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1. Know what to expect 2. Gain trust early on Kalo ngerjain tugas, go for the long mile 3.

Pay attention to the office culture,, observe & mirror Missal: punctuality 4. Focus Dont socmed, text 5. Take your work seriously Kalo bias flawless. If not, own up & fix it. Tell your boss it wont happen again 6. Ask for feedback Ask your boss how youre doing What could you do differently What could you do better Are you meeting the goals of the organization? What about the goals your boss has for you as individual Once you have the feedbacks, use it 7. Learn from your co-workers 8. Dress appropriately Dress for the part you want to play 9. Ask for advice Talk to co-workers about your career plans Let them know youre open to advice, both now and in the future They can be helpful by sharing job leads, recommending you for a job & suggesting various career choice 10. Say Thank you Talk

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