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Using complete sentences, please answer the following questions. This will allow me to get to know you better, and to know what to expect for this semesters health class. You will not be expected to share this with the class it is !ust for my benefit. Help me to get to know you. "lease answer in complete sentences. #. $hat do you want to learn from being in this class%


$hat qualities do you admire in a teacher% Think about pre'ious teachers you admired.


$hat did you en!oy most about school last year, or last semester%


$hat acti'ities are you in'ol'ed in outside of school% $hat is your fa'orite%


$hat are your hobbies% +$hat you like to do when you are not in school,


$hat is your definition of a friend% $ho is.are your closest friend+s,%


0o you ha'e any siblings% 0o you ha'e any pets%


Ha'e your parents e'er talked with you about sex or drugs% "lease explain.


$hat kind of music do you like% 0o you play and instrument%


$hat are your current goals or plans for the future% +Think beyond High 4chool,

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