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Medina, Allen Lacap | A-237

Impedient Impediments
1. Mixed Religion - W hereas the marri age of a baptized pers on wit h an infidel is n ull a n d void, the ma rri age o f a Catholi c with a baptize d non Catholic is the o bject of a prohibitory i mpediment, mi xed r eligio n ( mixta religio); it is ther efore a relati ve impedim ent. For t he dispensation i n case of mi xe d marr i ages and the conditions at tac hed to it see MIXED MARRIA GES. 2. Legal Ado ptive Rel ations hip - ther e is the purel y legal rel ati onship of ad optio n, with the prohibition s of mar riage att ac hed t o it in Ro ma n la w; the chur ch h as m erel y ac cepte d a nd ratifi ed th em. 3. Simple Vo ws - Such als o is the case of a vow, not an y vo w

wh atso e ver, but a vow of c hastit y, and mor eover a s imple vow, for a s olemn vo w of chastit y c onstitut es a diri ment impedi ment . T he obligation by vo w to wards God i s an obst acle t o any marri age; c onsequentl y it too is an absolut e prohibit or y impediment .

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