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Hi there! I took Part II of the ADC exam and was able to pass it after my second try.

I was able to pass the MCQ part in both exams b t fl nked the !AQ on my first. "o sho ld read all books they prescribed written by cawson #s r$ery % patho& and pharma'& as well as the Cariolo$y book. (ind a book on dent mat that isn)t so hard to read as Phillips so yo co ld b ild p well on yo r clinical s b*ects like prostho and resto. I read the one written by crai$. "o may se the +o cher re,iewer #thick bl e book' for the MCQ part since they $et some - estions from there #especially on endo and prostho'. Carran.a is $ood for perio. I fo nd the !AQ part more diffic lt than the MCQ. An ho r is so short to write a comprehensi,e essay abo t / broad topics. I find that they like yo r essay to be in o tline form...expo ndin$ on each en merated item. 0ssay topics from the last exam are the followin$1 #2' mana$ement of a pre$nant patient& #3' mana$ement of a discolored anterior tooth& #/' mana$ement of an apprehensi,e ad lt patient needin$ a s r$ical proced re 4 odontectomy& #5' what to say to the mom of a pedo patient who in- ires abo t the need for s pplemental fl oride when their water s pply is already fl oridated& #6' primary and secondary dent re bearin$ areas...can)t remember the last one. Hope this helps... 7ood l ck $ ys... 8' 9he hard thin$ abo t the !AQs is time mana$ement. 9hey $i,e yo an ho r to expo nd on three essay - estions& most of which are abo t patient mana$ement. 9he - estions are s ally abo t s ch broad topics as mana$in$ a discolored central incisor or the thin$s yo wo ld be disc ssin$ with a diabetic patient re- estin$ for an implant. 9he trick wo ld be to format yo r essay in a way that wo ld enable yo to write as m ch as yo co ld abo t the $i,en s b*ect. 9hat)s at 3: min tes per - estion! !o * st familiari.e yo rself with possible - estions #they lo,e $i,in$ - estions abo t mana$in$ medically compromised patients ;read on cawson)s s r$ book<& esthetic restorations& smokin$ and its effects& fl oride s pplementation' and practice answerin$ essay - estions on a time limit. I wo ld s $$est that yo present yo r essays in an o tline form...expo ndin$ a ...bit on each topic yo write... $ood l ck $ ys

hello e, r the - estions i had in the !AQ the way & it was the exact march 3::6 test...there are fi,e - is comp lsory and then shoose 3 from the other 5 - estions. 2 #comp lsory'1 yo r assistent told that she has accidentally in* red do mana$e = 31 mana$ement of an > yr child needin$ nitro s oxide. /1complications of s r$ical extraction of pper ? 51sali,a and its role in dental caries and erosion 61a patient comes to yo r clinic with an ac te $in$i,al condition& lymphadenopathy and fe,er...desc ss yo r clinincal examination&differential dia$nosis and - ick acco nt on treatment of the diseases ha,e mentioned in the differential dia$nosis. 9H0@0 I! A +AAB CACC0D CCIDICAC P@A+C0M !ACEID7 ID D0D9I!9@" &+" AD0CC..9HI! +AAB I! 7@0!9..I @0P0A9 &I9! 7@0AAAAAA9...I( F @0AD I9 ACC I A!!F@0 F & F GICC +0 A+C0 9A AD!G0@ ACC..I @0P0A9 ACC 9H0 !AQ.. 7AAD CFCB

Dia$nostic Pict re 9ests in Aral Medicine 4 9yldesley& G@ # Golfe' Dia$ Pic 9ests in Paediatric Dent. 4 @ock& GP et al#Golfe' Pict re 9ests in H man Anat. 4 McMinn& @MH#Golfe' MCQ in Dent 4 Cawson& @A # Ch rchill& Ci,in$stone' 9he @estoration of 9eeth& Pitt (ord&9@ # blackwell' 9he art % !cience of Aperati,e Dent 4 !t rde,ant

Principles and Practice of 0ndo 4 Galton @0& % 9orabine*ad #!a nders' 0ssentials of 9ra matic In* ries to the 9eeth #M nks$aard' Andreasen&HA % Andreasen(M !icher)s Aral Anatomy & D +r l #MAsby' ( ndamentals in (PD 4 !hillin$b r$ Hohnsons Modern Practice in (ixed Prosthodontics #!a nders'Dykene @G& 7oodacreCH& Philips@G !kinner)s !cience of dental Matl 4 Philips @A Dental Materials and their clinical applications& +ritish dental assoI Gilson Mclean % +rown D @emo,able Dent re Prostho4 7rant aa % *ohnson 2JJ3 #Ch rchill li,in$stone' A Colo r atlas of @emo,able Partial Dent res& Da,enport HC& +asker @M& Heath H@. % @alph HP #wolfe' Prostho 9x of edent lo s patients +o chers # A Colo r atlas of complete dent re 4 7rant A Cocal Anesthesia in Dentistry 4 @oberts& DH # Gri$ht % sons' A 9extbook of Aral Patho # !hafer' Clinmical Aral Medicine # Cewis & MAD % Cawrey PH #Gri$ht' 0ssentials of Dental ! r$ery % patholo$y # Cawson & @A #li,in$stone' Aral Patholo$y 4 !oamesHE& !o tham HC #Axford ni,. Press' Minor Aral ! r$ery 4Howe& 0xtraction of 9eeth & Howe 7C Aral @adiolo$y K 7oa. An atlas of Dental @adio$raphic anat 4 Basle& MC # sa nders' Clinical Pharmacolo$y in dent. 4 Cawson @A& L !pector # li,in$stone' Pharmacolo$y # @am$ HP % @itter #Ci,in$stone' Principles % Practice of medicine4 Da,idson s #li,in$stone' Medical Problems in Dentistry 4 wri$ht& Cawson Paediatric dentistry 4 9otal Patient Care 4 Gei& !H" # Cea % (ebi$er' Handbook of Paediatric dentistry # Cameron A % Gidmer # Mosby' A 9extbook of Artho K (oster 9D J Axford & +lackwell' Contemporary Artho K Proffit G@ 9extbook of Clinical Periodontolo$y & Cindhe& H #M nks$aard' ( ndamentals in Perio 4 wilson97& % Bornman B! # Q intessance ' Clinical Perio 4 Carran.a Cariolo$y 4 Dewb rn #Gilliams % wilkins' 9extbook of clinical cariolo$y 4 9hylstrip A & #M nks$aard' books... that way i could compare and could easily remember the differences in :management procedures. the books that i really found useful were (dental decks (only the clinical reviewers for part 2 boucher's reviewer craig, wattaha dental materials book cawson's oral patho, oral surg, pharma books \davenports rpd design book cameron's pedo book cariology by newburn dell's clinical management of cases -0 schaffer's oral patho book clinical perio by carranza and/or lindhe sturdevant's operative dent shillingburg's F ! book minor oral surg by howe it's a short list but browsing through the list again, i realized that, without meaning to... i was able to open up a page or two on almost all books in the list in the course of my study...bear in mind that the more books you read, the more concepts and points of view you get e"posed to... being in a country who's books

are more american#based, i had a problem embracing british concepts in the beginning... but the more that i read their books and $ournals, the more that i have begun to understand their principles...cross referencing is the key... ...especially in sub$ects that are a bit confusing to you

ADC clinical exam do bts 2 Ghat base to be placed nder amal$am restoration= Is it neccesary to apply ,arnish nder base= 3 Do they pro,ide assistant for exam=# if yes4male or female' / what is to be sed while doin$ crown c ttin$=and ca,ity preparation= Micromotor hand piece= Airotor 5 Cateral condesation of obt ration4spreaders only or pl $$ers alsoat the end what they act allly prefer= 6what b rs to be sed while doin$ crown c ttin$s and ca,ity preparation= carbide or diamond points= # micromotor b rs or airotor b rs' ? books 4ideal and imp for case history and clinical exam ,i,a= Lis it neccesary to practice composite with proper instr ments=# PB9'How diffic lt is composite exercise= >In Perio what do they ask for chartin$ pockets or Indices#if yes which one4 7reene % ,ermillion AHI' JCase history formats of all s b*ects4do they pro,ide or we ha,e to m $ p=from where to be read= 2:Do they ask Pin restoration or c so b ild p restoration for amal$am= 22 what does Arientataion pro$ram incl des= Ghen ADC sends letter to be shown to ,isa officer442 month before exam or earlier= 23 Do we need to carry certain instr ments from india for exam4or they pro,ide the instr ment with which we r comfortable= 2/Ghat exactly they ask in ,i,as= 25 what type of r bber dam kit shd i practice4with win$ed clamps or win$less clamps= 26 what is the exact s b rb in sydney where they cond ct exam and which airport is near to that= 2? Do I practice crown c ttin$ on I,ory or plastic teeth= 2L Do they ask any exercise related to 7IC=

2 Ghat base to be placed nder amal$am restoration= Is it neccesary to apply ,arnish nder base= 3 Do they pro,ide assistant for exam=# if yes4male or female' / what is to be sed while doin$ crown c ttin$=and ca,ity preparation= Micromotor hand piece= Airotor 5 Cateral condesation of obt ration4spreaders only or pl $$ers alsoat the end what they act allly prefer= 6what b rs to be sed while doin$ crown c ttin$s and ca,ity preparation= carbide or diamond points= # micromotor b rs or airotor b rs' ? books 4ideal and imp for case history and clinical exam ,i,a= Lis it neccesary to practice composite with proper instr ments=# PB9'How diffic lt is composite exercise= >In Perio what do they ask for chartin$ pockets or Indices#if yes which one4 7reene % ,ermillion AHI' JCase history formats of all s b*ects4do they pro,ide or we ha,e to m $ p=from where to be read= 2:Do they ask Pin restoration or c so b ild p restoration for amal$am= 22 what does Arientataion pro$ram incl des= Ghen ADC sends letter to be shown to ,isa officer442 month before exam or earlier= 23 Do we need to carry certain instr ments from india for exam4or they pro,ide the instr ment with which we r comfortable= 2/Ghat exactly they ask in ,i,as= 25 what type of r bber dam kit shd i practice4with win$ed clamps or win$less clamps= 26 what is the exact s b rb in sydney where they cond ct exam and which airport is near to that= 2? Do I practice crown c ttin$ on I,ory or plastic teeth= 2L Do they ask any exercise related to 7IC=

.these are the !AQs asked in March 3::? at Delhi --- !AQ in March 3::? Pt. $a,e hMo Garfarin treatment in the assessment. Ghat will be the chan$es in(1 ( the mana$ement of s ch patient # comp lsory .Pt. has missin$ pper lateral incisor. How will mana$e this patient(2

Pt. has mobile pper anterior teeth. Pt. is in her 6:s. what will be the(3

.differential di$nosis and its mana$ement Pt. has abcess in 5?. Already 5.5 ml. of 21 >:::: li$nocaine with adrenaline is(4 .in*ected. Disc ss the possible mana$ement options I do not remember the !AQs word to word b t what I cld remember I wrote .down. !orry if I am wron$ somewhere. # 6th' !AQ - estion I do not remember .If someone remember that & pls fwd it to all the aspirants of prelim. exam Amol Hello e,eryone. !orry i cld not reply early as there was a problem in my comp. 9here are no - estions based on Pict res. so relax. the exam is not ,ery to $h act ally. 9hey ask yo ,ery basic - estions in Clinical dentistry. the only thin$ is the options are bit close and o t of 5 options 3 options are ri$ht or ,ery close the skill is to choose the perfect one or rather expected one by the examiner !! cowson and +o cher # accordin$ to me ' are not the perfect books for ADC exam. Atleast i can not remember anythin$ o t of them for me they are beyond my capacity to retain topics imp are 4444 2' 0ndo. 444 dia$nosis and treatment plannin$&p lpectomy& s ccess and pro$nosis 3' oral s r$ery /' oral patho. 44 dental anamolies& ,iral infections # clinical feat res'& mali$nencies&etc. 5' restorati,e dentistry 44 esthetic feelin$s& 6'dental material 44# resins& nfilled resin feelin$ materials&amal$am&$old& $yps m& physicakl properties of material444stress& strain&mod lo s of elasticity&etc' ?' anaesthesia 44 nitro s oxide& C.A. L' prostho. 444 remo,able cast PD# parts of PD'& (PD >' pedo 444 endo# ,. imp.'& restorati,e& anamolies& flo rides # ,.imp.' Axford handbook of clinical dentistry # pink one 'is a $ood book to start with. national boards can be of $ood help Adell is 9H0 +AAB for !AQs thanks to all the seniors of this for m who s $$ested me all this I ha,en)t $ot my res lt yet still waitin$ for it 1scared1 lets see what is there in dentiny s a - example1 march 3::?N:JN2/ amol Patient on Garfarin&dental considerations #comp lsory' 3'Pt. has abcess in 5?. Already 5.5 ml. of 21 >:::: li$nocaine with adrenaline is in*ected. Disc ss the possible mana$ement options /'3 yr old child.(irst dental , do mana$e= 5' pper anterior teeth mobile&and diastema seen.what is the dia$nosis&treatment. 6' pper lateral incisor missin$.Mana$ement

!AQ in !eptember 3::? #same as in March!' 2' Patient $i,es history of Garfarin treatment in the assessment. Ghat will be the considerations in the dental mana$ement of s ch patient= # comp lsory ' 3' Patient has missin$ pper lateral incisor. Ghat are the different treatment options= /' 66 years4old Patient has mobile pper anterior teeth and a diastema is startin$ to de,elop. Ghat will be the differential dia$nosis and its mana$ement= 5' Patient has apical abscess in 5? and needs extraction. Already 5.5 ml. of 3O li$nocaine with adrenaline 21 >:.::: is in*ected& b t when yo try to extract tooth it is still painf l. Disc ss the possible mana$ement options. 6' How do yo mana$e a 3 P year old child patient who is ,isitin$ a dental clinic for the first time& and what will yo disc ss with the parents= Answers can be fo nd in Adell1 QClinical Problem !ol,in$ in DentistryR. Also most answers to the other - estions #see thread by midha' are in there. I ha,e copied the MCQs from my memory and will send them to those interested. Most MCQs were repeats and only a few new.

MCQs Sept 2006

Hi & 9hese were a few MCQs I co ld remember of.Co ld not remember all the choices. ,theep 2.Fnstim lated sali,ary flow A.:.:3ml +.:.3ml 3.+rancheal cleft cyst located at A.Anterior border of sternomastoid +.Eisible mo,in$ when swallowin$ C .In front of the neck /.Compared to nat ral teeth the displacement occ rrin$ in the dent re s pportin$ m cosa nder f nctional load A.9en times more $reater +.9en times less $reater C..Ane half 5.In a flo ridated toothpaste with :./:5O monoflo rophospate the ampont of flo ride ions A.5::ppm +.2:::ppm c.26::ppm D.5:::ppm 6.9he type of dentin not formed d e to p lp patholo$y A.@eparati,e dentin +.!econdary dentin

C.Primary dentin ?..In children a disease with en.yme deficiency A.hypohpospatesia +.Cyclic ne tropenia C.H ,ienile periodontits L.Patient with sickle cell anaemia which is not tr e A. Abnormal cell type#not s re' +. +e more prone to infarct C.Ha,e wide bone marrow spaces with narrow trabec lae in the al,eolar bone in oral cai,ity D.@esistant to malaria parasites >.@e$eneration of odontoblast after a p lp patholo$y is from A.@e$enerate from the left odontoblast +.@e$enerate from ndifferentiated mesenchymel cells C.@e$enerate from ectodermal cells D.@e$enerate from the ndelyin$ nectrotic tiss e J.Ghich type of dentin is not formed immediately d e to a p lpal tra ma A.primary +.!econdary C.@eparati,e D.9ertiary 2:.Dormal prothrombin time % increased partial thromboblastin time seen in A.Haemophilia A +.9hrombocytic p p ra C.Ce kemia D.Gon willibrand disease 22.In re,ersible p lpitis A.9here will be lin$in$ of pain after the stim l s is remo,ed +.Dot localised C. Gill ha,e peri apical in,ol,ement in xSray 23.In irre,ersible p lpitis A. ! dden throbbin$ pain +. Pain cant be localised when it reaches the peri apical area 2/.+r shin$ is enco ra$ed in p blic to A.. @ed ce dental caries +. @ed ce $in$i,itis C .7in$i,al massa$e 25.After oral prophylaxis A. Acell lar pellicle is formed immediately after +. Cell lar pellicle is formed immediately after C. Acellelar pellicle formed after 5> ho rs D. Cell lar pellicle formed after 5> ho rs. 26.D mber of teeth present on a J year old child A.2? 23 22 32 33 3? 5? 53 52 /2 /3 /? +.23 22 32 33 53 52 /2 /3

!?.9itani m sed in A. Cast restorations +. Implants C. Arthodontics D. All 2L.!harpness of a radio$raph depends on A .!mall focal spot +. Car$e focal spot C. Close patient so rce distance 2>.(lexibily of clasp depends on A 9aper +. Material sed C. Cen$th D. All

:In testin$ for mobility& which of the followin$ statement is tr e A.Hea,y press re m st sometimes be sed to test mobility +.Anly lateral mobility is si$nificant in dia$nosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease C.Hyper mobility indicates that the tooth s pportin$ str ct re ha,e been weakened D.D rin$ the periodontal examination each tooth sho ld be tested indi,id ally for hyper mobility 0.@eliance on radio$raph is essential what is the best answer= D sho ld be the ri$ht answer.let me know if this is the best one to choose ,9he * nction between primary and secondary dentine is .14 A. A re,ersal line +. !harp c r,at re C. A restin$ line D. A red ction in the n mber of t b lesi ha,e read this from orbans histolo$y and .it says it is a sharp c r,at re& b t the answer says restin$ line ?Ghat is the common appearance of ,ertical tooth fract re .19 A. Perio abscess like appearance +. Displacement of fra$ments .i think it sh d be A...not s re "o r employer in an attempt to pdate office sterili.ation proced resI what .26 wo ld yo recommend as the +0!9 method to ,erify that sterili.ation has :occ rred A. Fse spore test daily +. Fse indicator strips in each load and colo r chan$e tape on each packa$e C. Fse indicator strips daily and spore test weekly

D. Fse colo r chan$e tape daily and spore test monthly 0. Fse colo r chan$e tape in each load and spore tests weekly i think it is 0 Ghich of the followin$ ad,erse reaction of oral contracepti,es is the most .48 common and the most serio s A. Hypotension +. Hepatotoxicity C. Fterine neoplasia D. 9hromboembolism disorder 0. Decreased resistance to infection i think 0 A c rette may be inserted to the le,el of the attached $in$i,a with minimal .76 :tra ma to the tiss es beca se of * A. Has a ro nd base +. Is easy to sharpen C. Has ro nded c ttin$ ed$es D. Pro,ides $ood tactile sensiti,ity 0. Has two c ttin$ ed$es think it is A 5>. Ghich of the followin$ ad,erse reaction of oral contracepti,es is the most common and the most serio s A. Hypotension +. Hepatotoxicity C. Fterine neoplasia D. 9hromboembolism disorder 0. Decreased resistance to infection i a$ree with answer D.refer medically compromised patients in dentistry 2J. Ghat is the common appearance of ,ertical tooth fract re= A. Perio abscess like appearance +. Displacement of fra$ments A is the correct answer And for Q 3?&I a$ree with the option proced re choose.9hat)s the correct sterili.ation

Q3? i $et conf sed& fo nd the A stralian Code of dental practise re disinfection and sterili.ation please read the followin$

Ealidation of sterili.ation 6.4 An on4site chemical and biolo$ical test to establish that the loaded a tocla,e will consistently achie,e sterilisation. #A!MDT! 5>2613::2 Appendix H (.is an acceptable ,alidation proced re An a tocla,e sho ld be recalibrated followin$ ser,ice& and the sterilisation process also re,alidated followin$ ser,ice and any modification of techni- e& packa$in$& load si.e or content& also any technical chan$es to the a tocla,e. If there is no de,iation from the ,erified sterilisin$ process& sterility of processed .instr ments can be ass med As confirmation that instr ments ha,e been exposed to the ,erified sterilisation process& chemical indicators sho ld be incl ded in e,ery loadMpacka$e. Any chan$e in colo r #e$ li$htenin$' may indicate that the a tocla,e has become inefficient and cannot be relied pon to prod ce acceptable .sterility Monthly biolo$ical testin$ of the a tocla,e is s $$ested to confirm on$oin$ .,alidation of the sterilisation process Clear and ade- ate records sho ld be kept of ro tine testin$ of the .a tocla,e .Any fail re of a biolo$ical test indicates a need for re,alidation or ser,ice the ri$ht answer here is ChemicalMcolor indicator ea load biolo$ical monthly b t its not a choice in o r paper Q26 did someone find confirmation in textbook= or is it answer C please help thanks e,eryone and all the best

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