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LEO FADE IN: Establishing still shot of graffiti. FADE IN: Establishing still shot of barbed-wire fence.

FADE IN: Establishing still shot of street. INT: (MUSIC IS PLAYING) Long-shot of LEO running from behind. Shot of LEOs feet running from a side angle. Establishing shot of the alleyway. Shot of LEO catching heavily breathing with a panicked expression on his face. He then sits down slowly, still panic struck. We then see a close-up of LEOs eyes looking straight at the camera. INT: DAY (MUSIC IS PLAYING) A long-shot of a group of young boys including LEO playing football. Close-up shots of LEOs face are shown whilst he is playing football. A whistle is blown and the boys come off the pitch looking disappointed. We then see LEOs father (JOHN) giving him a disappointing glare and LEO returns the look, but instead with great concern on his face. LEO approaches his father (JOHN) who then aggressively grabs his shirt and pulls LEO towards him. A close-up is then seen showing JOHN shouting at LEO and LEO then looks very scared and apologetic) CUT TO: Another close-up of LEOs eyes looking directly at the camera. FADE OUT.



LEO lets out a large sigh. He suddenly looks up to his right with concern. LEO (tense and eyes widening) Oh Shit! FADE TO BLACK.

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