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Position Profile: SM (Development)

POSITION VERSION DATE REPORTS TO DIRECT REPORTS LOCATION APPROVED B SM (Development) 03rd October 2011 GM Technical/Development Managers "egion !ssistant Managers

P!RPOSE O" POSITION 1# Manage the e$ec%tion o& Optical 'iber access and (%nction pro(ects in )%siness *one +ith con&ormance to established technical speci&ications, standards, and +ithin stip%lated time &rame and b%dget allocation# 2# -or.o%t the technical &easibilit/ o& pro(ects proposed to cater &or the needs o& corporate sector, reso%rce management, speed/ e$ec%tion and 0%alit/ ass%rance o& corporate c%stomer1s pro(ects to ma.e val%able additions to 2T34 reven%e#


Position Profile: SM (Development)

ROLES # RESPONSIBILITIES Pro$e%t M&n&'ement 5$ec%tion and constr%ction s%pervision o& 2ro(ects related to access net+or.s, metro net+or.s, installation o& transmission e0%ipment, D66, and MS!7# !nal/8e the re0%irement o& corporate c%stomers and cond%ct detailed s%rve/ to come %p +ith sol%tions# !rrangement o& reso%rces s%ch as spared transmission e0%ipment, recti&iers and batter/ ban.s &or corporate sector connectivit/# To monitor the progress o& ongoing transmission pro(ects and ens%re that it is in line +ith the 2ro(ect 9mplementation 2lan# 3oordination +ith Transmission Operations, 9T9, and 92 Ops +ings &or timel/ completion o& pro(ects &or catering the needs o& corporate sector# 9denti&/, propose and implement contingenc/ plans in case the pro(ect progress is hindered b/ %n&oreseen &actors# S%pervision and progress monitoring o& on:going b%ilding +or.s# To hold meetings +ith vendors to monitor the progress o& ongoing +or.s, to s%ggest actions &or accelerating the progress and to send periodic reports to higher management## Technical eval%ation o& bids invited b/ 2T34 &or di&&erent transmission:related sol%tions# 2reparation o& net+or. design, )O;, speci&ications, SO-, 292 and "'2 preparation# 2ropose and implement sol%tions &or s%ch problems as band+idth limitation, slo+ bro+sing, broadcast etc# in the operational transmission net+or.# Monitor and eval%ate reporting emplo/ees#

Pro'ress Revie( &n) Reportin'

Te%*ni%&l S+pport "+n%tions

!n)ert&,e perform&n%e m&n&'ement


Position Profile: SM (Development)

-PI Prim&r. -PIs 3orrective actions completed +ithin planned time &rame# 3ompletion o& strategic ob(ectives achieved +ithin planned time:&rame# 3ompletion o& 2ro(ects1 milestones +ithin planned time:&rame# Se%on)&r. -PI 5val%ate per&ormance o& all reporting emplo/ees#

-E Intern&l


"elevant department heads !ll departments

<endors 3ons%ltants

Profession&l Competen%ies

S+pportin' Competen%ies

=nderstanding challenges speci&ic to the

telecom ind%str/

=nderstand problems and classi&/

these into simpler tas.s and ta.e ade0%ate decisions on the basis o& available in&ormation

>no+ledge o& )%siness 2rocess "e:


>no+ledge o& the ne+ advancements

and technological changes in the telecom sector

5ns%re the need o& the team

members are met and &oster team+or. e$pectations

>no+ledge o& Technical related &ields 2lanning and organi8ing +or. 2ro(ect Management Technical s%pport development )%ild Technical s%pport team <endor management

3onsistentl/ meet established Modi&/ e$isting approaches b/

identi&/ing critical relationships

)%ild positive client relationship and

maintain clear comm%nication

3hange personal approach &or

di&&erent sit%ations and %nderscoring positivit/ o& change

DESIRABLE E1PERIENCE AND 2!ALI"ICATIONS E0perien%e E)+%&tion&l 2+&lifi%&tions

? :@ /ears o& e$tensive e$perience in

relevant &ield#

!dvance degree in



Position Profile: SM (Development)


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