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Chapter 3


Cylinder Stress Resultant Calculation MsP = Pt 2 LMsN MsX =XLtLMsN Ms = MsP +MsX Qp = PtLQN QX = XLQN Q =QP+QX 3(1 - v 2 ) bcy = 2 2 RL t L PRL + XL 2

Cone Stress Resultant Calculation McsP = MsP McsX =MsX Mcs = Mcsp +McsX Qc =Qcos[a]+Nssin[a](1) RC = RL cos[a ]

3(1 - v 2 ) bco = 2 2 RC tC

Ns =

Ncs=Nscos[a]-Qsin[a](2) Nc q = PRL + 2bcoRc ( -M cs bco - Qc ) cos[a ]

N q = PRL + 2bcy RL ( -M s bcy + Q ) Kpc = 1.0 Stress Calculation ssm N = s tL 6M s 2 tL K pc Nq tL 6vM s 2 tL K pc

Kcpc = 1.0 Stress Calculation ssm = ssb = sqm = sqb = Ncs tC 6M cs 2 tC K cpc Nc q tC 6vM cs 2 tC K cpc

ssb = sqm = sqb =

Acceptance Criteria ssm ssm sqm sqm 1.5S ssb SPS 1.5S sqb SPS

Acceptance Criteria ssm ssm sqm sqm 1.5S ssb SPS 1.5S sqb SPS

Notes: 1. The Q and Ns values used to determine the resultant shear force in the cone, Qc, are the same as those dened for the cylinder. 2. The Q and Ns values used to determine the resultant meridional membrane force in the cone, Ncs, are the same as those dened for the cylinder.

Solution Step 1 The thickness of the large cylinder tL from Eq. (2.51) is
tL = (180/2) [e(215/22,400) 1] = 0.87 inch

Use tL = 7/8 inch.

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