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Similarities between Florence Nightingale & Mary Seacole

They both possessed strong organizational skills.

Differences between Florence Nightingale & Mary Seacole

Mary worked on the frontline putting her life at risk. Florence worked within the confines of a hospital. Mary Seacole performed minor surgical techniques; Florence helped to improve conditions at the hospital in Scutari. Mary carried out an autopsy to help her understand the effect of cholera on the body while Florence improved hygiene. Mary administered herbal medicine as well as caring for patients. Florence conformed to, and established, the traditional role of a nurse as assisting the doctors. Mary was a flamboyant and colourful personality, while Florence was a more typically restrained, middle-class Victorian woman.

Both were strong-willed, determined women who believed women should have a role in medicine. They both transformed the hospital environment.

They were both pioneering women who challenged the Victorian establishment and especially the role of women in society. Both had a strong desire to help people.

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