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John C.


675 Water Street. New York New York 10002
(212) 470-7052 jcarloshuth@ga!
We"s!te# joh$
%se & 'ro(ess!o$al e)'er!e$ces a$* e)'ert!se to su''ort lear$!$g a$* 'ro+!*e h!gh ,ual!t& !$(orat!o$ ser+!ces (or
lear$ers !$ the --12 e$+!ro$e$t a$* "e&o$*.
Work Experience
Brooklyn Public Library 10/12-Present
.es'o$s!"le (or 'ro+!*!$g l!"rar& ser+!ces to tee$s a$* &ou$g a*ults w!th *!sa"!l!t!es !$ /rookl&$ New York.
S'ec!(!c res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e *es!g$!$g a$* !'lee$t!$g access!"le ga!$g a$* aker 'rogras0 co$*uct!$g
access!"le "ook talks0 'ro+!*!$g rea*er a*+!sor& ser+!ces a$* co$*uct!$g school +!s!ts as well as coor*!$at!$g
ser+!ces w!th coo'erat!$g age$c!es0 su''ort!$g "ra$ch sta(( a$* su'er+!s!$g ju$!or sta((0 'rogra !$ter$s a$*
Special Needs Consultant 10/10- 01/12
Works w!th schools to assess s'ec!al e*ucat!o$ $ee*s a$* *e+elo' tech$olog& "ase* solut!o$s. 1**!t!o$al
res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e e+aluat!$g $ew 'ro*ucts0 'rese$t!$g at $at!o$al a$* state co$(ere$ces0 *e+elo'!$g case
stu*!es a$* a$swer!$g !$,u!r!es a"out s'ec!al $ee*s 'ro*ucts a$* ser+!ces.
Reference Librarian, Hawaii Pacific ni!ersity, "aneohe, H# 6/10-8/10
.es'o$s!"le (or work!$g w!th 2e$ter (or 3ale$te* a$* 4!(te* Youth (23Y) 'rogra !$structors to su''ort the
!$(orat!o$al $ee*s o( 23Y stu*e$ts. 1**!t!o$al res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e su'er+!s!$g stu*e$t workers0 su''ort!$g
c!rculat!o$ sta((0 'ro+!*!$g l!"rar& or!e$tat!o$0 research ass!sta$ce a$* re(ere$ces ser+!ces (or 23Y sta(( a$*
stu*e$ts0 as well as 56% stu*e$ts a$* (acult&.
Library Resources $ssistant, Hawaii Pacific ni!ersity, Honolulu, H# 9/09-6/10
Su''ort the 1ssoc!ate 7!rector o( the l!"rar& as $ee*e*. .es'o$s!"le (or co$*uct!$g 'r!$t cou$ts0 *ata"ase checks
a$* a**!t!o$al a*!$!strat!+e su''ort as $ee*e*. 1lso res'o$s!"le (or a!$te$a$ce a$* re'a!r o( l!"rar& (ac!l!t!es0
(ur$!ture0 e,u!'e$t a$* tech$olog&.
Reference Librarian, Hawaii Pacific ni!ersity, "aneohe, H# 6/09-8/09
.es'o$s!"le (or work!$g w!th 2e$ter (or 3ale$te* a$* 4!(te* Youth (23Y) 'rogra !$structors to su''ort the
!$(orat!o$al $ee*s o( 23Y stu*e$ts. 1**!t!o$al res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e su'er+!s!$g stu*e$t workers0 su''ort!$g
c!rculat!o$ sta((0 'ro+!*!$g l!"rar& or!e$tat!o$0 research ass!sta$ce a$* re(ere$ces ser+!ces (or 23Y sta(( a$*
stu*e$ts0 as well as 56% stu*e$ts a$* (acult&.
Substitute %eacher, "elly Ser!ices, Honolulu, H# 3/08-5-09
Su"st!tute teacher. .es'o$s!"le (or the su'er+!s!o$ a$* !$struct!o$ o( elee$tar&0 !**le a$* h!gh school stu*e$ts
!$ the greater 5o$olulu area.
Skills %rainer, $laka&i Na "eiki, Honolulu, H# 12/07-3/08
8'lee$t !$ter+e$t!o$ 'rotocol (or 15-&ear-ol* h!gh school stu*e$t. 9ac!l!tate school a$* cou$!t& 'art!c!'at!o$.
:a)!!;e stu*e$t<s !$*e'e$*e$t (u$ct!o$!$g. 2oor*!$ate e((orts w!th !$ter+e$t!o$=e*ucat!o$al tea.
%utor, 'ducational 'nterprises, Honolulu, H# 12/07-3/08
3utor !**le a$* h!gh school stu*e$ts us!$g sta$*ar*s 'lus curr!culu0 a*!$!ster 're a$* 'ost-assesse$ts0 teach
test- tak!$g strateg!es as $ee*e*0 ass!st stu*e$ts w!th co'let!o$ o( hoework0 *ocue$t atte$*a$ce0 wr!te-u'
o$thl& re'ort *ata us!$g o$thl& tutor!$g logs a$* "!-weekl& 'rogress re'orts.
'ducational $ssistant, $l!ah Scott 'le(entary, $iea, H# 1/05 9/07
.es'o$s!"le (or sall grou' a$* o$e-to-o$e !$struct!o$ !$ regular a$* s'ec!al e*ucat!o$ classroos. 1**!t!o$al
res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e 'hotoco'&!$g0 (!l!$g a$* ge$eral classroo a$agee$t.
Habilitation )orker, %he $RC, Honolulu, H# 8/04-3/05
6ro+!*e ass!ste* l!+!$g a$* ge$eral care to cl!e$ts !$ a res!*e$t!al hoe (or a*ults w!th *e+elo'e$tal *!sa"!l!t!es.
Store %rainer, City *ill, Honolulu, H# 9/04-1/05
.es'o$s!"le (or the *es!g$0 !'lee$tat!o$ a$* e+aluat!o$ o( *e'arte$tal tra!$!$g a$* o$thl& 'ro*uct tra!$!$g (or
sales sta(( at 5awa!! -a! 2!t& :!ll. 1**!t!o$al res'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e sh!(t co+erage across store *e'arte$ts0 'a!$t
!)!$g0 ke& a$* '!'e cutt!$g0 scree$ a$u(actur!$g a$* ge$eral custoer ser+!ce.
$ssistant Librarian, Ca(brid+e Public Library, Ca(brid+e *$ 11/03-7/04
1ss!sta$t >!"rar!a$ 2!rculat!o$ 7e'arte$t0 .es'o$s!"le (or the 'ro+!s!o$ o( *a&-to-*a& c!rculat!o$ ser+!ces to the
ge$eral 'u"l!c. 7ut!es !$clu*e "ut are $ot l!!te* to# 'rocess!$g o( a''l!cat!o$s0 !$terl!"rar& loa$ re,uests0 ge$eral
custoer ser+!ce a$* re(errals to other *e'arte$ts a$* ser+!ces.
Senior Substitute, Ca(brid+e Public Library, Ca(brid+e *$ 11/01-11/03

6ro+!*e re(ere$ce0 rea*er a*+!sor& a$* !$(orat!o$ ser+!ces to the 'u"l!c at the ch!l*re$<s *e'arte$t o( the
2a"r!*ge 6u"l!c >!"rar&. 1ss!st 'atro$s !$ the use o( 'r!$t re(ere$ce ater!als0 o$l!$e catalogues0 electro$!c
re(ere$ce *ata"ases a$* the 8$ter$et. 6ro+!*e re(errals to other *e'arte$ts a$* ser+!ces ass!st !$ the 'la$$!$g a$*
!'lee$tat!o$ o( 'rogras (or a*ults a$* ch!l*re$ a$* 'er(or stack a!$te$a$ce *ut!es !$clu*!$g# shel+!$g0 shel(
rea*!$g0 sh!(t!$g a$* 'ag!$g stack ater!als. 1ss!st !$ su'er+!s!$g two 'art t!e 'ages !$ a!$ta!$!$g l!"rar&
Paraprofessional, Stuy!esant Hi+h School, New ,ork, N, 9/98-8/01
?$e-to-o$e 'ara'ro(ess!o$al (or $o$-+er"al0 aut!st!c s!)tee$-&ear-ol* stu*e$t. .es'o$s!"le (or the 'ro+!s!o$ o(
aca*e!c a$* soc!al su''ort. 3ra!$e* !$ 1''l!e* /eha+!oral 1$al&s!s0 the use o( a*a't!+e tech$olog& a$* l!!te*
1er!ca$ S!g$ >a$guage.
%N8@A.S83Y ?9 :1SS125%SA33S0 /osto$0 :1
Bachelor&s -e+ree, *a.or/ Hu(an Ser!ices
Date of graduation: Sept 2007
%N8@A.S83Y ?9 51W188 13 :1N?10 5o$olulu0 58
*aster&s -e+ree, *a.or/ School Library *edia Specialist
Date of graduation: August 2010
Conferences Presentation
Louisiana $ssociation of Co(puter sin+ 'ducators 012324 ?$ 3rack (or .ea*!$g Success
Pennsyl!ania 'ducational %echnolo+y '5po 6 Conferences 012334 A+!*e$ce-/ase* 1ssesse$t
"entucky Society for %echnolo+y in 'ducation 012334 21
2e$tur& Sc!e$ce Solut!o$s
#nternational %echnolo+y 6 Persons with -isabilities Conference 012334 1S7 So(tware (or Stu*e$t Success
National School Board $ssociation Conference 012334 :us!c !$ the S'ec!al A*ucat!o$ 2lassroo
$laba(a 'ducational %echnolo+y Conference 012334 :ath (or Aarl& >ear$ers
Volunteer Work
Secretary of the School Co((unity Council, $l!ah Scott 'le(entary, $iea, H# 1/06 4/07
.es'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e coor*!$at!$g cou$!cat!o$ "etwee$ e"ers o( the School 2ou$!t& 2ou$c!l0
recor*!$g a$* *!str!"ut!$g !$utes0 'art!c!'at!$g !$ "!-o$thl& eet!$gs a$* 'ro+!*!$g !$'ut o$ school "u*get a$*
'ol!c& *ec!s!o$s.

7ice President of the School Co((unity Council, $l!ah Scott 'le(entary, $iea, H# 4/07 9/07
.es'o$s!"!l!t!es !$clu*e cha!r!$g a$* call!$g eet!$gs to or*er !$ the a"se$ce o( the 6res!*e$t0 'art!c!'at!$g !$ "!-
o$thl& eet!$gs a$* 'ro+!*!$g !$'ut o$ school "u*get a$* 'ol!c& *ec!s!o$s.

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