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IuS Cuiiiculum: 8


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Social Stuuies:
o Piactice anu uemonstiate civic skills anu paiticipate in uebates

o 0nueistanu that iepiouuction involves the inheiitance of tiaits
thiough BNA
o Recognize that ecological changes have occuiieu thioughout the
Eaith's histoiy uue to biologic anu geologic changes

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy
Recognize the uiffeience between the inuustiial anu local foou systems
Feel confiuent in making healthy eating choices

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Stiawbeiiy Nilkshake activity - tiacing oui ingieuients
Seeu saving: exploiing plant iepiouuction
Colonial Choppeu Cooking Challenge

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"Local vs. Inuustiial" at uiey Bain, Neimaiu Faim, oi othei islanu faims

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Cieate Foou Rules, baseu on Nichael Pollan's book
Engage in class uebate: "uN0: helping oi haiming oui woilu."

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Seiving Banus anuoi Foou Pantiy uistiibution

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Expeiimenting with cioss pollination anu hybiiuizeu plants vs. heiiloom
Tiiangulation: gaiuen uesign
Nanaging spiing plant sale

.'$,2 H+'I(7
"Local vs. Inuustiial" at uiey Bain, Neimaiu Faim, oi othei islanu faims

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