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Ashley L. Ostendorf 63 Live Oak Lane Stafford, VA 22554 540-272-3688 ashley ostendorf!

"#ail $o# OBJECTIVE: %o o&tain a 'osition as an (nternational S$hool %ea$her )sin" hands-on e*'erien$e and in+)iry-&ased instr)$tion to ens)re the #astery of learnin" of all st)dents ,ay ., 20/4

EDUCATION: ,asters in -le#entary -d)$ation 0a#es ,adison 1niversity 2arrison&)r", Vir"inia 34A 3 .6

5a$helor of S$ien$e in (nterdis$i'linary Li&eral St)dies ,ay 5, 20/3 ,inor in -le#entary -d)$ation 6on$entration in 2)#anities and So$ial S$ien$es, ra$e, ethni$ity, "ender, and $lass 0a#es ,adison 1niversity 2arrison&)r", Vir"inia 34A7 3 46 ,asters (n+)iry 'a'er7 Incorporatin !lace"Based Ed#cation into the Classroo$ As f)t)re ed)$ators 8e 8ere interested in $ontin)in" to st)dy ho8 'la$e-&ased ed)$ation $an &e inte"rated effe$tively into the $lassroo# 9ro# here o)r resear$h +)estions e#er"ed7 :;hat 'la$es and s'a$es do st)dents find #eanin"f)l< 2o8 do they &rin" these s'a$es and 'la$es into the $lassroo#<= As a$$redited resear$hers, 8e have $ond)$ted a $o#'arative $ase st)dy thro)"h $olle$tin" data )sin" a variety of 'arti$i'ants and #ethods %he 'arti$i'ants in this st)dy in$l)de three ele#entary s$hool st)dents7 one kinder"arten st)dent, one se$ond "rade st)dent and one fifth "rade st)dent O)r data $olle$tion #ethods in$l)de se#i-for#al intervie8s, o&servations, &ody s$)l'tin", and 8ritten do$)#ents, s'e$ifi$ally #a' $reation 5ased on o)r findin"s, st)dents need learnin" environ#ents that $onne$t the# to the 'eo'le they love, that 'ro#ote feelin"s of $o#fort and ha''iness, and that $ater to8ards their individ)al interests E%!E&IENCE: Teachin "&elated ,ar"aret 5rent -le#entary S$hool Stafford, Vir"inia Full-time Student Teacher, /st 3rade ,ar"aret 5rent -le#entary S$hool Stafford, Vir"inia Full-time Student Teacher, 4th3rade ,ar$h-,ay 20/4

0an)ary-,ar$h 20/4

-( )nderstood the str)$t)re, skills, $ore $on$e'ts, and #ethods of in+)iry of the dis$i'lines ta)"ht or 'ra$ti$ed at the &)ildin", 8as $onvin$ed of the 8orth of the dis$i'line, and $reated daily learnin" e*'erien$es that #ake these as'e$ts of s)&>e$t #atter #eanin"f)l to st)dents

-( a''lied the latest resear$h on ho8 st)dents learn and develo' &y 'rovidin", en$o)ra"in", and s)''ortin" daily learnin" o''ort)nities that s)''ort intelle$t)al, so$ial, and 'ersonal develo'#ent -%hro)"h )nderstandin" ho8 st)dents differ in learnin" styles, ( $reated instr)$tional o''ort)nities that 8ere ada'ted to diverse and differentiated learnin" -( 'lanned, s)''orted, and en$o)ra"ed instr)$tion that is &ased on resear$h-&ased 'ra$ti$es, the nat)re of the learners, st)dent learnin" strate"ies, the "oals of the $)rri$)l)#, and the $o##)nity -( )sed an e*tensive re'ertoire of instr)$tional strate"ies, in$l)din" the )tili?ation of a 8ide variety of ed)$ational te$hnolo"y and #edia, to develo' st)dents@ $riti$al thinkin", 'ro&le# solvin", and 'erfor#an$e skills -( $reated a learnin" environ#ent that en$o)ra"es 'ersonal "ro8th, 'ositive so$ial intera$tion, a$tive en"a"e#ent in learnin", and self-#otivation thro)"h individ)al and "ro)' #otivation -( $reated in+)iry-&ased lesson 'lans to foster learnin" thro)"h e*'erien$e -( )sed a variety of assess#ent te$hni+)es, &oth for#al and infor#al for st)dent and 'ersonal assess#ent and refle$tion -%o $ontin)e #y 'rofessional develo'#ent as a tea$her ( eval)ated the effe$ts of ed)$ational $hoi$es and a$tions to ad>)st tea$hin", seek s)''ort, and i#'rove ed)$ational 'ra$ti$e &ased on 8eekly refle$tions and eval)ations -( fostered relationshi's 8ith $ollea")es, fa#ilies, and $o##)nity to s)''ort st)dents@ learnin" and 8ell-&ein" 6)& A)n -le#entary S$hool 2arrison&)r", Vir"inia Practicum Teacher, 5th grade Se'te#&er-Be$e#&er 20/3

-( (#'le#ented a +)ality in+)iry 'ro>e$t 8hile #eetin" the de#ands of tea$hin" kee'in" in #ind the i#'ortan$e of $ontin)o)s in+)iry in the $lassroo# to ")ide the de$isions (, as a tea$her, #ade -( 'lanned and ta)"ht 8hole "ro)' and s#all "ro)' lessons #)lti'le ti#es a 8eek, $olla&oratin" 8ith the $oo'erative tea$her so that the lesson fits in the se+)en$e of the $)rri$)l)# -%o &roaden #y overall )nderstandin" and a8areness of 8orkin" in an -le#entary s$hool, ( o&served, 'lanned, and i#'le#ent a''ro'riate lessons and a$tivities for $hildren ,ost lessons 8ere assi"ned and eval)ated thro)"h $o-re+)isite $o)rses or as 'art of #y in+)iry 'ro>e$t -( o&served $lassroo# #ana"e#ent te$hni+)es and 'ra$ti$e strate"ies that learned in 'revio)s $o)rses -( 'arti$i'ated in 'rofessional intera$tions 8ith 'arents and other s$hool 'ersonnel 8henever 'ossi&le -( a$kno8led"ed a tea$herCs res'onsi&ility for $ontin)ed 'rofessional develo'#ent &y $ond)$tin" an in+)iry 'ro>e$t -&ased on 'la$e-&ased ed)$ation in the $lassroo# -( $ond)$ted lessons s'e$ifi$ to #athe#ati$s, $reativity, readin"Dlan")a"e arts, and inte"rated these lessons a$ross #)lti'le dis$i'lines ,$S8ain -le#entary S$hool 2arrison&)r", Vir"inia Practicum Teacher, 2nd grade 0an)ary- A'ril 20/3

-%he fo$)s of this se#ester 8as to learn instr)$tional strate"ies asso$iated 8ith different dis$i'lines, as 8ell as different #ethods to ")ide st)dent &ehavior -( ta)"ht and 'lanned lessons fro# all fo)r a$ade#i$ dis$i'lines %hese lessons 8ere 'rofessionally eval)ated and refle$ted )'on -( desi"ned and $ond)$ted a s$ien$e $ir$)s 8ith other 'ra$ti$)# st)dents -( desi"ned and ta)"ht inte"rated #ath lessons effe$tively -( $o#'leted )nit 'lans in so$ial st)dies, #ath, and s$ien$e -( ta)"ht $ontent lessons in a variety of settin"s7 one on one, s#all "ro)', and 8hole $lass

6ly#ore -le#entary 2arrison&)r", Vir"inia Practicum Teacher, Kindergarten

Se'te#&er-Be$e#&er 20/2

-%he fo$)s of this se#ester 8as to )nderstand the ri"or and de#ands of tea$hin" as 8ell as the nat)re of $hildren@s develo'#ent -( st)died and analy?ed the $o"nitive, so$ial, e#otional, and 'hysi$al develo'#ent of yo)n" $hildren -( synthesi?ed, e*a#ined, and ad#inistered $)rri$)l)# of the early 'ri#ary "rades -( had #)lti'le o''ort)nities to o&serve the tea$her 'lannin", instr)$tin", and refle$tin" on her lessons -( tea$h /-on-/ sessions, s#all "ro)'s, and 8hole $lass instr)$tion -( dire$ted and $ond)$ted a $hild $ase st)dy analy?in" in de'th the 'hysi$al, e#otional, and #ental develo'#ents of s)$h $hild -( $ond)$ted s#all "ro)' lessons and a 8orksho' on 'lay and art -( $ond)$ted state readin" assess#ents and read alo)ds Additional 'or( 5eddard %rans'ort S)##er 20/0-20/3 Driver/Packer/Mover 6ontra$ted to fa$ilitate lo$al and lon" distan$e residential #ovin", $o##er$ial &)siness and offi$e #ovin", $or'orate and e#'loyee relo$ation, "overn#ent, #ilitary, and international #ovin" %e*as Aoadho)se 9all 20/2 Server ,aintained e*$ellent dinin" e*'erien$e &y deliverin" ite#s, f)lfillin" $)sto#er needs, and servin" ")ests in a friendly and effi$ient #anner 6har#in" 6harlies S)##er 20/0 Sales Associate Assisted $)sto#ers 8ith 'rod)$t sele$tion, $o#'leted $he$ko)t 'ro$ess, and #aintained floor inventory Li&erty Lanes S)##er 200. ustomer Service Associate S$hed)led the )se of re$reation fa$ilities, #aintained and 'rovided e+)i'#ent to 'arti$i'ants of s'ortin" events, and o'erated a#)se#ent $on$essions and rides 6i$iCs 4i??a S)##er 200., 20/0 ashier 4rovided $)sto#er servi$e, hosted 'arties, and #ana"ed the $ash re"ister A#i$is (talian Aesta)rant S)##er 2008 -ns)red that ")ests are #ade $o#forta&le and ke't infor#ed of the stat)s of order and 8ait ti#es ,onitored ")est lists, ans8ered the tele'hone, and &ooked reservations for lar"e 'arties ;orldvie8 ,ana"e#ent Servi$es Administrative Assistant 2006-2008

4re'ared data entry and 'rovided analysis and editin" of s$ientifi$ sy#'osi)# data&ase ,aintained filin" and 'erfor#ed "eneral offi$e d)ties )!ECIAL )*ILL): 4rofi$ient in o'eration of the follo8in" te$hnolo"ies7 -4ro#ethean 5oard and asso$iated a$$essories -S,AA%&oard and asso$iated a$$essories -Bo$)#ent $a#era -4ro>e$tors -4re?i and ;ordle 'resentations -,i$rosoft offi$e s)ite -A''le 'rod)$ts, in$l)din" ('ads and ,a$s -;indo8s 'rod)$ts -5la$k line #asters online te*t&ooks -6lass &lo" sites for 'arent $o##)ni$ation +ONO&),A'A&D) 0,1 Bean@s List 0,1 4resident@s List Si"#a S$holar 692S Summa um !aude A$ade#i$ Letter for over 4 0 34A -le$ted to 2o#e$o#in" 6o)rt Varsity 6oa$hCs A8ard7 So$$er Varsity 6oa$hCs A8ard7 6heerleadin" 9resh#an 6oa$hCs A8ard7 6heerleadin" 692S Ae'resentative7 L-AB 6onferen$e Eational re$o"nition for 9eed the 6hildren and Sto' the Violen$e 4ro"ra#s ACTIVITIE): Athletics (ntra#)ral Sorority So$$er (ntra#)ral Sorority 5asket&all Varsity So$$er $a'tain Varsity 6heerleadin" $a'tain Sele$t %ravel So$$er %ea#, a"tain, 2##$-2##% Cl#-s,Other Si"#a Si"#a Si"#a Sorority &'ecutive "osition 2#$2 St)dent B)ke 6l)& 3rd 3rade %ea$herCs assistant 5a&ysitter for vario)s a"es Aead A$ross A#eri$a Vol)nteer 6olonial 9or"e So$$er Giddie 6a#' 6olonial 9or"e 5asket&all Giddie 6a#' 6olonial 9or"e 6heerleadin" Giddie 6a#' S)&stit)te 5th 3rade Aeli"io)s -d)$ation %ea$her 20/2 20//, 20/3 20//-20/3 200. 2005-2008 2007, 2008 2008 2006 2005 2006 2006, 2007 20//-20/2 20//-20/2 2006-200. 2007-200. 2000-2008-

20/0 200.-20/3 200. 2004 F 20/3 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007-2008

Eational 2onor So$iety, Assistant Ae$reational 5asket&all 6oa$h 9a#ily 6areer 6o##)nity Leaders of A#eri$a Eational 6o#'etition 9inalist, 2007 State 6o#'etition ;inner, 2007 Eational 6onferen$e Bele"ate, 2006 State 6o#'etition ,edalist, 2006 9ren$h 6l)& ,e#&er, 6atholi$ Ho)th ,inistry, Co$$#nity ) 4a)lCs ;alk 5k for ALShel'ed to raise I/2,000J Si"#a Serves 6hildren Ao&&ie 4a"e ,e#orial 9)nd Leslie 3eor"e ,e#orial 9)nd for eatin" disorders 6hildrenCs ,ira$le Eet8ork Khel'ed to raise I4,400J 5G Aa$e for a 6a)se to hel' fi"ht $an$er 2ead Start ,eal servi$e 9eed the 6hildren Eational 4ro"ra# in A$tion Khel'ed to raise I/4,400 to ')r$hase t8o se#i-tr)$kloads of food, $lothin", and health $are for 'eo'le in needJ 5ra"" 2ill 9a#ily Life 6enter 2o#e;orks K6hristian #ission tri' for a 8eek in Eorth 6arolina &)ildin" and re'airin" ho)sesJ -aster &askets for >)venile 'rison #inistry Aa''ahanno$k Aiver 6lean-)'

2007- 2008 2006-2007 2005-2008

2005- 2008 2005- 2008 20/0-20/3 20/0-20/3 20/0-20/3 20/0-20/3 20/0-20/3 200. 2007 2007 2006 2005 2005

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