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Zaporojan Valerii

2. 17. 04. 1990

3. States University of Moldova,fac lty !"istory and #$ilosop$y! %$isina , &. Moldova

4. 'or( )*perience (Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting from most recent, at least 2) Company Name: Deck Helmet, Title (Technician): City, country: Bethesda , USA ork dates: !"# $%# &$"&'$(# $)# &$"& Description (*aintin+ decks) If you dont have any work e perience plese provide some work activities that you have participated in, that might !e relevant to a "ork#$ravel %o!.

+. S(ills %#" Computer skills (intermediate,) %#& ,ther lan+ua+es (-omanian, -ussian, .rench, etc#) %#! Do you ha/e home dri/er0s license: 1es %#2 3nternational dri/er0s license: 1es %#% Can you s4im5 No

,. #lease descri-e any s(iin., sno/-oardin., or s/i00in. e*perience yo $ave1

2irst ti0e 3 tried to s(iin. 3 years a.o and 3 loved it. 3 $ave -asic s(ills of s(iin., - t all t$e ti0e 3 try to i0prove t$is, especially in an artificial s(i slope in a Sinaia &o0ania.3n a f t re 3 /o ld li(e to try sno/-oardin..

&. 4o yo prefer to /or( in tea0 or alone5 '$y5( at least ' sentences)

6es in tea0 of co rse, -eca se tea0/or( $as 0any advanta.es1 t$e first and 0ost o-vio s are t$ose related to positive e0otional

cli0ate t$at is alle.ed to constit te a tea0. 7ea0 0e0-ers .et to (no/ very /ell, /or(in.$er to overco0e t$e c rrent diffic lties. 3n addition increases t$e diversity and variety of sol tions offered to eac$ 0e0-er at least arit$0etic. 7ea0/or( can t$erefore -e very 0otivatin. -eca se eac$ project -rin.s joy e*perienced contact /it$ ot$ers and -enefit fro0 t$eir s pport. %o00 nication, dialo. e and t$e a-ility to interact effectively respond to operational needs of ot$ers, to ta(e over t$e creative ideas of t$e .ro p and offer t$e sa0e ti0e /it$o t t$e s pport of ot$ers e.os are t$e 0ain re8 ire0ents - t also 8 alities of a .ood tea0player.

(. '$at /ill -e yo r .reatest c$allen.e in t$e U.S.5 ( at least ' sentences)

to ta(e a pict re /it$ a "olly/ood actor, to stay one ni.$t on t$e island prison 9lcatra:, and to .o to a festival for -i(ers t$is for 0e /o ld -e t$e -i..est c$ t$at 3 /o ld li(e to $ave in t$e U.S. 3n t rn, in t$e tr e nat re of a c lt ral e*c$an.e pro.ra0, 0y participation /ill enric$ t$e lives of t$e people i 0eet -y .ivin. t$e0 t$e opport nity to learn a-o t 0e, 0y c lt re and 0y co ntry. "o/ 0any years $ave yo 3 learned )n.lis$ a year 10 . "ave yo ever /or(ed in US5 )es st died )n.lis$5

11. "ave yo 12. "o--ies1

ever visited US5 )es

My $o--ies are1foot-all, travel 13. 9re yo fle*i-le /it$ dates ;se refera la datele de incep t si sfarsit ale pro.ra0 l i '97<1 )es

14. 3s $o sin. re8 ired1 )es

1+. Ma*.n 0-ers of "o rs per /ee(1 *+

1,. US %o00 nity preferred 1 (' states where you prefer to work ) ,irginia, -outh .akota, "ashington/ 17. #referred jo- type1 (' %o!s you prefer to do in the 0.-.)

server, moving , cooker. 1=. S(ype nic(na0e1 :aporojan.1 19. 7ravellin. /it$1 &osca >$eor.$e.

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