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Cardiovascular Activities!

Grade/Subject: 10th grade/ Health!! !

Objectives: To inform students about different cardiovascular activities they can do at home, or with little or no money required. Hook and Hold: What are cardiovascular activities? Do you know some of the best activities to lose weight? State Standards: 1.12 N Explain the role of lifelong tness and activities in maintaining personal tness, blood pressure, weight, and percentage of body fat. 1.14 N Explain ways to increase daily physical activity. 1.15 N Explain that incorporating daily moderate of vigorous physical activity into one"s life does not require a daily exercise plan or special equipment. 1.16 N Differentiate between physical activity and exercise and health-related and skill-related tness. Materials Needed: PowerPoint Presentation Pencils Paper Exploring and Experiencing: Students will walk into class, and have the following questions on the board: What is tness What are the key components of tness? The teacher will give students these two questions to answer on their own sheet of paper. Students will be given 5 minutes and then turn their paper in to the teacher. Teacher will then go over the PowerPoint, explaining to students the different activities they are capable of doing on an everyday basis. After the PowerPoint presentation, students can pair into groups of two or three, and make a one week cardiovascular activity plan.

Their activity plan must include ve different cardiovascular activities that last for thirty minutes each. Modications: Jose will join a group of 2-3, put his input and recommendations in, but will not be required to turn in his own paper. Jose will be required to participate and should be monitored by the teacher. Closure: Now that we have learned about different cardiovascular activities and made a weekly plan, our assignment for next week will be to follow that plan and workout Monday-Friday. Assessment/Evaluation: The two quiz questions that the students will answer in the beginning of class will be an appropriate assessment. The teacher will be able to see who was paying attention and remembers what we did in class yesterday.

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