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Junior High School: What Nobody Expects

by Enzo Gabriel L. Castillon, 7-Rizal

School Year 2013-2014, Ateneo de Manila University followed the K-12 curriculum. Because of this, Junior High School was added to the school. This program was designed to mold the students of the Ateneo Grade School to the AHS ways. This forced the AGS students to embrace the hardships and adjust to the new curriculum. But, this isnt as bad as it sounds. Stay with me as I discuss the best features of Ateneo Junior High School. Teachers: To start the Junior High School with great knowledge and understanding, the experienced and well-respected teachers were invited to teach in the JHS. And of course, most of them accepted. At first, I thought that all of the teachers in every school had the same skill level, since they all just discuss and facilitate about one topic. Well, I realized I was wrong when I saw the skills of the JHS teachers.

Tests: The quizzes and exams, and the seatworks, and the homeworks, and the Wow. If you are part of the JHS, you would understand the pain of adjusting. But I see these things as blessings in disguise. These tests are designed to be used to hardships, so when we experience them again, it would be easier. You would feel the pressure while taking the tests, and that same pressure will make you study even harder.

Companionship: I dont know with you, but for me, JHS is full of friendship and loyalty toward each other. You, whether you like it or not, will be attached to your classmates. You will learn a lot of things through your classmates, whether it be learning how to get the volume of a cylinder from a genius classmate, learning loyalty from a friend, or learning life lessons as a class.

Well, there you have it. The 3 best features of JHS: Teachers, Tests, and Companionship. I hope you a good ride in the roller coaster of Junior High School!

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