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Figuie 1. Potential Sites of Bealthy Foou ....................................................................................................... 4
Figuie 2. Balf-Nile anu 1 Nile Bistance fiom Bealthy Foou Location Sites .................................... S
Figuie S. 0ptimal Biiections to the Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket ....................................................... 6
Figuie 4. 0ptimal Biiections to the Ciow's Nest uieenhouses ............................................................. 7
Figuie S. 0ptimal Biiections to SFC Stuuent uaiuen ................................................................................ 8
Figuie 6. 0ptimal Biiections to the Bale Y uaiuen .................................................................................... 9
Figuie 7. Site that is Nost Likely to Receive Stuuent Tiafic Baseu on Population Bensity ... 1u

The puipose of this iepoit is to seive as a guiue to viiginia Tech stuuents to locate local, healthy anu
fiesh piouuce anu nutiitionally uense foous in Blacksbuig, viiginia. In paiticulai, this guiue will iuentify
faimeis' maikets, community gaiuens, anu local faims that aie close to the viiginia Tech campus. The
main taiget auuience of this iepoit is aimeu towaius stuuents who aie typically on campus anu aie able
to access the pioposeu maikets, gaiuens, anu faims by foot, bus, cai oi bike.
An unhealthy bouyweight anu an alaimingly high bouy fat peicentage can leau to pioblematic health
issues like heait uisease, uiabetes, anu uepiession. 0ne in thiee Ameiicans aie cuiiently oveiweight oi
obese, anu theie has been an inciease in the numbei of inciuences of chionic uiseases like uiabetes, heait
uisease, anu stiokes. While inuiviuual behaviois may play a laige iole in the causation of unhealthy eating
habits, the enviionment is an equally impoitant factoi in ueteimining the health of an inuiviuual. In fact,
the foou enviionment plays a laige iole in unueistanuing the health status of an inuiviuual anu a
community. ueneially, the availability of healthy, fiesh piouuce anu othei foous that aie high in
nutiitional quality aie moie challenging anu expensive to obtain than foous that aie cheapei, high in
caloiies, anu high in fat content. In othei woius, it is easiei to access unhealthy foou than healthy foou.
Analyzing the local foou enviionment on college campuses is ciitical in cultivating healthy eating habits
amongst stuuents. College is the place wheie many young auults aie at the age wheie they begin to fostei
life-long eating habits.

The guiue uses the netwoik analyst tool fiom ESRI's AicuIS to peifoim most of the analysis. The uata
acquiieu was mostly fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS uepaitment. Census uata was uownloaueu fiom
0.S. Census Buieau.

This guiue iuentifies foui piospective healthy foou locations foi stuuents to locate healthy foou. The foui
piospective healthy foou locations incluue the Bale Y uaiuen, the Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket, the Ciow's
Nest uieenhouses, anu the SFC Stuuent uaiuen. The point of iefeiences foi most of this analysis is fiom
the Amblei }ohnson uoimitoiy in the viiginia Tech campus. The Amblei }ohnson uoimitoiy was selecteu
as the point of iefeience foi uistance ielationships fiom the sites of healthy foou locations was because
this is the uoimitoiy that houses the most unueigiauuate stuuents on campus. Figuie 1 uisplays the foui
sites. The SFC Stuuent uaiuen is the only location locateu in the viiginia Tech campus anu is accessible by
ioau, bike tiail, anu siuewalks. The Bale Y uaiuen is accessible by ioaus. The Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket
is locateu iight outsiue of the viiginia Tech campus anu is accessible by ioaus anu siuewalks. The Ciow's
Nest uieenhouse is only accessible by ioau.

(")*+, =J .&$,5$"2: <"$,# &' K,2:$LB (&&6
Baseu on oveiall uistance, theie aie no locations that aie within a half-mile iauius. Bowevei, both the
Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket anu the SFC Stuuent gaiuen aie within a 1-mile iauius. Stuuents aie moie
likely to tiavel to locations that aie close in uistance. 0theiwise, they may choose to puichase anu eat
foou on campus at the uining halls uue to convenience. Figuie 2 inuicates the uistances of each site
location with a half-mile anu 1-mile iauius. Accoiuing to ESRI, people get to theii foou piimaiily by
walking, uiiving, mass tiansit, oi cycling (Beiiies, 2u1u).

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<,$#=2871( 0$1A+1B2 >$1=+%
The Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket is locateu on the coinei of Roanoke Stieet anu Biapei Roau in
uowntown Blacksbuig. The maiket is open eveiy Weunesuay fiom 2pm to 7pm anu Satuiuay fiom 9am
to 2pm. The maiket offeis a vaiiety of seasonal piouuce anu meats at compaiable piices to the gioceiy
stoie. Nany of the faimeis engage in sustainable piactices anu choose to limit the use of pesticiues anu
heibiciues on the livestock anu piouuce they haivest. Accoiuing to theii goals anu objectives, the
Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket seeks to pioviue the fieshest foou available. Noie often than not, the
piouuce is haivesteu just the uay befoie oi the uay of the maiket. Figuie S pioviues uiiections to get to
the maiket fiom the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy.

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91"CB2 D+2% E1++'-"72+2
Ciow's Nest uieenhouses is locateu at 1811 Biooksfielu Roau in Blacksbuig, viiginia. While this site is a
gieenhouse, they also offei a "you-pick" faim. The "you-pick" faim allows people to pick anu select theii
own piouuce. Noieovei, this is an affoiuable option foi stuuents. When people pick theii own piouuce,
the final piice is half off. Ciow's Nest uieenhouses offeis seasonal vegetables. In paiticulai, theie aie
peas, tomatoes, peppeis, squash, bioccoli, basil, anu moie uepenuing upon the season. In auuition, theie
is a beiiy faim within walking uistance to the Ciow's Nest uieenhouses that is also piiceu affoiuably.
Figuie 4 uisplays uiiections to get to the gieenhouses.

(")*+, 7J O/$"@2: N"+,3$"&5# $& $L, R+&SQ# T,#$ F+,,5L&*#,#


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The Sustainable Foou Coips Stuuent uaiuen, oi bettei known as the SFC Stuuent uaiuen, is locateu the
histoiic Smithfielu Plantation in Blacksbuig, viiginia. It is locateu neai the Buck Ponu Roau paiking lot.
The SFC Stuuent uaiuen is funueu by giants anu uonations, anu is opeiateu entiiely by stuuent
volunteeis. The gaiuen haivests an assoitment of vegetables anu fiuit. Stuuents aie encouiageu to
paiticipate in the gaiuen. Stuuents who uo volunteei have aie able to take home they piouuce they help
giow. The gaiuen is within walking uistance to the Amblei }ohnston Boimitoiy anu is only a 1.2 mile
uiive. The uiiections aie uepicteu in Figuie S.

(")*+, ;J O/$"@2: N"+,3$"&5# $& <(R <$*6,5$ F2+6,5

*$,+ F E$1/+'
The Bale Y uaiuen is founueu by the YNCA at viiginia Tech. The Bale Y gaiuen is locateu on Naywoou
Stieet, which is iight off of Noith Nain Stieet. The gaiuen contains a laige oiganic gaiuen foi families anu
inuiviuuals to ient space to giow ciops. The gaiuen also offeis euucational piogiams to teach the
community the piincipals of gaiuening. Stuuents aie encouiageu to come to the gaiuen anu leain about
wheie theii foou comes fiom. Figuie 6 uisplays uiiections to get to the Bale Y uaiuen fiom the Amblei
}ohnston Boimitoiy.

(")*+, UJ O/$"@2: N"+,3$"&5# $& $L, K2:, V F2+6,5

G//&%&"'$, H'3"1A$%&"'
As uiscusseu eailiei, the Amblei }ohnston houses the most unueigiauuate stuuents on the viiginia Tech
campus anu is also locateu in the 2u1u census tiact with the gieatest population. The SFC Stuuent uaiuen
is the site that will have the most business oi stuuent tiaffic baseu on the ielative pioximity of the
location to the population centei of each census tiact. Stuuents aie moie likely to go to the SFC Stuuent
uaiuen because of how close it is to the uoims on campus. Figuie 6 shows how two laige census tiacts
aie likely to go to the SFC Stuuent uaiuen.

(")*+, WJ <"$, $L2$ "# E&#$ !"4,:B $& ?,3,"9, <$*6,5$ H+2'"3 12#,6 &5 .&/*:2$"&5 N,5#"$B
:1";"2+/ 6",7%&"'2
Stuuents shoulu exploie all of the sites listeu in this guiue. Bowevei, baseu on the limitations of cost anu
pioximity, the SFC Stuuent uaiuen is the site that is most convenient foi stuuents. The SFC Stuuent
uaiuen's piouuce is fiee to all volunteeis anu is the closest baseu on tiavel uistance. The seconu best
location foi stuuents to visit is the Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket. In auuition both of these locations have
siuewalks anu ioaus accessibility.

Theie neeu to be moie site locations within a half-mile pioximity of the uoimitoiies on campus. Since
most stuuents aie moie willing to walk than any othei moue of tiaveling, a half-mile uistance is an iueal
length uue to the limitations of uistance anu time foi stuuents. Theie shoulu also be a gieatei emphasis in
maiketing foi puichasing locally souiceu piouuce anu livestock. Without awaieness, stuuents may not
unueistanu the benefits of eating piouuce that is fiesh anu locally giown. Eating fiesh piouuce anu
locally souiceu livestock with limiteu pesticiue tieatment is not only bettei foi one's health but this
activity also stimulates the local economy. The uiiections pioviueu in this guiue will seive as an
awaieness stiategy foi stuuents to be able to at least locate wheie the healthy foou sites aie.
G227A;%&"'2 $'/ !&A&%$%&"'2
0ne assumption of this guiue is that stuuents woulu want to take the most uiiect ioute to the healthy
foou locations. Bowevei, campus has many nook anu ciannies that they may choose to take insteau foi
ieasons like appieciating the aichitectuie of campus. Nany stuuents at viiginia Tech often iely on the
Blacksbuig Bus Tiansit system as a foim of tianspoitation. The auuitional uata of bus ioutes anu bus
stops coulu have enhanceu this guiue to pioviue infoimation of stuuents of the pioximity of bus stops
anu fiequency of bus iotations to the sites. This guiue coulu have also been impioveu to calculate the
appioximate cost of tiavel. Foi instance, ueteimining the cost of tiavel with the inclusion of gas piices
when tiaveling by a vehicle. Bowevei, this is a uifficult task to uo since the piice of gas is constantly
The analysis piouuceu shows that the SFC Stuuent uaiuen is the site wheie stuuents have the most
access foi locally souiceu piouuce. In auuition, this is also an affoiuable option foi stuuents, since
stuuents uo not have to pay foi theii piouuce. As long as the stuuents volunteei, they aie welcome to take
home any of the piouuce. Both the Bale Y uaiuen anu the Ciow's Nest uieenhouses aie fuithei away
fiom campus. The Bale Y uaiuen also uoes not have siuewalks oi bike tiails. The uiiections uisplayeu on
the figuies will help guiue stuuents to the site locations.
Beiiies, }. (2u1u). 0#GGB8* ,44< H.&.)1&. Bealthy Communities by Besign. ESRI. Reulanus anu Loma
Linua, CA.

G;;+'/&J GK I+$2"'2 3"1 >$; 6+,+#%&"'
Figuie 1. Potential Sites of Bealthy Foou
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: Siuewalks
o Why was it incluueu. Siuewalks weie incluueu as an alteinative means of getting to the
healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The shapefile was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Bike Tiails & Lanes
o Why was it incluueu. The bike tiails weie anothei way foi stuuents to get fiom the campus
aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Figuie 2. Balf-Nile anu 1 Nile Bistance fiom Bealthy Foou Location Sites
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: Siuewalks
o Why was it incluueu. Siuewalks weie incluueu as an alteinative means of getting to the
healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The shapefile was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Bike Tiails & Lanes
o Why was it incluueu. The bike tiails weie anothei way foi stuuents to get fiom the campus
aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Buffei Layeis (Balf-Nile anu 1 Nile Buffei)
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu to show case a half-mile anu 1-mile buffei uistance anu
to uistinguish the uiffeiences between a "ciow flight" uistance anu actual netwoik uistance.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei cieateu fiom the geopiocessing tool calleu "buffei."
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This layei cieateu fiom the geopiocessing tool calleu
"buffei." The input layeis weie the healthy foou location sites.
Figuie S. 0ptimal Biiections to the Blacksbuig Faimei's Naiket
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: Routes
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu to show the netwoik insteau of stiaight-line
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was geneiateu fiom the extensions tools available.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This was a iesult of using the "Netwoik Analyst"
extension tools.
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Figuie 4. 0ptimal Biiections to the Ciow's Nest uieenhouses
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: Routes
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu to show the netwoik insteau of stiaight-line
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was geneiateu fiom the extensions tools available.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This was a iesult of using the "Netwoik Analyst"
extension tools.
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Figuie S. 0ptimal Biiections to SFC Stuuent uaiuen
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: Routes
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu to show the netwoik insteau of stiaight-line
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was geneiateu fiom the extensions tools available.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This was a iesult of using the "Netwoik Analyst"
extension tools.
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Figuie 6. 0ptimal Biiections to the Bale Y uaiuen
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: Routes
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu to show the netwoik insteau of stiaight-line
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was geneiateu fiom the extensions tools available.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This was a iesult of using the "Netwoik Analyst"
extension tools.
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Figuie 7. Site that is Nost Likely to Receive Stuuent Tiafic Baseu on Population Bensity
Featuie Layei: viiginia Tech Campus
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a fiame of iefeience to uistinguish between the
Town of Blacksbuig anu the viiginia Tech campus, which is wheie the taiget auuience is
piimaiily locateu.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig's uIS site.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Roaus
o Why was it incluueu. The ioaus layei was the main means foi stuuents to get fiom the
campus aiea, especially the Amblei }ohnston uoimitoiy, to the healthy foou locations.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. The ioaus layei was uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. Foi the most pait, the ioaus layei iemaineu unchangeu
Featuie Layei: J4$#" >.#"19K ,44< J4$#1B48&
o Why was it incluueu. This was the point of inteiest foi the guiue. These weie the locations
wheie stuuents weie auviseu to go to seek out healthy, fiesh, anu local piouuce anu
o Wheie was it obtaineu. Some of these locations weie oiiginally obtaineu fiom the auuiess
layei pioviueu by the Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The locations that weie fiom the Town of Blacksbuig
weie selecteu anu cieateu into a new layei. Some of the locations weie manually auueu
into the layei that was cieateu foi the existing sites. The euitoi tool was useu to auu
auuitional points.
Featuie Layei: A-'".) I498&148
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu as a point of iefeience as wheie the most stuuents
weie congiegateu anu as a place to stait wheie uiiections woulu be coming fiom.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was oiiginally obtaineu fiom auuiess layei pioviueu by the
Town of Blacksbuig.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. The uoimitoiy was selecteu by its auuiess anu cieateu
into a new layei.
Featuie Layei: Routes
o Why was it incluueu. This was incluueu to show the netwoik insteau of stiaight-line
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This was geneiateu fiom the extensions tools available.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This was a iesult of using the "Netwoik Analyst"
extension tools.
Featuie Layei: Bing Naps Aeiials
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu as a backgiounu layei to make the maps seem cleaiei
anu aesthetically pleasing.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was auueu fiom the "auu uata fiom AicuIS online"
o ueospatial configuiation changes. No geospatial configuiation changes weie maue to this
Featuie Layei: Census Tiacts
o Why was it incluueu. This was useu to uisplay population uensity.
o Wheie was it obtaineu. This layei was uownloaueu fiom the 0.S. Census Buieau Tigei
website baseu off of the 2u1u uataset.
o ueospatial configuiation changes. This layei was clippeu to the viiginia Tech campus anu
the symbology was changeu giauuateu colois with S natuial bieak classes.

G;;+'/&J <K G1#EH6 5"",2 $'/ >$'&;7,$%&"'2
A netwoik uataset was cieateu in AicCatalog anu the "New Netwoik Bataset" was composeu of the
stieets layei ueiiveu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig uIS website. To piouuce Figuie S thiough Figuie 7, the
Netwoik Analyst extension tool was useu to uisplay a netwoik anu geneiate wiitten uiiections.
Specifically, foi Figuie S thiough Figuie 6, the 'New Route' tool was useu as the sub tool in the Netwoik
Analyst extension tool. The input uataset useu foi the stops weie the "Local Bealthy Foou Locations" that
weie both manually cieateu anu uownloaueu fiom the Town of Blacksbuig website. The impeuance was
set to uistance (miles). Niles was selecteu because this is the fiame of uistance measuiement that most
Ameiicans aie familiai with. The uiiections pioviueu in the figuies weie geneiateu fiom the uiiections
uialog box available in the Netwoik Analyst Extension tool. Foi Figuie 7, the location-allocation subtool
was useu fiom the Netwoik Analyst extension tool to ueteimine which local healthy foou location woulu
most likely have the gieatest foot tiaffic baseu on stuuent population fiom the census 2u1u census uata.
The facilities uploaueu weie the local healthy foou locations. The geopiocessing tool calleu "featuie to
point" tool was useu to ueteimine the centioiu of each census tiact. This layei that was geneiateu was
useu as the uemanu points in the location-allocation tool. The impeuance was set to uistance (miles) anu
the settings weie "tiavel fiom to uemanu facility." The pioblem type was set to maximize attenuance anu
facilities weie limiteu to only 1. The following images will ieflect the steps taken to piouuce a location-
allocation netwoik.


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