% 1= 60% and below

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