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*Attach samples of data collected: 1) interview/conversation, 2) observation/field notes, and 3) documents/photos/assessment.

K has a lot of behavioral issues, ones that I do not know how to help with, and ones I want to learn about. She is very sweet, but many
students dislike her because of her outbursts, which include being rude to other students. In addition, she is going to have a behavioral plan
made soon, and my CT said that this plan could be helpful. While this assignment is aimed to help me in my education, if I can be helpful to
K as well, then it is also motivating for me to work with her.

FAMILY & CULTURAL CONTEXT & ASSETS (add bulleted list based on data collected)

(e.g., number of family members, home responsibilities, travel to school, cultural background, language(s) spoken at home, parent, or
guardian/older sibling/other adults available to provide assistance, after-school care)

 She has a lot of family members, but seven people live with her, including her mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, and two cousins.
 her responsibilities at home include cleaning the kitchen after her parents cook and cleaning the house.
 Her mom drops her off and picks her up from school.
 K is black and has the AAE dialect, which is part of her culture. She also says she practices Spanish with her father. she says that her
family does not tell any myths or folklore. for emotional regulation, which is part of culture when considering how different cultures
teach emotional regulation, she says her mom helps her calm down if she's angry or sad by telling her to take deep breaths and
 She speaks English but she practices Spanish with her father.
 Her mom will help her with schoolwork and in general if she needs it.
 After school she goes home, and she seems to entertain herself. She plays with her dog, cleans, or goes outside.

PERSONAL INTERESTS & ASSETS (add bulleted list based on data collected)

K loves animals in general as she explains in the interview. She loves talking to adults and the start of the interview is her talking to me
about cows unprompted. Earlier in the day she showed me her library books which were both about dogs. She has at least one dog and she
loves playing with him. She seems to care a lot about her family, and she spends a lot of time with them. She likes being outside which is
why we did the interview outside. On our way back she wanted to walk around which we did a little bit of, but I felt that I had already taken
lot of time from her day. She wanted to pick a flower and she was very interested in the animals and plants around us. She later gave me
the flower.

In terms of academic interest, K says that she really likes doing the work however, she does not complete a lot of work. She also gets
frustrated easily and acts out during lessons. Given this, I am not sure if she feels like this is an answer she has to say, or if it is actually true.
She does seem to want to get better at math and learn to read and make friends, but her behavioral issues prohibit her from learning and
interacting with her peers. She loves having individualized attention and I can tell she wants to be social as she is upset that other students
do not want to be friends with her.


Literacy: She cannot read but she wants to. She tested at a below kindergarten level on state assessments. I want to work with her to get a
better picture of where she is at in terms of print awareness and phonemic awareness. For the final draft I will get reading/writing samples
from her ELA teacher.

Math: She tested at a below kindergarten level on state assessments, though this could have to do with the fact that she cannot read. I
have done a bit of math work with her, and I know she can do at least kindergarten level math. She can use counters to count, but I will
have to work with her more to determine more. From looking at samples of her work she seems to not be able to finish problems. my
questions that she got right such as in the 10 more 10 less sheet it is possible that the class did that as a whole and she just wrote down
what they were writing. in her math journal there were four entries, and one was just a drawing that I do not think had to do with the

Content Areas/Other (specials): Her favorite special is art, and she does well in it. Her least favorite is PE, but she normally does not
complain too much about it most days. When we do indoor recess, she loves dancing and yoga.

One thing to note when considering her literacy and math and other areas is that she is tier 3 in both and she is hopefully going to have an
IEP soon, and they are working on making a behavioral plan. hopefully with the help of special education services and a solid plan for
working on behavioral issues she will start to learn more interact with peers in a more fulfilling way for her.

Student work:

LEARNING STRATEGIES: In what learning situations have you observed this child to be most engaged? Mark any that apply. Add any
applicable notes.:

_____ Text-based visual: overhead, text, worksheet

_____ Graphic-based visual: pictures, diagrams, PowerPoint

_____ Auditory passive: teacher lecture/student listen

_____ Auditory active: rap, rhyme, song, rhythm, chanting, call & response

_____ Individual: working independently

_____ Interpersonal: cooperative activity, incorporate student talk, partner work

_____ Model: demonstrate, provide model to follow

_____ Sensory motor: manipulate, act out, incorporate movement, use gestures, incorporate food

_____ Multisensory: performance, multimedia, lesson with high emotional content

_____ Arts Medium-based: drama, dance, drawing, painting, etc.

_____ Grounded in student interest in ___________________

_____ Other _________________________________

What is the most successful group size for this student? 1/1 partners small group large group

What is this child’s need for movement? Low Moderate High

How would you rate this child’s distractibility? Low Moderate High

What is the optimum lesson length for this student? 5-10 min. 15-20 min. 25-30 min. 30 minutes +


How can you promote greater equity and social justice by using the information you learned about your student to increase engagement
and learning (connect cultural context and assets, interests, learning strategies, home context to curriculum, aligned learning
outcomes/objectives or adapted instruction)?

Working with K one on one has shown me that she knows the content to some degree, but she needs a different instructional style than
other students. I feel like incorporating her interests into lessons might improve her engagement and therefore her work. If they were to
do a life science unit involving animals, or if they were to do a reading activity with animals, she also might be more interested. One way I
have worked with her to do her work is to find out something she wants, for example one round of rock paper scissors, and then use that to
motivate her to do work. This encouraged her to work because there was a reward at the end of it. She also told me that she likes doing
the work so if she is able to focus long enough to finish the problem that could be a big motivator for her.

One other way to promote equity for this student is to hurry up and get her an IEP and behavior plan. I am hopeful that this inquiry
assignment will help with that. My CT said that they were supposed to have her IEP and behavior plan done sooner but for whatever reason
it was delayed. she clearly is not succeeding given the current way instruction is being given but she has the potential. if she had extra help
from having an IEP and behavior plan, she might be succeeding more than she is now. One question I would like to ask for the final draft is
how is K receiving tier 3 interventions?

What resources (e.g., specific school staff, different curriculums, community-based organizations and people, strategies from other
courses, etc.) can you leverage to increase student engagement and learning for this student based on the data you have collected?

The special Ed teacher the math and a reading coach, and aids can all be helpful to K, both to plan for her specific areas for improvement
and to help deliver tier 3 interventions. An IEP and behavior plan will also help with this. Targeting her intrinsic motivations could be helpful
since she has many interests that could easily be applied to lessons, as well as extrinsic motivation such as rewards. We learned about that
in EDE 4504.

What are some wonderings you have about promoting greater equity for your student within the classroom based on the data you have

Where can I find resources to help K or future students like her to help manage their behavior so they can better learn and socialize?

What can I do to help K make friends?

How do you help a student in has fallen so far behind in school?

Adapted from Vescio, V. (2016). An equal chance at success: Culturally responsive teaching practices address students’ differing needs. Journal of Staff Development, 37(5), 18-22.

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