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Things to Say After You Say Hello:

Using Palmistry to Learn Seduction.

A book by

Steve Celeste
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Copyright 2005 Steve Celeste

Things to Say After You Say Hello:

Using Palmistry to Learn Seduction.
Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 4 Palmistry______________________________________________________________ 7 Should I learn to really read palms like it is taught in a palmistry book?__________ 10 Your first palm reading: four lines and a mound. Five readings. ________________ 13 Timing your Transitions ________________________________________________ 28 Troubleshooting your delivery. ___________________________________________ 33 Confidence ___________________________________________________________ 35 When her Personal Questions Come. ______________________________________ 40 Getting her phone number. ______________________________________________ 47 Her Strategies. ________________________________________________________ 50 The Advanced Palm Reading ____________________________________________ 56 Selling-it routines. _____________________________________________________ 67 Girls you have already kissed. ____________________________________________ 70 Changing the direction of a conversation and use of comedy. __________________ 75 Using Language Effectively. _____________________________________________ 81 Female Obstacles (Chaperones) __________________________________________ 84 Male Obstacles without girl listening (a.k.a Befriending Male Obstacles) _________ 90 Male Obstacles with girl listening. (a.k.a Going Head to Head with Competition) __ 96 Your Male Friends. ___________________________________________________ 100 To go depressing or to stay positive. ______________________________________ 102 Closing words ________________________________________________________ 104 Appendix Ia: Filling out the Selling-It Routine ___________________________ 105 Appendix 1b: The Simian Line __________________________________________ 110 Appendix Ic: When former child abuse victims blow up in fury mid palm-reading and other tips for dealing with girls who have dark pasts that you uncover. __________ 111 Appendix II: On other methods of fortune telling.___________________________ 113 Appendix IIa: Runes for Romantic Encounters. ____________________________ 115 Appendix IIb: The Cube for Romantic Encounters. _________________________ 120

Copyright 2005 by Steve Celeste. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form by electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including distribution electronically, audio recording or in any information storage or retrieval system including private or public servers. The single copy that has been paid for may be stored on a single personal computer. This file may not be opened and changed, and the publisher will enforce copyright infringements and illegal distribution.

Introduction My heart has become capable of every form: A monastery for Christian monks, The pilgrims Kaba, The tablets of the Torah, And the book of the Quran. I follow the religion of Love: Whatever way Loves camel takes, That is my religion and faith. Ibn Arbani, 1215. Becoming more attractive for a man is a path of self-improvement. For attractiveness in a man rests not in physical appearance so much as in the disposition of the soul and the way he moves and interacts with the world. This book is about winning girls, especially girls you do not know. Thus it is about the first, opening stages of the relationship, not the later ones when trust and mutual responsibilities play dominant roles. The book will take you through a process of change, tweaking the way you interact with women and the world in order to have you take power in social interactions, find a rhythm and peace in the way you act, and put beautiful women into your life. The path to growth you will take is that of Casanova: the action of thoughtful relations with the world, rather than the inaction and isolated meditation of a Buddhist monk. For we all interact with women we have many inner turmoils that manifest themselves in our actions. Your fears, insecurities, vanity, pride, sexual identity, and lust are all exposed by your desire to have her and your interaction with her. This book is really about becoming an attractive man. You are going to go out into the world with a curriculum, some things to say, to build confidence and learn charisma and how to be attractive. When you go out there you will be dealing with women during the early stages of a relationship; that is before the trust, mutual respect and friendship that are the hallmarks of an ongoing relationship are established. The skillset in initiating relationships is quite unrelated to maintaining relationships, meaning that the well meaning advice of people within relationships is often quite misguided. Part of winning girls is empathising and understanding them, part of it is about understanding yourself, part of it believing in yourself as a worthwhile person, and part of it being confident in yourself. These come together in the opening stages of meeting someone new of the opposite sex as it does in few other fields of life. To win girls whom you have only just met requires controlling the interaction, working it to achieve two goals: getting to know her well enough to decide whether you want to further the relationship, and interesting her enough in you to the point where the decision to proceed is mostly yours. A large part of what I am going to teach here is that you are going to learn to read palms. I am also going to ask you to tell some of my stories, and respond in some ways that I

respond. These are examples, and I encourage you to replace the material with your own stories and routines that reflect who you are once you have mine working correctly. Palm reading here is simply a vehicle to something deeper. It will never be the only thing you say to a girl, but I will get you doing it properly so that correct action and intent can flow into all your conversations with women relations and your life once you stop reading palms and return to your own topics of conversations. Palm reading has been chosen as the teaching vehicle because it encapsulates many of the important lessons in transforming yourself to a man in control of his love life. While palm reading is a skill unto itself that is worthwhile for itself and will take some learning, the ability to read palms is not the outcome objective of this curriculum. I will use palm reading to teach the following: Controlling the frame of the interaction so that you are driving the direction of the conversation as a strong man rather than following the conversation to wherever it goes. The appearance of confidence that, with success will drive a change to real sexual confidence and the ability to show yourself for the attractive individual that you are. Understanding what a girl is thinking at any time within an interaction by taking feedback from the structures of the conversation. Understanding what she thinks is a skill that is useless if you do not understand what to do with this information, and this calibration to her internal thoughts and dilemmas will be moderated with building an intuition for what actions you need to take given this information. The use of lyrical language and imagery to fire passion. The tailoring of messages to your audience, and the proper choice of relevant detail to include within your conversations. Changing the tone of the conversation from just-met-you banter to the comfort and intimacy of exploring each other and sharing and understanding how a fledgling relationship moves in its dynamics. Confidently escalating physical intimacy and touch to get the relationship on physical level that involves human touch and sharing. Transitioning relationships towards the sexual. Dealing with her friends as well as your own including her male friends, and negotiating the rocky path of jealousy and possessiveness. Taking her from within her peer group within a social situation so that she can be one-on-one with you in an interaction that is simply about you and her.

Palm reading is a tool that will teach all these things, and the lessons are designed with the larger objectives in mind. That said palm reading is a valuable skill that I am going to have you invest in learning. Once you have the skill, using it to learn the larger lessons, you will see its value for what it is, and may well decide to keep the skill in your life and continue to read palms even after the larger lessons have been learned. Palm reading as described here is actually very scientific. But instead of drawing on the details of the creases in her palm, it draws on universal experiences of childhood, 5

adolescence and early adulthood especially the needs to be loved, to be seen as desirable, and to believe in yourself, as well as the joys and fears, achievements and pain that are part of growing up. These universals are well documented in psychology, philosophy, sociology and religion. In thinking about them systematically, in experiencing them and knowing others, we learn about ourselves as well as the others. Change does not come without hard work and practice. You will never become a good tennis player without the practice of hitting many balls and you will not magically become good with women without going out and flirting with girls. To that end, a large part of what you will learn will happen in the real world. Whilst I can explain the lessons you are to learn, true understanding only comes when you see it working, make your own mistakes and have your own epiphanies that feedback from the real world will reinforce. To that end, I am going to ask you to go out into your world to practice. Into the anonymous social situations around you. When I say anonymous social situations, I mean the places in public where you do not already know the people, and they are anonymous to you. You should go out to the bars and nightclubs, or to the coffee shops, the shopping malls, you should practice on the waitresses that serve you in your restaurants, bars and cafes, and perhaps on the attendants of booths at trade shows or even other attendees of houses that are for sale and are open for inspection. Anywhere that there is a social interaction to be had where what the people think of you is unimportant compared to what your co-workers think of you. Although you will invariably also practice within your social and professional circles, anonymous situations reduce the risks you take to nothing more than an experiment.

Palmistry Girls love getting their palms read. It does not matter if they are scientists or religious fundamentalists they love it. When you sit down with a girl and read her palm, she blocks the rest of the world out and concentrates on what you are saying. It does not matter that her best friends, or other guys surround her. It is you and her together in a warm intimate bubble. The rest of the world has faded away. You are touching her, and talking about her innermost thoughts and beliefs. She is riveted, looking deeply into your eyes, searching for understanding. She is smiling and blushing. Her eyes are as big as saucers. At the end, she kisses you shyly on the cheek, and the fact that you and her are together and on the way to intimacy is explicit. The interaction that occurs within a well-done palm reading is indicative of a larger interpersonal dynamic that occurs at the beginning of every relationship that is initiated. Even girls who you would not expect to like having their palms read love it. Girls whose religious beliefs are impinged. For example, I was once at a bar in Nashville, Tennessee and started chatting to a beautiful Southern Belle who was there with her Church group of people. A Southern Baptist fundamentalist who gets in the river for full body baptisms. Palm reading is totally against her religious beliefs, but she loved the experience. We were in a deep dance of intimacy together, her blue eyes completely fixed on me. After the palm reading, we were explicitly together. I had also introduced myself well and interacted well with her group, however it was after reading her palm that she told her friends that she would make her own way home at closing time. With the girls in your life whom you know well and are comfortable, you spend your time talking about all sorts of things including your ambitions, dreams and philosophies. Palm reading dives you straight to this level of intimacy when you have only known a girl for a few minutes, and you can use it to jump to the sort of intimacy that she reserves for her boyfriends and closest female friends. Palm reading is a vehicle to talk about your philosophies on life and draw her into your worldview and how you see the world. Communicating at this level of comfort and intimacy is important in your interactions with women and this book will not just introduce palm reading as a conversation piece. This learning to read palms will be a good exercise in understanding where you can go with general conversation with a girl to increase levels of intimacy. Nearly every conversation that you have is routine. When you are asked What do you do? it is a conversation that you have had often before, and you know where the conversation goes. In fact most of our conversations that we have when meeting new people are conversations that we have had before, while you are following this course, palm reading will become one of those conversations that you will have all the time just like what do you do? When you run a conversational thread often and get it polished you become highly familiar with the texture of the conversation and reading where any given girl might be in her mental space at any point in the conversation. With that information you are in a good position to handle correctly a question like do you just want to sleep with me

throughout the conversation. I will give you ways to handle such situations, and build your intuitions for the best ways forward. Palm reading is a routine that changes the energy of the encounter from the high energy of interaction that comes with first meeting someone to the personal interrelation that you have with someone that you are becoming more intimate with. A discussion of palm reading starts in the middle of an interaction with a girl, right on the cusp of the change, illustrating how the mood moves, and enabling you to understand other ways of doing it. A well-done palm reading should achieve the following: 1) Peel away her pretences and talk about her as a real person 2) Entertain her and get her enraptured and drawn into the conversation. 3) Have her attracted to you. 4) Get her thinking about you sexually. 5) Escalate the physical intimacy to get you and her comfortable touching each other. These things are no different from what you want to do in any interaction with a possible love interest. Palm reading will also encourage you to develop a vocabulary of the rich inner workings of the mind. It will guide you in word choice and you will develop a skill to access past and future thoughts and feelings in your audience that you will be able to take into your general conversations that you have all the time. Hopefully, by the time you have finished reading this book, that you will notice that all the readings start to sound a bit the same. They are all somewhat generic and contain what I call symbols, common outer patterns with larger underlying meanings. If you see this, then it is good. It will allow you to come up with similar material on your own. Part of what you will start to recognise with the book is the symbols that the girl is giving you within the interaction, and their underlying meanings so that you know how to deal with situations that are thrown at you. When we look at a symbol (from which we get the word symbolise) we perceive its inner meaning at the same time its outer reality. The outer form is simply a veil that separates us from its inner reality. The advantage of an established vocabulary of symbols is that once we are aware of the symbolic meaning we no longer need to use our analytic mind to work it out. Thus freed from reliance upon outer form, the inner reality of the symbol can speak directly to us. The veil of separation between outer appearance and inner state has been removed. There is an art to being a single man. An inner balance that needs to be achieved where you are relaxed in your world and the world is easy for you. When that happens, the world changes for your presence and finds a new equilibrium with your relationship to it. This palm reading routine has the correct power relationship with the world as part of it,

and I give you the surrounding routines to allow you to maintain your power even when she is testing it. If you keep the equilibrium at the right point, you will be attractive to the opposite sex. When you have the inner relationship with yourself correct you can enjoy the experience of being single and find a way of living that gives you joy and inner peace. Where you get into a certain rhythm of living where you have both a certain disregard for societal norms, and exert your presence in the world so that the world modifies itself to accommodate you in the room. When you are there, the women come easily to your life, and your life can develop a rhythm of women moving through it. Once there, you are able to have meaningful relationships with women that do not come from any sense of neediness or compromise that effects your happiness, and this in turn enriches your experience of life as well as any girl who is lucky enough to be a part of it. Important to any interaction with women is that you are enjoying yourself. If you are nervous or would prefer to not be in this situation, it will be telegraphed. You must be relaxed and be enjoying your conversation with the girl. That is the only way that she will enjoy it. So, when you go out there and read palms, enjoy it. I do, and I hope reading this book and using this routine gives you a lot of pleasure and brings rich relationships to your life.

Should I learn to really read palms like it is taught in a palmistry book? Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment. Plato I am going to dive you in head first to get you started on the palm reading. This is premature before I have discussed the concepts, but learning-by-doing is the best way. Some of you reading may be doing so for the understandings about interacting with women while feeling you need not do my exercises and and have no intention of actually reading a palm. While if you want to discard the palm reading once you have learned the lessons in this book and have mastered the skill set, I present here the palm reading as a teaching aid, and in order to learn, I very strongly encourage you to go out and read them. I want you to commit to doing a minimum of 5 beginners readings, 5 advanced readings, 2 obstacle readings and 1 reading that goes into sexual themes. Commit to at least that now, and count them off as you complete each. That is not a large task. You could easily go out to a bar or shopping mall and complete 3 beginners readings tonight. By the time you are doing advanced readings it will come more slowly because the readings will be yielding success that leaves you speaking to each girl whose palm you read for several hours. This represents a minimum and you will learn much more than twice as much by doubling those numbers. I understand however that you may have some objections and feel awkward about the fact that you cannot really read palms like a new-age palmistry book might teach. So the first thing I want to do is address some of your objections about actually going out there and reading palms. Many men do not have a good feel for what to say after they say hello. Here I am going to present you with material to say, relying on my content, so your mind can be freed to concentrate on the dynamics of the situation rather than what to say next. Learning the entire system that those selling books on palmistry would have you learn does not drive towards this goal. While if you want to learn to truly read palms, I would encourage you, I, myself, despite reading mountains of palm reading material years ago when I first started to read palms, have completely forgotten all of it. I cannot even identify the minor lines or remember the planetary names of the fingers. I once had the skill set to do a genuine reading. I have been reading palms constantly since then. I have forgotten how to because I never use that information. Therefore, I give you here just the bare bones of palm reading to get you doing it while discussing interacting with females at length and in that way I am not teaching you to really read palms like a gypsy might. Palm reading is not real. In a study by G. Dean and colleagues the reliability of different fortune telling was tested1. A minimal test that any reputable method of diagnosis or divining ought to pass is that of reliability. That is not a test of whether it actually works, but rather a test of whether different practitioners confronted with the same palm agree.

Dean, G., Mather A. and Kelly I.W., (1996) Astrology. In G. Stein (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Paranormal, Amhurst, NY: Prometheus Books, 47 99.


Even if their verdicts are wrong, the reliability looks at if the method is systematic enough to produce the same wrong verdicts. Palm reading does not do well in such a test. For comparison, when the test judged psychologists on their assessments in structured psychological interviews, the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.8 (a correlation coefficient of 1.0 would mean perfect agreement, -1.0 would represent perfect disagreement, 0.0 would represent complete randomness or lack of association; 0.8 is pretty good.) Against this, in the same study, the reliability coefficient for palmistry was only 0.11, (and interestingly for astrology was 0.1 you would think at least they would be able to be consistent), and indicated near total randomness. I believe that the study does not test the right things however. What the study tells me is that palmists are saying different things. They each have their own truisms that are different from each other. But if the question were asked of the subjects: which did you enjoy more and which describes you better; the psychological profile, the palmistry or the astrology, we would have a very different result. People love palmistry and can see their own lives in it. That each palmist says different things does not attest to the skill of the palmist, only the fact that they are not truly reading palms. Skill in palmistry is about entertainment and engendering understanding. There is nothing there to actually read. I am going to hook you into this world, and you can be assured you are one of those palm readers giving the fantastic readings. I only read palms in a situation where I am initiating a relationship. It is not a hobby for me, I do not read the palms of men (unless I have to get to their women) and I am not interested in what the palm really says. I do not believe there is any fortune to be read in a palm that contains any truth. That is me as a sceptic. If you want to believe it, fine. Just throw away your belief while you are learning this course. The etchings in her hands are not the important things. You may feel that you are a rational thinker, and that reading a palm is completely incongruous to how you see yourself as a person, and how other people see you in the world. That you would never believe in such superstitions. In the selling it routine chapter, I will walk you through the philosophy whereby you can come to a position that you are able to read palms and still present yourself as a rational thinker who believes in science and is sceptical of the supernatural. This course may seem like there is memory work involved where I am offering readings to memorise. The beauty is that none of the readings is correct or incorrect. The readings are measured against only one criterion: the reaction they get, and it is those reactions that you should be concentrating on. Further, learning does not come from memorising what I have said and repeating the words, it comes from understanding the underlying ideas. In that way, I want to give you ideas, options and an understanding of the mechanics of an interaction, and you should not end up with a memorised routine at all but rather a unique mind-space where you are driving the interaction by the seat of your pants, making decisions as you go and driving the interaction from within.


However, you will, as part of this course, have to memorise a couple of things to get out there and do your first reading, but I will make that reading as small as possible whilst still making it a foundation for the larger readings. All you need to remember at the beginning is the small cheat sheet on page 15, filling in the language yourself with your own words to begin with. After you have done a couple on your own, you can practice moving towards the sort of language that I have presented while making it your own. The memory load is very small compared with learning to actually read palms, and the readings are always good. You will find, once you have that first very small reading together, you can run it over and over again as is, substituting lines for things you feel work better, it will grow organically as you test new things and you will find yourself with a standard palmreading routine of your own probably quite different to mine (that I include in The Advanced Reading chapter). One that you run all the time. One that you never forget no matter how long since you last used it. One that is adapted to your style of reading palms. Once you are getting success from reading palms, if you decide you want to retain the ability to read fortunes socially in your life, my palm reading is a springboard from which to jump, and you can get yourself together your own that can only be an improvement on mine since my readings are those that you can fall back on should that change not be an improvement. If you are a golfer, or a pool player you will know that there is a sweet spot on the club or cue or pool ball or tennis racket where if you hit it in the right place it makes a beautiful sound and the ball just carries beautifully. Something changes within you also when you hit it in the sweet spot and it is a very pleasant sensation for the player. Similarly in a seduction there can be a sweet spot. Where the two of you are really enjoying each other, in your own world and completely into each other. Neither taking the other seriously. But enjoying each other enormously and getting to know each other better. It is when you can be yourself and the girl can be herself and you can vibe off each other and really enjoy each other. You ramp up each others feelings and it just feels good and right. In order to get to this sweet spot you need to find the right mental space complimentary to hers, and be yourself in the interaction. A palm reading is part of the interaction, and you want the palm reading to drive you towards a sweet spot seduction so you know what it feels like and can find it with all your interactions.


Your first palm reading: four lines and a mound. Five readings. A man, in his love choice, is strongly tempted to the woman who best corresponds to his own unconscious femininity a woman, in short, who can unhesitatingly receive the projection of his soul. Carl Jung, Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious, 1900 This is the only drawing that is important in this book; because this is all you need to know.

The picture is self-explanatory. Examine your own palm and you should be able to identify the lines easily. The Mound of Venus is the fleshy mound between your life line and your thumb. The children lines are the lines on the side of your hand between the bottom of the little finger and where the heart line curls around your palm. Traditionally if you count these lines they will tell you how many children you are going to have. This is not the reading I give to them, however. (Note: if your heart and head lines are joined, this is called a Simian Palm, and is an exception to the rule. See Appendix I for details). When you are reading her palm, you will not need to take any note of which shape these lines are, or how deep they are, or what line crosses what when. The actual lines are not important. You read the palm towards your goals regardless of what the lines say. I give you the drawing so that you know which line you are pointing at as you are talking about the reading and philosophies that you want to talk about. A palm reading routine is a modular routine. I am suggesting a place to start and a place to end, but you can start where you want with whatever routine you want once you get confident. I put this routine together through trial and error of starting in different places and inserting different modules. The advanced routine I present a little later is longer than this, and this one is just to get you started. I have intentionally made it reasonably


innocuous with very few risks. It does not contain any overt sexual material. Without any risks you can run the routine and understand the structure of the exchange and use it to learn before going onto the other palm reading material in this book. It will get you out there speaking to women to practice flirting in a thoughtful and constructive way. It will get the job done, and even your initial attempts should yield new relationship opportunities into your life. It also forms the basis of the advanced reading and the first few minutes are identical. There is an introduction and five readings to remember. The introduction just explains to her the basic lines on her palm. The five readings do not need to be remembered word for word. Just remember the theme, and fill it out yourself in a way that is natural to you. Your first palm reading ever will make you nervous. It is a fact. It wont be the best palm reading ever, but it does not need to be. What it will do is teach you that even though you completely messed it up, you were not caught and the reaction from the girl was positive. So dont over-think it. It is easy. Go out and run this routine live on a girl you just met or a girl you already know presenting yourself as someone who knows what he is doing tonight! When you are reading a girls palm, you are actually reading deeply into your own soul, and ascribing common human conditions to her. I will include some comments in parentheses and discussions. Read through it, and then at the end I have removed all the comments for easy comprehension of the text of the readings. The comments include the back-story for you to enrich the routine by delving further into each issue with the girl if it really strikes her fancy. The readings are just guides in themselves about how to talk about these issues. So without further ado, here is the beginners routine: A summary of the five readings plus the introduction is below. Use your own language to describe this. Summary (cheat sheet) Intro: explains the major lines Fate line: tells her that she had an experience where she had to grow up before she was ready. Heart line: tells her that she always had dreams of a perfect-man. Mound of Venus: tells her that she has a caged heart and she needs to open herself up. Life line: tells her that it is a time of separating paths and the time is here in her life where she has to take action. Head line: tells her that she is intuitive and knows when something good is in front of her. Children lines: tell her she is fertile.


The fully detailed text is below:


Do you know your basic palm? Relax your fingers. RELAX ... relaaax. Yeah ... that is right. This is your head line (run your finger along her head line, and continue to do that every time you point out a feature on her hand. Do not be scared to touch her), this is your life line, this is your heart line. (Twist over the palm to look at the "children lines". Dont say anything, just examine her palm then look at her and say) Now, important to your palm are some minor lines that I am going to introduce you to also. This line here is called your fate line. Yours is strange because it (does whatever it does ... if it is different to yours or she does not have one in which case the lack of one is the reason for the reading you can briefly show her yours to show what "normal" is ... this showing of your palm is extremely optional, you will need to use your judgment as to whether she even cares what it is supposed to look like). The other thing that is important to your palm is this (run your finger over her Mound of Venus) ... your Mound of Venus it represents your heart also. I'll come back to it. Your palm all combines to a single story. Discussion of the above: There is nothing to memorise at all in what I have written above. I have inserted it so that you understand that you just explain the lines on the palm in much the same way that I did in the diagram of the palm. Just understand the basic palm and point out the lines. There is absolutely nothing special in the way I deliver this part of the routine except for telling her to relax her palm. When ordering her to do this, you will see her relax her shoulders, and can be assured that she is relaxing internally also. It is just an introduction. Before doing this you examine her hand closely by stretching it out to have a good look at the lines and roll it over to look at the children lines.
Fate line reading

Where will I start? OK, so lets start with your fate line because it is a distinguishing feature in that it (does whatever it does ... comes up to the head line for example. Time to change your voice tone and make sure you are in a serious voice here as if you could cry because it is likely that you are talking about a death in the family or divorce of her parents or something). That means that as a child or adolescent you had some experience where you were asked to become an adult before you were ready. (Pause, let it sink in). Yeah, I know, that was very difficult for you. (Empathy on that line) However, as much as that was very hard (pause), everything that has happened to you makes you who you are today. And given you like who you are today, you can therefore thank that event for making you who you are. You are more able to feel deeply and live as an adult because of it. Discussion of above reading: This reading is important. Since everyone was once a child but is now an adult everyone has a defining experience where they were a child asked to act in adult ways. It achieves a number of objectives. First, it sets the tone for the palm reading. Second, it sells her that this is real and that it will have some meat in the reading and not just be 15

fluff. Third, it gets her age regressing (going back in her mind to when she was a child). Fourth, it shocks her deeply. Do the exercise yourself. I tell you that there was some time in your childhood or adolescence when you were forced to grow up before you were ready, and that was difficult. Think of that time for you. Yep, that is the time. Now what I have done is asked you to recall the most traumatic thing that ever happened to you in your childhood. Now, some people may say that they can not come up with such an experience when asked. Nevertheless, it is absolutely universal in its nature, so they know the feeling. It could be as simple as finding out that Santa Claus is not real and that the mystical world of children does not exist, or the time she first went unaccompanied to kindergarten and was left away from the bosom of her mother to fend for herself on the Jungle-Jim. A younger sibling may have been born, and her attention from her parents diluted. These things are universal, and just because she says she cannot come up with such an experience does not mean that she cannot empathise with the feeling. So then, in a reading, you dwell on it. My readings are guides to the themes of the reading, and you can dwell on the pain harder by describing your own sensations (as opposed to the actual events) to deepen her into it if it feels right. You want the girl to deepen into the pain of that time. You dont gloss over it. You let her wallow in that hurt. Wallow in that sadness. It knocks her into herself. She is not out here with us any more; she is in her own head. She is not judging the palm reading, she is now thinking hard and listening to her own internal dialogue. Perhaps she is marvelling that you could see that. Perhaps she is wondering if it is universal. Now that is done you can go onto the light and fluffy reading of her heart line and her Mound of Venus and she will not be judging whether you can actually read palms the same. She is impressed even if she doesnt show it. You should not expect to see an expression on her face at this time, she is doing her best to keep her composure and remain unfazed. However, sometimes a girl will want to tell you what that time was. You should tell her that you couldnt see it exactly, and you are sorry to hear that. We are all a product of all the things that have happened to us in our lives. All our difficult experiences both make us spiritually richer and make us spiritually poorer. All the girls in your past have made you who you are today also. They have enriched your life even if they have burdened it. You are who you are today. A person with a unique set of circumstances making you who you are. You should be at ease with who you are. You should allow yourself to come to rest internally, and not dwell on the past except in a positive way. This is part of being comfortable with yourself as a man so you can claim your power in this world. You need to be comfortable with your past. In this reading, that is what you are asking the girl to do. In doing so you need to go there in your own mind so that she can understand what you mean.


Heart line reading Now your heart line. Because it curves up to between your index and middle fingers, it means that as a little girl you always had dreams of a perfect-man. And you always thought that a perfect-man would walk into your life. (Pause, look her in the eye and smile, the reading just took a change of pace and she will be thankful for it) However, at some stage, as much as your perfect-man could be right in front of you (be careful with the self point here) you may have trouble even recognising him and more trouble meeting him and seizing the opportunity that is right in front of you because if we look over here to your Mound of Venus ... as I said, this represents your heart also. Discussion of above reading: The reading asks her to recall her ideas of her ideal man and reminds her of it, then links that ideal man to you. We all have dreams of an ideal partner in our minds. Girls grew up with Prince Charmings of fairy tales, and men with the perfect 10 and childhood icons. When we were little, before we were sexually aware, we might have desired a certain little girl, and had dreams of being married and holding hands and being together, innocent of sexual desire to that stage, despite the fact that we hardly knew the little girl. We had invented a whole persona that felt real to us that was in fact not related to the actual person. She was a mental construct and conformed to fit your inner ideal. The perfect mate. For some girls, caught up in their idea of their one true love this Animus is out there and she is searching for him. This can prevent her from forming real relationships with real men. Men do the same, having an ideal woman in his mind to which the real flesh and blood women around him do not measure up. You should work hard not to allow yourself to fall into this trap, as it can make for an unhappy life. You should be a connoisseur of the real world and enjoy its beauty for what it is. You can not appreciate the real world or real people if they never meet your ideals, and you are missing the spice of life. Similarly the fear of losing love and being hurt can prevent many girls from entering into a relationship where they are prepared to allow themselves to love. This can leave them in a perpetual cycle of shallow relationships with shallow men. Men tend to do the same thing. The ability to love is apparent to a woman, and they find it enormously attractive. Be sure that in your quest for quality women you do not enslave yourself by valuing your freedom so much that it prevents you getting close. In that case the desire to be free becomes shackles that inhabits your choices and movements in fact reducing the things that you allow yourself to do and effectively removing your freedom. Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung has a whole set of ideas revolving around this natural human tendency to form a living breathing ideal mate in our minds. Jung thought differently to his predecessors and added a dimension to the philosophy of psychology by admitting inner experience and dreams as valid data from which to understand the way that humans think, believe and experience the world. Jung wrote that we were all psychologically androgynous to a certain extent in that no man is so entirely masculine that he has nothing feminine in him. The inner woman in a man is called the Anima and the inner man in a woman is called the Animus. For man the Animus becomes the


dominant personality and the Anima is externalised in our search for a mate, although we can allow our Anima to become more dominant and communicate using her. The anima has the following traits: she brings the attributes of feelings, emotions, tenderness, relatedness, commitment and fidelity, friendship, love and compassion, imagination, gentleness, romance, creativity, intuition, and a sense of aesthetics. The Animus on the other hand was more about assertiveness, courage, analytical thought, strength, vitality, decisiveness, a focused attentiveness, and a desire for achievement. Once he had separated out these two inner personalities, Jung felt that the inner male is capable of falling in love with the inner female. Especially in your dreams and fantasies, you will allow yourself to love and have conversations with your Anima. I look to within myself and understand that I am capable of falling in love as much with the notion of being in love as any particular girl that happens to be in my life. There are many girls out there, similarly who are in unfulfilling relationships who continue a relationship with a man in order to externalise the Animus onto someone else and project his personality onto her lovers face. A man who may not necessarily be anything like the Animus, but she wants to believe he is. This is the mechanism of the reading above. Encouraging her to remember her Animus, then project him onto someone, specifically, you. The pauses should just be heart beats just allowing the previous phrase to sink in. You can play with the lengths of the pauses to get a good feel for how long you should leave them, watching her for when they are helpful, when not, and when they leave her an opportunity to break into your conversation that you do not want. A self-point means that you point to yourself. You do this subtly with your right hand while your left cups her hand. The self point should be down low so your right hand does not move very much to do it. The reason that you do this is that, even though she does not notice it with her conscious mind, she associates the general thing you are talking about (in this case perfect-man) with you. If you watch yourself or others communicate you will find we all do self-points and away-points unconsciously. Here I am getting you tracking it to take control of this realm of non-verbal communication in all your interactions. When doing the self point, gauge her to see if she is sold that you can read palms or if she is still sceptical that it is a trick ... if she is a little naive you can do it blatantly. If you are not standing directly in front of her but reading it from the side so that you can speak in her ear with loud music you can do it blatantly. If it is quiet and she is sitting in front of you and she has been being difficult with you to test your confidence and trying to keep control of the situation by putting you on the back foot, let the perfect-man be ambiguous. If she is really sceptical you may even want to point away to relax her that you are not talking about you and she can lose herself in the reading. There is however no problem if she sees you are talking about yourself. This is the cocky flirting of a confident man. You smile at her with the reading in case she is pulling out what you are talking about.


The reading gives her the perfect-man she has been looking for and then immediately takes him away from her by telling her she is not ready. This makes her both chase and be drawn into the reading to see what it holds. You can negate any thing you say in regular conversation by using the word but or however. Here you are saying, You always had dreams of a perfect-man, however It is the however that gets her. She goes internally however what? and listens closely to your Mound of Venus reading. Similarly you can lay on what ever cheesy complement you like in regular conversation, and just insert a but to the end and it will get her chasing you. For example, you might say You know, you are a very attractive girl but and she will reply: But what? and just be sitting there in silence waiting. The but gets her chasing you.
Mound of Venus reading

Your Mound of Venus is this fleshy area here. If you have a close look, you will see these small lines that run up and down and side to side (you say this even if she does not have any. If she pulls you up on it tell her if she gets better light and has a close look she will see them and that you are practiced ... push on with the reading). Now these lines represent bars like in a jail over your heart. And it means that you have a caged heart. (Here you reach across with a semi-cupped hand, and touch her chest above the breast, your fingers representing the bars around her heart). It means that you hold yourself back and don't give yourself completely to all the people in your life (wave your hand out at the rest of the world). But you know that. And in that way you are giving up opportunities to love the people around you and be loved. You know that sometimes you are shy, or scared or lack some confidence, or try to act cool, or say the right thing, or act lady-line and you dont just be yourself and just relax even with your best friends. And you hold people out of your life (bring your hand up ... palm out like a policeman might say stop, but relaxed with your elbow bent in a subtle motion), and stop people from really getting to know you (gesture back and forth) and relax in a non-judgmental way. And youd be a lot happier if you could not lock yourself up, but rather let everyone else in, and give yourself to the people around you. And then you can just relax and be comfortable with yourself and everyone in your world. You dont need to hold yourself back and watch your manners and what is "the right thing to say". And in that way your heart is caged (touch her again on her heart). And you have trouble taking the new opportunities right in front of you, and this especially needs to be watched when you meet your perfect-man (run finger along heart line or else self point). Discussion of above reading: This reading is smooth. You are selling yourself as if you are a product that she needs to buy, but it comes off as a reading about her. As in Isn't it nice what you can buy? And all those feelings that you can get from those things. I mean you are the sort of person who likes to be happy, right? And you have certain deep needs that can be satisfied, right? And you are not the sort of person that would stand in the way of your own happiness, right? I mean you should treat yourself to this thing that is going to make you feel good. It is okay if it is explicit that is what you are doing, she almost always misses it.


You are in the reading telling her that she does not let herself enjoy herself and that her relationships suffer as a result. For girls their relationships are all important. You tell her that she needs to open up more and stop pushing people away. You are someone in front of her too, so you are telling her that her happiness is directly linked to how she treats you right now. You are also telling her to relax and be herself, telling her to change the way she feels right now so that she is more in the mood where she is not being guarded and she has removed her interpersonal barriers. This is a good mood to have her in with you. Then you tell her that she needs to take the new opportunity in front of her. That opportunity is you. The surface reading is true of human nature. In doing the reading, to have it understood, you should go to that need within yourself. Part of growing both to be the sort of person you want to be, and being more attractive to women in the process, is being at ease with yourself in the world. This means a lot of things, but especially that you are so confident that you can be yourself and move through the world with ease having removed your insecurities and inner turmoil. It means not censoring yourself and allowing yourself to connect with people. We all have opportunities to form new relationships in our lives around us, even if we cannot see them. Allowing other people in can be difficult, and because of that, the barrier to forming meaningful relationships can be in your own tendency to block people out, not allowing them into your life. This comes from your insecurities such as fear of a rebuff or fear of falling in love and getting hurt when she leaves, or feeling insecure that you will not know the way forward should you step into it. All these things are leaving you in inner turmoil and paralysing you into inaction. The first step is working on reducing the inner turmoils within, and this is exactly what you are asking the girl to do in the reading. For these reasons, you might leave beautiful women to whom you are attracted to pass you by, simply by not being ready to embrace your opportunities. Women have the same problems. The reading is to overcome these problems. You should go there in your own head as you do it to remove any of your own barriers just as you are asking her to remove hers. Going there in your own head first will allow her to follow. When you are delivering this reading, you need to think about the way you censor yourself at the beginning of the reading so she understands the sentiment. You need to think of your own awkwardness as you search for the right thing to say, or the desire to look cool. That is not being yourself. You are the person you truly are with your best friends. Because there you are not self conscious and not dogged by society. Then as the reading goes on you need to go into a different head space to allow her to follow. The one where you are completely yourself. To understand this, imagine that you had a job where you had no boss. You could arrive as you please and leave as you please and work or not work as you please. You dont have to worry about what your parents think, or your teachers think, or even what society expects, you can just be yourself, and become the person you always wanted to be.


Living without censor and with all your power in your world intact. Where you can keep the rebellion of independent thought alive, and express yourself as you choose to whomever you choose. That is the person that you need to be around women, and it is to those feelings that you need to go in your own mind as you explain this reading. The feeling of I am who I am. You will like me and accept me for who I am. I can let you in. The journey of learning to interact well with women is more than just some tricks; it is a journey of self-improvement. The journey from scattered ineffectiveness as a person to one who can have satisfying relationships with partners that you choose. It is a path to being ready to accept yourself and your relationships. The outer practice of interacting with society conquerors the inner practice of being in the world absolutely without apology and being completely comfortable in your skin. This is not to make the path one of wanton lust and gluttony in your sex life, but rather a path to inner peace and selfsatisfaction where you have relationships in your life with the women you desire and can enjoy them unreservedly. Regarding touching her chest, this is the first escalation of physical intimacy beyond simply holding her hand. I never have a girl reject this physical advance. You reach out and at the same time curl your fingers out like an open cup with the fingers relaxed but spaced. Your hand is rotated to a position so that the backs of the fingers are at the top. You are holding her hand with your left hand and touching gently her chest above her breast where her heart might be with your right fingertips just for a moment. You remove your hand again back to her hand. Again, you can use your judgment, depending on the girl as to how long to leave it there and how heavy to make the touch. You can return to do it again every time you tell her that she is locked up. When you are pointing to the rest of the crowd as in all the people out there, you twist around slightly so that you are looking from her perspective out at the world from the same angle she is. Like it is you and her against the world and you and her are in a bubble together as you point to everyone else. You wave your hand in a sweeping motion to everyone in the place. From this position ... you are talking as if you are beside her and with her and the rest of the world is "out there". As you continue you move back to facing her so you are speaking directly to her again. All these physical movements, managing personal space and gesturing towards and away from yourself will get you forming intuitions so you start doing it naturally in all your interactions.
Life line reading

This is your life line. It talks about your course of action for a decision that is in your life at the moment. This shows a time of separating paths. Old skins need to be shed in order for you to embrace the new things. There are certain things, people, or ideas in your life that are outmoded (point at in direction of her friends or boyfriend), and these things are stopping you from doing all those things that you really want to do, but never before allowed yourself to enjoy as completely as what you are about to enjoy. Because technically, right now, you are closer to the end of your life than you have ever been. The


day of your death is closer today than it was yesterday. So all those things that are holding you back, you can now just take and throw away. You can and allow yourself to enjoy this moment, and go with the flow of the times. All your worries fade away and in place are the pleasures of new experiences that you are about to experience, and new relationships that you are about to cultivate. As you realise that you are about to move forward to places you always wanted to go, but have never been. You about to drink the wine you always wanted to drink, and experience the things you want to. This is a time for you, and to hell with the rest. Discussion of the above reading: This reading is to do an objection strike on anything that might be holding her back from hooking up with you and a call for action. She may in her mind be thinking about her boyfriend, or perhaps about her feeling that she is being watched and needs to guard her reputation or any other thing that might be holding her back like her internal hang-ups. It is the beauty of ambiguous language. Most people out there are in the need of some bold changes in their worlds. Fear holds people back from doing all the things that they want to do, and being the person they would really like to be. People will externalise those fears into other reasons. Quitting your job, or leaving your boyfriend, or disappointing your parents expectations as to how you should act are difficult things for girls to do. But you know that deep inside there is a person in there that wants to make the change. So you tell her to do it. You have just come off telling her to remember her Animus, projecting him onto your face, then you have told her not to hold herself back. Now you are telling her do just do it. The message is obvious. To jump and do it is definitely something that she will be able to relate to. We are used to the formula of delayed gratification. You are told as a child Do not eat that now [immediate gratification], you will be not be hungry later for dinner time [big picture]. It continues more and more as you go on with life. You should not stay home from work today [immediate gratification], you will be fired and you need the job [big picture]. From within this context, the advice to just do it is not necessarily good if it hurts her big picture. It is quite likely that her logic line looks like this Go home with him and sleep with him [immediate gratification], and you will look to everyone like a slut. [big picture]. You should encourage her to follow the immediate gratification, and talk about philosophies during your interactions with women that value instant gratification highly to get her off the fence of fear about doing something new. Similarly, given you have gone out with the objective of forming new relationships, you should, when actively doing it, value instant gratification for yourself rather than holding off on your passions.
Head line reading

Your head line tells me that you are highly intuitive and that you follow your intuition when making decisions. I mean if you can think of a piece of clothing that you have worn lots and lots that you completely love. And no matter how many times you wear it, you always look great in it and you love it to bits. And as you think of that you should think back to when you were in the shop buying it. And remember when you were looking at it, and that feeling of just being sure that this is right for you. And you remember looking at


it and deciding to buy it. And as you do that you should remember the feeling that you felt in your body. This feeling of sureness. Where you are sure that this is the right thing to do. Because that is your intuition. And when you feel like this you need to trust your instincts and follow your intuition always. You need to trust it above and beyond everything else (point at her friends) and do the thing that you are sure about. Discussion of the above reading: this reading is to get her sure that you are the one. You are asking her to remember a time when she was sure, then bring that feeling into the present so that she feels sure now. Then you tell her to trust the feeling, and if she feels sure, then she should not hesitate. So in the entire palm reading you have now asked her to recall her ideal love, and then you have asked her to unlock herself and ready herself for new relationships and then you have motivated her telling her that she should act on her desires and now you are telling her to trust that decision. I discuss how this last sureness reading is constructed in the On using language effectively chapter
Children lines

(Now you twist over her palm to look at her "children lines") You are fertile! (Now you drop the palm signalling you are finished. She will jump out of the lull of the trance by saying:) HER: What? YOU: You are fertile. You are able to have children. (HER sometimes: How can you see that? YOU: It is here in these little lines. Now some palm readers who come from a different tradition to me will tell you that these lines represent the number of children you will have. But obviously in my palm reading tradition, we cannot read the future). Discussion of the above reading: this terminates the palm reading and completely changes the pace. She asks questions because she has been snapped out of the inner lull. You can if you like tell her that this is the thing that all girls are most interested in. It is also a good way to terminate a palm reading mid-way if you feel like it. You can use this to finish the palm reading at any time. You might be half way through what you want to do, and you forget what to say next, or you realise that she is not interested in a continued palm reading, you can just twist over the palm, read that she is fertile, drop the palm and move on to some other topic of conversation. A girls fertility is very important to her. It is how she defines herself in many ways. Sometimes you will read the palm of a girl and upon this reading she will say, Really, I thought I was infertile! She will then definitely ask how you see that. You explain. She might tell you that her doctor told her she was infertile. You tell her he is wrong, it is written in her palm. It is amazing how they believe you! People believe what they want to believe. Infertile girls might then run around and tell all her friends she is fertile, because the guy over there who reads palms said so. The joy is contagious. They can on occasion, if there is alcohol involved all start hugging her and congratulating her as if she had just


conceived. When this happens, you have to find a way to get the girl back from her group and pull her away again. Tell her that you forgot to mention something in her palm and pull her aside again to give her another mini-reading alone. The Cheek Kiss. A cheek kiss is very good at changing the dynamic between you and her. The beauty of it is that it seems so innocuous. It almost seems like an innocuous friendly hug where you pat each other on the back but rather it is where you ask her to kiss you on the cheek. You say, Give me a kiss! and you point to your cheek. You just put her in a position where she has to make fast decisions without sufficient time to think about the implications of what she is doing. What is she to do? A cheek kiss is harmless, no? No! It changes everything. She just kissed you. She has to now become congruent with that fact, bringing her inner beliefs in line with her actions and she has explicitly made you the man who is her perfect-man. By congruent, I mean that she has to make her beliefs line up with her actions. Her actions therefore change her beliefs. The next thing to do is to force her to come up with reasons why she did that. Get her mind searching. Say: Why did you do that? and let her mind go searching just long enough to have her think Because he asked me to, but why did I? and then you put the reason into her mouth. Must be because you like me, right It is a confident cocky line. She will drop her eyes, and kind of blush because after a reading like that, it is true. After the palm reading is an excellent time to do this. It is because, having just spent 5 minutes reading her palm for free, she is somewhat obligated to give payment in the form of a sweet little innocuous kiss if you ask. the routine goes like this: You: Here, give me a kiss! (pointing at your cheek) Her: (comes in a gives you a tender peck on the cheek) You: Good girl why did you do that? (pause then answering your own question with a cheeky smile). You: Must be because you like me, right? The cheek kiss is an excellent litmus test also of whether you can phase shift to comfortable and deeply intimate conversation or need to continue more high energy conversations to continue to attract her to you. If she kisses you on the cheek, you are doing well and can relax into an intimate evening. If she rejects the cheek kiss you need to laugh at her, tell her she is wrapped too tight, tell her it must be her caged heart and continue to go with higher energy conversations. The cheek kiss is not just to be used with the palm reading. I encourage you to do it and build an intuition for when she will accept it in regular conversation. Also you need not only get one cheek kiss. You can ask for a second or third at opportune moments, like after you make her laugh. Once out of the way you can also give her a cheek kiss as a reward for something. This is escalating intimacy in a non-threatening manner leading towards a full passionate embrace.


However, you should not do the cheek kiss line after your first palm-reading ever. I do not want to link in your mind success at reading palms and the cheek kiss that you may or may not get. Your first palm reading ever you should let the victory of having read her palm stand without the need to get the validation in this cheek kiss. The kiss is optional and you will find, once you are good at reading palms, that this is a routine that will almost always follow a palm reading in a case that is so closely linked that you consider it part of the routine as well as a stand-alone thing. Again, a summary of the five readings plus the introduction is below. Use your own language to describe this. Summary (cheat sheet) Intro: explains the major lines Fate line: tells her that she had an experience where she had to grow up before she was ready. Heart line: tells her that she always had dreams of a perfect-man. Mound of Venus: tells her that she has a caged heart and she needs to open herself up. Life line: tells her that it is a time of separating paths and the time is here in her life where she has to take action. Head line: tells her that she is intuitive and knows when something good is in front of her. The five readings without comments for easy reading.

Do you know your basic palm? Relax your fingers. RELAX ... relaaax. Yeah ... that is right. This is your head line, this is your life line, this is your heart line. Now, important to your palm are some minor lines that I am going to introduce you to also. This line here is called your fate line. Yours is strange because it (does whatever it does). The other thing that is important to your palm is this (run your finger over her Mound of Venus) ... your Mound of Venus it represents your heart also. I'll come back to it. Your palm all combines to a single story. Fate Line Where will I start? OK, so lets start with your fate line because it is a distinguishing feature in that it (does whatever it does). That means that as a child or adolescent you had some experience where you were asked to become an adult before you were ready. Yeah, I know, that was very difficult for you. However, as much as that was very hard (pause), everything that has happened to you makes you who you are today. And given you like who you are today, you can therefore thank that event for making you who you are. You are more able to feel deeply and live as an adult because of it. Heart Line Now your heart line. Because it curves up to between your index and middle fingers, it means that as a little girl you always had dreams of a perfect-man. And you always thought that a perfect-man would walk into your life. However, at some stage, as much as


your perfect-man could be right in front of you, you may have trouble even recognising him and more trouble meeting him and seizing the opportunity that is right in front of you because if we look over here to your Mound of Venus ... as I said, this represents your heart also. Mound of Venus Your Mound of Venus is this fleshy area here. If you have a close look, you will see these small lines that run up and down and side to side. Now these lines represent bars like in a jail over your heart. And it means that you have a caged heart. It means that you hold yourself back and don't give yourself completely to all the people in your life. But you know that. You know that sometimes you are shy, or scared or lack some confidence, or try to act cool, or say the right thing, or act lady-line and you dont just be yourself and just relax even with your best friends. And you hold people out of your life, and stop people from really getting to know you and relax in a non-judgmental way. And youd be a lot happier if you could not lock yourself up, but rather let everyone else in, and give yourself to the people around you. And then you can just relax and be comfortable with yourself and everyone in your world. You dont need to hold yourself back and watch your manners and what is "the right thing to say". And in that way your heart is caged. And you have trouble taking the new opportunities right in front of you, and this especially needs to be watched when you meet your perfect-man. Life line reading This is your life line. It talks about your course of action for a decision that is in your life at the moment. This shows a time of separating paths. Old skins need to be shed in order for you to embrace the new things. There are certain things, people, or ideas in your life that are outmoded (point at in direction of Obstacle or boyfriend), and these things are stopping you from doing all those things that you really want to do, but never before allowed yourself to enjoy as completely as what you are about to enjoy. So all those things that are holding you back, you can now just take and throw away. Like you threw away an old piece of clothing that you never wear. You can put those things that are stopping you in the same place, and allow yourself to enjoy this moment, and go with the flow of the times. All your worries fade away and in place are the pleasures of new experiences that you are about to experience, and new relationships that you are about to cultivate. As you realise that you are about to move forward to places you always wanted to go, but have never been. You want to drink the wine that those things holding you back wont let you drink, and experience the things you want to. This is a time for you, and to hell with the rest. Head Line reading Your head line tells me that you are highly intuitive and that you follow your intuition when making decisions. I mean if you can think of a piece of clothing that you have worn lots and lots and that you completely love. And no matter how many times you wear it, you always look great in it and you love it to bits. And as you think of that you should think back to when you were in the shop buying it. And remember when you were looking at it, and that feeling of just being sure that this is right for you. And remember the feeling that you felt in your body. This feeling of sureness. Because that is your


intuition. And when you feel like this you need to trust your instincts and follow your intuition always. You need to trust it above and beyond everything else and do the thing that you are sure about. You are fertile! This reading is enough to get you started and have you understand how good the routine is. It is not controversial and it is low risk. There is no reason that you can not do this reading tonight. It will move you inside her personal space and get you talking much more intimately with her. I remember my first palm reading ever. I did not have a manual like this, but had rather read a regular book on palm-reading and said to myself mid-way through my interaction with a particular girl what the heck here goes nothing! and jumped in and did it. It went well enough in retrospect. You will have to do the same thing. After you have done the first reading, it will be all down hill. My second palm reading ever I do not remember. You wont remember your second either, because having run one and seen that nothing bad happened, you will build confidence. As much as I am about to introduce a little later the complete advanced palm reading, I want to emphasise again that you should run this beginners reading to start. There is much less memory load and for your first reading you do not want to overburden yourself by trying to do the complete reading including the 3 shells of your inner love. Just run the above to learn. Remember that this is about becoming good at interacting with women, not about being a complete palm reading purist. There is no need to practice and get it perfect. I want you to run these five readings first, and do it more than once. I want you to get comfortable with the thing. Keep it short, dont overcomplicate things and just do this to begin with.


Timing your Transitions And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than the giving. Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet. Palm reading is not the first thing you should say to a girl. There is, in fact, a correct time to use it. It is after she is aware that you are there as a man. She has inwardly raised an eyebrow while regarding you as a possible interest. When that has happened, she is aware she is attracted to you. This, for me at least, is very easy to do and is hugely overestimated. As you reduce your inner turmoil and build your confidence it will be very easy for you too. In my opinion, most men out there have raised the bar too high on what they expect as a signal of this. This means that they are waiting for some explicit signal before making their move and thus loosing opportunities. I am not talking about so attracted that the decision that she wants you is already made, but rather that she is prepared to get to know you in a one-on-one in a palm reading with a possible romantic encounter on the horizon as opposed to free entertainment. When she is there she is attracted by my definition. That is all that attraction is. It is a boogy man that guys chase and chase, waiting too long for a sing and allowing her to get too comfortable in their presence thereby relegating themselves to just friends. But it is easy to achieve, and once achieved needs to be acted on. You need to have her inwardly thrilled by your presence. Palm reading should be used at the time when you want to transition from the section of the interaction where you are meeting her to the part of the relationship where you are getting to know her better. Deciding when to use a palm reading in an interaction and testing via trial and error will get you able to calibrate to a girls headspace at any given time in the interaction which is an important skill in all your interactions and the objective of this lesson. Perhaps, to reduce the investment in your first ever palm reading, you might want to approach a girl on a park bench or something, telling her that you are taking a palm reading class and ask if you can practice on her. However, I do not want you to get into the habit of this and before you move onto the advanced readings, I want you to do many beginners readings where you are not using the palm reading as the entire pretext for the conversation. You should not be offering her something for free to get her to talk back to you but rather be in a conversation where the two of you are talking because she wants to speak to you and introduce the palm reading in order to transition the mood. Offering her something for free is similar to buying a girl a drink at the bar at the very beginning of the conversation, a practice you should avoid at all costs. For offering her something for free sends a message that you value yourself so little that you need to bribe her with free stuff in exchange for her talking back to you. She should want to talk to you because you are a desirable man and a worthwhile person. If anything is exchanging hands for the benefit of this interaction, it should be her that is accommodating you, not the other way around.


When you enter any establishment, you should not scope the room or look like you are being sexually aggressive. It is a paradox that if you look like you are trying hard to meet women, they will smell it, and be less attracted to you, making them harder to meet. You need to be having fun in your environment first, and then the women will be attracted to you. What that means is that the best way to meet women is to go out and not look like you are trying to pick her up. It is the look of trying that kills you. You should create the illusion that you have something better to do than hit on random girls. Perhaps you are there socialising with friends, and can walk away from her interaction at any time to go back to their table. Or you are in a park to walk your dog, rather than meet women, and meeting her is just something that happened. Or that you are shopping at a shopping centre and have a larger agenda like buying your sister a birthday present, and you are asking her opinion as to what you can buy because you value the opinion. If you are going alone to a caf to talk to the waitresses, take a book to read that you can be pulled out of for the conversation rather than looking like you are there specifically for the conversation. I believe that you should get together about 15 minutes of conversational material to use before palm reading. A set of things that you can always fall back on should you not be able to hold together the conversation just by the seat of your pants. All people who are good at socialising have their own standard stories and favourite topics of conversation. You should not feel in the least bit guilty about having your own. You will often not need 15 minutes to get to a point where she is ready for a palm reading, and you should use your judgment as to when this time is. With practice you will get a good feeling for it. My introduction to palm reading goes like this: The Primary palmistry introduction Me: Which hand do you write with? HER: Right. Me: Here give me your right hand ... now relax (as she relaxes her fingers) ... you had your palm read before? OK, well this is your heart line, this is your head line, this is your life line and wow! Look at this! This minor line is called your fate line ... yours is interesting, and I will also point out your Mound of Venus because it is important to your palm. OK, so lets start with the fate line because it is interesting. Because it comes up to the head line (or whatever it does) it means that at some stage as a child or an adolescent you had some experience ... etc. You are then into the palm reading before she even realises what is going on. You should always assume that she wants it done. This is not a time to umm and ahh and be bashful and nervous in choosing your words. If you assume she wants it done and act like she wants it done, she will want it done. Girls can, however smell hesitation. If she refuses your palm reading it is because she smelt your hesitation and you did not come in sure enough that she wants it. Getting it accepted using your confidence is an important skill. You come in strongly on it and it will be accepted. An alternative introduction is simply Show me your palm


Other introductions can just simply assume the sale such as Have you ever had your palm read? No? OK, lets go. Alternatively you can start reading the palm with the which hand do you write with introduction above, then tell her that you need more light and lead her to the place that is most conducive to you and her spending time together. The above introduction is the one that you should use; however my most common introduction goes like this: Group Isolation Intro. Me: which hand do you write with? Her: Right Me: (taking hand and examining it including rolling it over to see her children lines then giving it back to her. With a cocky grin:) Now I know everything about you. Her: Like what? (If in a group to group before taking her away somewhere private. Me to group: Mind if I borrow your friend for a second? Take her by the hand and lead her away.) Me: here give me your palm. Do you know your basic palm? This is your head line, etc. Now, be careful with this second introduction. Do not start doing it until you are very confident in your palm reading. Because about 10% of the time she just shrugs her shoulders when you go Now I know everything about you. About 70% of them go why what do you see of varying degrees of enthusiasm and about 20% go You can read palms! Please read my palm or something similar. The more attracted she is to you from the things you have said before the palm reading, the more likely it is that you will get the last enthusiastic response. In that way it is a good litmus test of how well you are doing to this stage. Dont forget that women can be shy in the presence of an attractive man, and her nonchalantness may be a manifestation of her own inner turmoil. The reason you should hold off on it is you need to breed out any smell of fear in your delivery. Until you get a 100% response rate on the primary palm reading introduction do not move over to this. Within a group when you ask a girl what hand she writes with and you look at it and drop it, the whole group will be looking at you at this stage. You ask if they mind if you borrow their friend. They have no real choice even if they do not want her to go. They say, I guess. If it is OK with her or something along those lines. What else can they say? Even if a guy in the group does not want her to go, there is no reason that he can come up with that would prevent it if it is OK with her. He has been conversationally check-mated. Part of the problem with the 80% or so that do not beg is that they either think you are joking or they are nervous. They may not believe you can read palms. However, once you have read one palm, you will often get her friends begging and begging to have you do theirs. It is just the nature of the beast. You are unproven when you tell her you can read


palms. Her friends will all wish it were them that were getting their palm read by this attractive stranger. Nevertheless, despite its flaws, I always use the second introduction these days perhaps out of habit because I mostly do palm readings as an excuse to isolate her out of her group of friends, but I think I probably also do it also because I want to only read the palm after she has asked me to do so. This is so that I am not some cheap entertainment. I want her to look back and remember that she asked me to do it. That means I have to deal with varying degrees of warmness and coldness in getting that happening, and I am so confident in it that I can sell it. If she bounces the reading with a shrug of the shoulders or something similar, you should order her to see her palm and start reading it like in the original introduction. You should not be scared of speaking to groups of people that include a girl in whom you are interested. In fact, with increasing proficiency at interacting with women, you should be increasingly walking past the women you can have the lesser beauty alone at the bar to the girls you want, like the beauty seated at a table with a bottle of champagne and two other people. Choosing to have the girls in your life that can bring you happiness, fulfilment and love is the goal of what you are learning here, and part of that is that you are doing the choosing of the women you want, not the other way around. Girls with a lot going for them are seldom alone in social environments and this means that you are going to have to learn to interact with her peer group. Once speaking to her group, palm reading is the ultimate excuse to pull a girl away from her friends. You should not use palm reading as an introduction. You should start the conversation with something else. Although it is not the best time to use the routine, it can be used very early in an interaction. When you meet a girl, often you are required to take on the conversational burden. She is passive in the situation and will not just volunteer stuff about herself. You are a stranger like any other stranger she has met. She owes you no conversation and she is not interested in asking you about yourself. In fact when she does ask you your name it means that she is now interested enough in you that she cares for your name. Before that she will not necessarily volunteer information about herself. Palm reading is a way to extract information about her without her volunteering. It makes it seem like some of the talk is about you, some of it about her, and some of it about the surroundings. As much as I cannot prevent you from doing this, and even had I not mentioned it you would have seen it for yourself, this is not what the palm reading is for, and as your proficiency with women grows and the lessons from reading palms seep into your persona and the rest of your conversations, you should relegate the palm reading to the correct place in the interaction. Using the palm reading at the wrong time is a manifestation of your inner turmoil and lack of ease in the situation, and the girls will sense this. Often, especially at a party where everyone knows each other or that sort of thing, you will read your girls palm, and it will be visible, and you will then get a line up of girls wanting their palms read. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. I personally, will never do seven or eight readings in a row, because my palm readings are all a bit the


same. Nevertheless it is a good way to meet many girls in the situation if you want to get together enough material (like perhaps genuine readings) to do the lot. I have better ways of meeting girls than that, but if you do not, this might be a good strategy for you. Regarding lighting levels: Since you are barely even looking at what her palm looks like, you do not really need good light. In a lounge bar, I will pull the candle in a glass that they put in the centre of the table over to the side so that we can see and that is plenty of light. Now the only reading that requires a close look is the bars on her heart in the Mound of Venus reading. If the light is too low for you to actually see them, tell her that your eyes are accustomed and you can see. If she wants proof, you can light a cigarette lighter, shining the light on her palm to show her that they are there. Tell her to trust you that they are and continue the reading. Remember you have already read her fate line with the hard reading so she is not sceptical of your abilities at this point. Regarding seating situations: I will read a palm in almost any situation. I will read a waitresses palm over the bar with the bar between us, I will read them standing up, I will read them sitting down. In some venues they do not have sofas to sit in where you can sit next to her, and I will read it in what ever seating situation I have available. Similarly, if I am in a place with wooden chairs that have arm rests, I will pull our chairs around so that my knees are touching hers and read the palm facing her directly. Other times, we will need light, so I will pull my seat around so that we are side by side with her hand on the table in front of us next to the candle in the centre of the table. If forced to use candles, never put the candle between you and her. The candle should not be between you, forcing your eyes to continually have to re-adjust to levels. You should always put the candle on the far side of her palm even though it does not illuminate as well there. That way her eyes can move around within the space easily without refocussing and working hard and she does not have to look past a well lit area into a poorly lit area that are your eyes.


Troubleshooting your delivery. To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding; one must use the same words from the same genus of inward experience; ultimately one must have one's experiences in common. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 1886 Now you are doing the palm reading, we can continue to play with it to get you building the interpersonal skills that are the reason you are doing this. Dont worry too much for your first reading ever, just get through it. But the immediate things you need to concentrate on are: a) Looking her in the eye throughout the reading. I mean you look down at the palm as you point out a feature This is your head line for example, but then you look up and look her in the eye with your left hand cupping her hand from underneath and your right index finger on the line you are talking about. Do it in a way that is relaxed and does not feel slimy or as if you are trying to stimulate her. But it is important to be looking her straight in the eye. She will take the emotional cue and the seriousness and the need to cry from you. b) Slow down the delivery. You are nervous and rabbiting through it. Make long pauses. Do not um and ahh. If you are struggling for words just stay silent as you think about it even if you are mid sentence. c) You are concentrating too hard on whether she believes you or not and whether you are accurate. This is because you lack confidence in your readings and your inner turmoil is manifesting itself. You are therefore looking at her all the time to make sure that it is correct. You are asking her to confirm that she did in fact have a time in her childhood or adolescence where she was asked to become an adult before she was ready, etc. You want her to say Oh my God! You are right! How can you see that? Stop it. You are reading her palm, she expects you to be right. She will not comment on it, and you should not be fishing for the reinforcement. Your looking for her feedback that you are correct is coming across as lacking in confidence. Be confident that every single reading is spot on, and do not let it turn into a dialogue. It should be a monologue flowing from your lips, and you have all the answers as to what it means to be her. She can then think deeply and allow herself to loose herself in the experience because you are not asking her to answer any questions. The nature of the reading should not be something where you are looking for validation about being correct, but rather using the opportunity to tell her how to feel and act. d) You need to go there in your mind as you deliver it. Remember your own experiences of a similar vein. Go to your own hurt and remember it. Go to your own dreams of a perfect woman. Go to your own sense of shyness that holds you back in social situations. Slow down and explain how she feels.


e) Get it fluid with your own words rather than memorizing mine word for word. Important to a palm reading is that you become an authority figure. You have to be very strong, but gentle at the same time. When you read her palm, you are telling her what to think and what to remember. It will only be effective if she does what you tell her to do inside her mind like her recalling the things you want her to recall, etc. You need to deliver it so that she knows that if she does all the recalling of experiences and feelings there will be a point to the activity and she will understand something or learn something about herself. Confident. This is important and should flow into your demeanour in all your conversations. Implicit is that it is the truth, and if she does not understand, she is not doing as you say. She is not behaving. This is an opportunity to display the strength of your character and personality. Be strong. All this is communicated as sub-text to the conversation and is not out in the open. Women find a strong man sexy, so this is a mechanism built into palm readings that will assist in attracting her to you, and find out what the sweet spot feels like. Remember that part of what a palm reading does is change the dynamic of the interaction. To that end, it is important that you are moving inside her personal emotional space and changing the relationship into the sort where you are getting to know each other better. What that means is that you really want to slow down your speech and drop your voice tone from the excitable high-pitched rabbiting around that can come with up-beat conversation to the tone of deep relaxation. You have to become interested in the girl and interact with her in a way where you are completely comfortable. This is an experience of getting to know each other and you should soften and feel empathy for this beautiful individual in front of you. She will follow you to where you are in your mental space. The only way that she is going to become comfortable with you is if you are comfortable with yourself and with her.


Confidence The outer law (shariah) is my word, the spiritual path (tariquah) is my actions, and the inner reality (haqiqah) my inner states. Whoever has the outer law without the inner reality has left the right way; Whoever has the inner reality without the outer law is a heretic; Whoever unites the two of them has realization. Sufi proverb. Confidence is not only important for selling the palm reading. It is important in the delivery, and in all your dealings with women. In fact it is important in all your dealings with the world. Confidence is built by undertaking things you are not sure you are capable of and finding you get success. Just going out and interacting with women and getting success with them will therefore build your confidence. It is notoriously hard to fake, and often can be fleeting but a reduction of your inner turmoils assists greatly. When you were just hitting puberty and your body was changing shape and you started interacting with girls, in all likelihood you were not very good at it. You were awkward in your body, and awkward in your interactions. There was this vibrating nervousness in your persona that left you acting in strange ways. Perhaps you used to speak too loudly, become too excitable, or brag outrageously and make a spectacle of yourself. Or alternatively, you might have been shy to speak to them, acting as if you were not attracted to girls, and tried to act cool by ignoring them or making fun of them or treating them like boys. All this is just your nervousness and lack of confidence. But as you have gotten older, you have become more balanced internally, you are now are able to interact around women without all your inner turmoils manifesting themselves as strange behaviour. As you go forward in learning this, you need to concentrate on removing any further inner turmoil your internal mental chatter, your stresses, your nervousness and things that betray your insecurities excess baggage and ideas that tax your thinking. In going out and practicing this, you will be working towards becoming unflappable in any situation with women, a man who is at peace with himself, and no matter what situation is thrown at you in the conversation. A man that retains your composure with good humour, and understands the lightness of the situation for the triviality that it is. You will then no longer take yourself or the situations too seriously and can relax and enjoy the interaction and your world. The first step is in reducing your inner turmoil. There are two kinds of confidence. The first kind of confidence is the one that most people think about. At a shallow level of understanding it is kind of confidence where you have your shoulders back and are relaxed in the situation. It is one where you mask your inner turmoil and act as if they are not there. That is one sort of confidence. But there is another confidence that is a different thing. It is true deep down, "I am a prince of a man" type confidence. It is the first type of confidence that comes from proficiency at


meeting new people and understanding how to come at social situations. The second kind comes from your life and your development as a balanced and happy person who is comfortable with himself and the world. This second kind of confidence is true sexual confidence. I am not just talking about just knowing you are good in bed. Or knowing you will impress her with your body when you are naked. I mean it is knowing you are good in bed and knowing your body is in fantastic shape and knowing you are as smart or smarter than everyone else and knowing you are stimulating as a conversationalist and knowing you will be a success in your career because you know you are talented. That is because the inner turmoil that these things produce in you have been completely eradicated by being at one with yourself and who you are. I mean the sort of confidence you have when even though you are in a place with the most elite girls in town, you still know that not a single one of them is above you. They are all equals or at a lower level of self understanding, their own inner turmoils causing them to trip over their own feet and be unhappy. This sort of confidence can yield a natural real womaniser. The sort of guy who can go out with a stunning beauty but still not value her so much that he is afraid of loosing her or the relationship become inwards focussed and possessive. She is just one of any number of girls that he can relate to and love deeply. The sort of guy who doesn't care because this perfect 10 who all the other guys desire, this near perfect girl, this 4 language speaking, intelligent, creative, exciting, fluid moving, pleasurable girl who leaves a track of men running into lamp-posts as she walks down the street ... this angel of a woman created in heaven is still just a person. He can have a relationship with her, but not have her on a pedestal. Girls are not attracted to guys who act as if she is better than him. She wants a guy at least at her level, and wants to even feel she is out of her depth, like she is punching above her weight with this guy. You need that sort of confidence to have fulfilling relationships with beautiful women, and it makes you very hard for a beautiful woman to replace because most men put her on a pedestal and confess their undying love. And the two types of confidence are not really related. The second kind of confidence is the one that is lacking when you excuse yourself from a conversation with the girl too early with a nice meeting you. It is the one that is lacking when you do not just sit down with the beautiful girl you have spoken to before and done well with because you are kind of shy and not really in the mood to introduce yourself to all her friends since it is 3pm on a Tuesday and you are not shaven and dressed up. The one that is lacking when you say "my bedroom is untidy ... I cant take this girl home tonight". It is the one that is lacking when you say, "I wont ask for her phone number, because I will see her here again". It is the one that wonders what she will think once she sees the bad shape your body is in or the pimples on your ass. It is actually this second kind of confidence that prevents you from having the really desirable girls and leaves you with the lesser beauties. Particularly stunning girls are not well hit on often ... there are not many men with the courage to actually take her by the hand and lead her away because they are worried


about their sexual experience and prowess or their apartments or whatever. Many men will flatter her, but she is not really approached properly with a proposition she is likely to take seriously. There are very few men with enough of that second kind of confidence to be up to the challenge. It is possible that this second type of confidence is the thing holding you up, not the first. You may have phenomenal social skills, be able to get them all laughing and into you, and be able to get her away from her friends and in a one-on-one conversation with you. But when it starts going not exactly to plan and she deviates from the response you would like to get, although you can act as if you are confident in the first type of way, you dont just hang in there and take it because you dont have the second kind of confidence. Or perhaps you can act in a confident way and do very well on a first meeting, but then find that the desirable women are not interested in getting to know you better beyond that first meeting because they sensed your inner turmoil. And conversely, you can have plenty of the second type of confidence, but walk up to whatever girl you like (since you are so sure that they are beneath you) and say Hi, my name is Bob and I work in Advertising, and having been rejected, thinking to yourself "if only she knew who she just blew off ... she has no idea who I am". You need to be able to approach the situation well with the first type of confidence and have the second type behind it. You can be the ultimate in people: Interesting, great hobbies, honest, generous, selfassured, intelligent and all that. But if you are not good at managing that first half hour of a meeting, you will never demonstrate these things to any potential mate. It is a pity that it is the way of the world that you will be judged by a potential mate with the interaction (and relationship) continued based on the impression you give in the first 30 minutes especially. Given that we need to work on the first 30 minutes as a priority. At a deeper level of understanding, the first type of confidence is being able to be the same person with people that you dont know as people that you know well. When you were with your ex-girlfriend and she loved you, on the pillow in the bedroom, did you struggle for what you wanted to say? Or did you just say the first thing that came to mind? The thing that was on your tongue? Like you are with your friends and family. You are able to talk and just be yourself. That is because you are confident with people that you know well. You are being yourself and just hanging out. When you have true confidence, you can be confident enough to say all those things that come to your mind when you were on the pillow with your ex-girlfriend with people you just met. In a space where you can share your ideas, ambitions and dreams with each other. I see people that get nervous and censor themselves. They try to say the right thing all the time. When you are trying to say the right thing or searching for something to say, you are not confident like you are when you are around people you know already like you. The true skill is to be able to be yourself when you are with other people who like you are in your own lounge room. That is where you need to be.


The palm reading gives you a structure of things to say so that you can relax and be that person. You can stop trying to say the right thing. The last thing I want to give you here is a greater feeling of needing to "say the right thing" or "say it the way Steve Celeste said". I do not feel like that when I run the routine, mostly, I guess, because it is my routine. Similarly, I want you to be in the frame of mind when you are running the routine, that you are being yourself. If this does not feel like you are being yourself, then you need to change it so that you are. Then, before you run the routine, and after you run the routine, you should continue to be yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. It is your perhaps confidence that may be lacking, and you may be censoring the real underlying you and not understanding ability to influence the world you live in. When you are speaking to your friends and speaking to your family, you are fine. Your friends and your family like you. The challenge is to be that same "you" from the moment you start speaking to a girl. You should speak to her as if this that is coming out of your mouth is the first thing that is on the top of your head even if it is a standard story you always tell. You can immediately laugh and have a good time like you are with your best friend. As if you are so confident in the world that you live in that you can be yourself wherever you go. You are so confident that she will like you that you can treat her like she is already your best friend. You can give her a light ribbing like you would your best friend. That is the person that I want you to be. I want you to be yourself with women. The last thing that means is that you bend over and give her whatever she wants. When you were at home as a kid, and your mother asked you to tidy your room, you did not say to her "of course. You know I am the sort of person who will do what ever you want!" You said, "Wait until I finish this level in the video game. Relax Mom." And when you are with a girl, similarly, you should not do what she says just because she said it. Doing what she says because she said it is trying to impress her by modifying your personality to someone that censors yourself in order to accommodate her. What is more, it is out in the open that is what you are doing. Remember, you are so confident that you can be exactly the person you are deep inside when you are around people who you know like you when you meet someone new. The world is your oyster, and everything is easy for you. You know with such a sense of sureness inside that you are good as you are that you dont need to change yourself for anyone. Part of that is that you dont censor your opinions. I mean you watch your swearing like you might with your grandmother if it is in a formal setting, but you do not censor your opinions or try to say the right thing. After all, the message wants to be "I am who I am, and you are a cute chick. We should get together". That is where you want to be in all your dealings with the world. It is then that girls eyebrows are raised. They understand your sense of confidence and charm and power in relation to the world around you. And they like that. And the world becomes easy for you. Then you are starting to live in the correct way, and find that inner balance that both makes you at peace with the world and makes the girls like you. This needs to be done within a healthy diet of approaching many women. If you can be yourself like you are with your friends around strangers, of course you would approach and start talking. Would you be shy to speak to your best friend at a party? Whenever you


approach a girl, or start a palm reading or any other thing of that sort, you have to be absolutely sure in your mind that this is going to work. You have to be sure, when you strike up a conversation that she wants to speak back. If your approaches are not really working at the moment and you are bouncing off girls when you try to speak to them it is because you do not truly believe in your mind that she wants to speak back to you. You are not treating the world like you are comfortable in it. She can sense the hesitation, the lack of confidence, and the conversation goes nowhere. It is the confidence that drives your success with women. Bottom line is, that you don't need to change who you are in any type of radical way such as presenting yourself as an astronaut. We are, each and every one of us, fine for who we are. If you are not fine for who you are, you need to make the changes so that you are fine for who you are. I am not talking about maintaining a status quo. I mean change your wardrobe. Get good interests. Make the career change. Reform your relationships. Take back your respect. Go to the gym, all that. Learn socialisation skills, improve your comedy skills. But make them who you are. The way to do that is to use my palm reading and material for a period, then decide that you can do far better, and go back to being you. The best of the skills will stay.


When her Personal Questions Come. The time has come the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoes - and ships - and sealing-wax Of cabbages - and kings Of why the sea is boiling hot And whether pigs have wings. Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1871 The immediate questions that follow the palm reading signal that she is now ready to move to a different phase of your relationship. You should learn to recognise these questions as a desire to change gears in your interrelation when you are speaking to someone new even when not using a palm reading. However, the palm reading illustrates it beautifully. At the beginning of a conversation it is reasonably high energy, with both of you working at the interaction, and not relating personally, but rather just talking to one another. During the beginning you should work to make your conversations not strained, and natural, never falling back on tired conversations like the weather or the sorts of conversations that she might have with her dentist (What do you do for a living? for example), but rather relaxed things were you are happy to just talk and she is an audience and someone to share with. At some stage however, she will take an interest in who you are. She might simply ask you your name, and start to fill in the details in her mind of who this man in front of her is. When this happens, the initial part of attraction is done and you can fall into becoming comfortable with her, and sharing who you are with each other. The How did you learn this? conversation that is usually the first question after a palm reading falls into this category. When she asks me why I read palms, I tell her that it has been in my family for generations, and my mother did it, and my grandmother did it, and I am not as good as them, but can hold my own. I am going to make you work a little here to come up with your own since mine is distinctly for me: I am a fifth generation palm-reader. Or at least that is as far back as I am aware since our family history gets foggy further back than that. (Here is an opportunity to talk about your roots and descent if she is interested including gold-rush stories, hardy men, migration to the new world, proud histories, etc). The mechanism behind the above is to redress the dissymmetry of information that you have about each other. You know all about her deep things on the inside from the palm reading. Now talking about this stuff, you are sharing with her something of yourself so she feels that she knows something about you also. Girls find your family important. She is close to hers. If you go out to eat on Christmas day, you will find men eating alone, spending Christmas alone, but not women. That is not because there are more men than


women in the world. Babies are born at about a 50/50 ratio. It is not because there are more single men. Polygamy is illegal and largely socially frowned upon. Families look after their girls and girls value their families enough that they will travel long distances so that they dont have to spend Christmas alone. sharing something about your family, she feels like she is getting to know you. Talk about it in a positive way. I am now going to give you the Grandmother routine. It illustrates the sort of story that is very seductive for a girl you just met and the level of personal sharing that is good to increase intimacy. It is nice for coming out of the post palm-reading glow, and keeping the conversation intimate. You can use it alone as an answer to why can you read palms. It displays you as sexual and sensual even as a little child, keeps you on the topic, and deepens her into your world and your family increasing her idea of her knowing something about you. Tell this story often as if it is your own. Grandmother routine My grandmother used to not only read palms, but also tealeaves, and she would do readings based on spiders and cats and all sorts of things. I remember when I was down at my grandmothers place as little boy, like about 7 or 8, I got this blood nose; I cant remember how I got it now, but I remember standing next to a wall with my head against the wall and watching the blood dripping off the end of my nose. It just bled and bled. So my grandmother lived in southern Alabama on the Gulf of Mexico coast in a little town about 60 miles east of Mobile. So she comes to me and puts me in this boat and takes me to this populated island just off the mainland in the Gulf of Mexico. I want to say the island is called Dauphin Island, but that was not it that is the one with a road to it. It was a different one; the name will come to me in a minute. (I have inserted that geography just as an example, and you should change it around to better reflect the real location of your extended family. Islands are good including river islands. Mountains are good too, as are far away exotic locales. You may think of some other location where such an old woman might live in an urban location if you are from a long line of city dwellers and cannot talk about real memories of the location you are talking about). So anyway, she takes me to this old women house. And this woman is sitting on a rickety bed with a cat in her arms stroking it, and like five or six more cats purring around her. So I watch the old woman and my grandmother have this conversation that was obviously about me. My nose is still bleeding and I am holding a handkerchief to it. So the old woman takes me and puts me in this chest and locks me in it. I remember it being dark and me being very frightened. I could hear outside laughter, screams, singing and knocking on the box. Then I am taken out of the trunk, and my nose had stopped bleeding. My grandmother pays the old lady, puts me back on the boat and takes me home to bed. So I am lying in bed. And in a dream this beautiful girl of about 15 comes into my room. Like she has a crown on her head, and a thin nightshirt on that you can see the silhouette of her body through. And she is just breathtakingly beautiful. She is barefoot and she comes in and sits on the edge of my bed. And I am just lying there wallowing in her


beauty and she is speaking, saying something that I dont understand. She sprinkles some gold coloured dust over me, and kisses me on the forehead and then she leaves. So I continue to sleep. And in the morning my grandmother came into my room and before I could say anything, told me not to ever tell anyone about what I saw last night. I was genuinely scared and never told anyone until after she died. The first time I told it, I was sure my nose would open and I would bleed to death, but nothing happened. All the same, I think, at this stage of my life, that to say that my nose stopped bleeding because of the spells and incantations would be wrong. But I think to say that the spells and incantations had nothing to do with it would be wrong also. What do you think? Do you believe in superstitions? Truth is better than fiction and my story is an illustration. However, for teaching purposes, we are concentrating on form over substance, and using human interactions in social environments as laboratories and testing grounds to learn a new skill set. You do not need to take yourself too seriously in this period of learning, and telling a story that is not yours is not going to hurt you. You should therefore feel free to run the above to understand why it is an entertaining piece and develop good intuitions before creating your own. If you want to do your own story instead you can try your own entertaining little piece that is true of a similar vein if you are confident you know why the above is good. When trying a new story for the first time, testing it once is not enough. You improve these things with the re-telling as you get feedback from your first audience as to what was good, where the laughs came, what was redundant and what was valuable. Delivery and confidence also improves with repeated retelling, so if you develop your own rather than going with the tried and true one above, do not throw it away after a single bad reception. The repeated retelling will build your intuitions for the story-telling skill set that will flow into all the stories you tell. The repeated retelling will build your intuitions for the storytelling skill-set. Now, a major mechanism of the palm reading routine is to change the style of the interaction from just-met-each-other-banter to we-like-each-other-and-are-becomingcomfortable-in-each-others-presence. It slows the energy down, and you can continue after a palm reading in the sort of intimate mode as if you have already slept with her and you are having a discussion on the pillow. What that means is that you are sure that she is attracted to you and you now need to spend some time getting emotionally intimate with her before physical intimacy. After a palm reading has been done and accepted, including the cheek kiss, you should refrain from doing any more high-energy routines and conversations that you used earlier in the interaction when you were just meeting each other. Consider the game won, and move onto the sort of conversation you have with people that you are intimate with in


your life. It is a good time to talk about your worldviews and philosophies. These should be congruent with the sort of person you were portraying yourself as when you first met her. Once you stop having conversations that is built around attracting her and move more into personal stuff, you may want talk about old relationships so that you can get inside your philosophies about relationships and sex. When you do this you should tell her that you are still friends with all your old girlfriends. Tell her that you are still in love with them. You should espouse philosophies that let her know that you are a non-judgmental lover and respect women, never having had acrimony in your past. Even if you are divorced and in a bitter custody battle, when meeting someone new, your love life should be presented as rosy and you should never show any misogyny towards any of your exs. When you tell a girl that you are still friends with an ex girlfriend, it is a message straight from the ex-girlfriend to the girl that says, This is a good man. He is so good, that even though we are not dating anymore, I am still friends with him. That is the sort of message you want to send. You might want to escalate the sexual end of it. You can lay off the jokes and comedy now. Do not run any high-energy conversations where you might for example bang your fist on the table in the middle of it to indicate that you were surprised or someone surprised you. That will make her jump and throw off your energy. You want to slow down, and get intimate. Attract is over. It is time to get relaxed and comfortable. Touch her often. There are times where a girl will ask you to read your own palm to her to "get to know you like you know her". While this might seem a good chance to "sell yourself" in a subtle way, there is no good way to do that because you have too much information about yourself. It will sound like you are qualifying yourself to her and trying to get her to like you. This is something you should never do with a girl. Interacting with her is based on illusions. You want the illusion to be that she is the one trying to measure up to you, her hitting on you, even though it is you who initiated the interaction. She should like you without you trying. Or at least it should seem like you are not trying. Always come off like you are who you are, and are confident that she will like you. So if she asks, run the Exchange life stories routine. No, it is too hard for me to read my own palm because I know too much about myself and thus focus on certain features that I know to be good or bad about my personality. Instead, to get to know each other, Ill tell you about my childhood. An alternative version goes like this: You: Tell me about yourself Her: What do you want to know. You: Where did you grow up. Give me a quick run-down on your life. At the end you then give her yours. Note that often to get the ball rolling you will need to offer yours first.


Alternatively again you can go into a more formal game: Tell me your entire life story in 5 minutes. Cmon, I grew up here and went to school there. Then Ill tell you mine. Again, you will often have to tell yours first. Her run-down is extremely valuable information about the girl, her insecurities and her hot buttons and you should listen very closely and well so that you know how to deal with her in the future. Now, when you tell her about your childhood, you need to tell the truth and still do it in a way that presents you attractively and demonstrates the sort of person that you are. You want to tell the stories that you always tell and it should be fresh and interesting. But keep in mind that you are now in comfort building mode and you want to let her inside your world. while you want to tell the truth, you also want to make it clear in a subtle way that you were always cool and continue to be. You were not the geek at school, you never had pimples and you were always popular, and from within that context you can talk about events that were difficult in your life or rites of passage. A display of vulnerability is genuine sharing and will bring her closer. You want to talk about your first girlfriends as part of this. Never mention any heartbreak, however. Make out that you are still friends with them all, allowing the love to come out in your voice. This demonstrates you in a real way and she will increase her trust levels and the amount she is willing to share. I will leave what specifically to say to your good judgment. If you follow the philosophy that truth somehow sits outside the girls mind, and she has to construct the world inside her mind, we need to concentrate on this when we represent ourselves. When you tell your story you are presenting to the girl in front of you data that will have her constructing theories in her mind as to who you are. You have control of the theories that she will come up with in her own mental construction only to the extent that you can control the data going to her five senses as to who you are. There is in fact no true Steve Celeste. She will never know the true me, only construct theories about me based on what she has seen of me before, and what she has seen of men before, and what she has seen of the world before, and what she has seen of men that look like me before. This serves to allow her to predict in some way what I am thinking, who I believe myself to be, and how I will act in the future. These constructs, however are just models and in no way are related to who I actually am, what I am thinking now or how I might act in the future. This is not the truth, just a construction based on her experience. I can split myself into 4 parts as shown in the below chart.

Fig: On the left shows the entire self split four ways equally according to who can see each section. She can see the upper half of the circle. You can see the left half of the circle. The one on the right shows someone


with better self-understanding (and thus a smaller blind self) who has chosen to communicate more of himself (and moved items from the hidden self into the Shared Self). The challenge is to put the right things into the shared self and keep the right things in the hidden self.

The shared self is all the things I know about myself and all the things the person I am communicating with knows about me too. These are the things about me that I talk about and consciously communicate with her. The hidden self is all the secrets I have about myself that I do not share. The blind self are the things my listener knows about me, that I am blind to myself. Certain habits I have or the way I come across that I am not aware of. The unknown self are things that I do not know about myself and the girl does not know either. There is no way of knowing what this is, but you can probably assume that it is there to make a complete model.

From the 4 areas I am only aware of my shared self and my hidden self. From the 4 areas, I am only presenting to my listener 2 parts: the shared self and the hidden self. It is from these two things that she constructs her theories about who I am, and many of these theories will be wrong. All you are able to control is what you communicate from the shared self. When you select things to communicate you are bringing things from the hidden self to the shared self to allow her to form opinions of who you are. When we select these things we both want to intrigue the listener and present things that she finds attractive. The blind self you can control on a larger scale by finding an inner calm and presenting yourself in a confident way. If you get to the right equilibrium in your life and body, the blind self will sort itself out to present an attractive picture even if you are unaware of it. Those two things are the point of what you are trying to do here. Further, you will be continually interesting to her if her theories about who you are prove to be wrong. In that way, women like guys who are spontaneous or unpredictable. The reason they like this is because it continually challenges their theories in their mind as to who you are, and she has to continually work to refine her mental model of who you are. This causes intellectual stimulation and keeps you on her mind in a positive way. It leaves her constantly constructing new views of your character in her mind. If you have ever read a womens romance novel, you will have seen that there is a very brief description of the romantic leads physical appearance, but then hundreds of pages describing his character. Romance novels are womens sexual fantasies. It is written by women for women and gives us a good idea of what is important to them. Keeping them analysing your character keeps their interest. Now, a large part of what shows up in your blind self can be controlled to the extent that you grow as a person. The insecurities that you throw out into the world in your deliveries, and how you betray your underlying beliefs and inner turmoils. Perhaps it is simply in your self-serving belief system where you betray that you believe that the men that are rich or good-looking are those that get all the girls. If you are neither rich nor good-looking, this simply betrays insecurity and an inner turmoil, that you wish you were one of those things. The insecurity is unattractive for itself, and although it will be 45

invisible to you, your inner turmoil will be moving into your blind self, for she will be able to see it.


Getting her phone number. Most of the places that you meet girls, there are constraints on the situation either in terms of time or social constraints that require that you will have to retire and continue the interaction on another day. When you do that, you are going to need her number. Here is a segue to get her number for her first question after the palm reading, that of how you learned it. Generations excuse & Cube number close It has been in the family for generations. My mother taught me, and her grandmother taught her. We are not fortune-tellers. Cannot divine the future from it, but it tells us who you are today. I have this other thing ... the Cube. It is much better. I mean if you can imagine yourself in 5 years in exactly the situation that you would love. With all those things accomplished that you would like so your life is perfect. If I do the cube on you, it will tell you all the things that you need to do in order to achieve that picture in 5 years. But I can't do it here. It takes 15 minutes of concentration on your part and requires silence. It'll have to wait for another occasion, OK? All right, so give me your number and we will organise to catch up, okay? The Cube is a visualization personality test in a book by Annie Gottleib. Above I have oversold it, it is not that good. It is however a good routine to run, and I will usually run it during the Day 2 (first date). Even when you have already read her palm, and not mentioned The Cube, it does not seem like too much fortune telling. There is a discussion of the book in the Appendix. Overselling is something I do all the time to get her to make a decision by overselling what you have in your apartment, etc. I will oversell the Cube or oversell what I have in my house to convince her it is worth seeing or doing. The disappointment she may feel for the oversold object is not important. They were just pretences to get her in a position where you want her anyway. People prefer to do things for a reason, even if the pretence is not the important motivator. Make life easier on yourself and give people excuses to do the things that they want to do. This is a very good way to get her phone number without ending the interaction. Usually you get her phone number at the end of the interaction as you and her go your separate ways. That is the obvious time to do it. However with the opportunity to get her number here, you can get her number and can continue the interaction. This is a good thing for a number of reasons. First it solidifies in her mind that you do in fact plan on seeing her again, and this is not just a chance encounter with a guy she will never see again. So then when you continue building comfort it is within the framework of an ongoing relationship. This changes how the rest of the interaction is on that night. The other reason that it is good is because some unforeseen circumstance may occur that prevents you getting a good opportunity to get her number later. Specifically her friend may come


up and drag her away, or a boyfriend or someone may arrive ruling out the chance to exchange numbers discretely. Now, when you call her, if you used the above, you should not do so with the Cube as a pretext on the actual call. Just because you used it as the pretence to get the number does not mean that you need to stick with it. In fact changing pretences for getting together solidifies what this is really about. You should call her and open the conversation with something that reminds her of the conversation you had together perhaps something you accused her of being, or some other joke that you made up together, or a pet name you gave her or something that takes her straight back to the interaction in her mind. If you have nothing like that, you should then go into a story of sorts to let her mind get comfortable with the fact that you are on the phone and this conversation is going to be easy. So you should come onto the phone upbeat, like Hi Jody! Steve here! Hows it going? Cool. Hey, check this out: <immediately into funny story or routine about what apparently happened this morning or yesterday and the story can be re-used on multiple girls even if it is months since it happened, still presenting it as if it happened yesterday. The routine does not have to be that strong>" Let her get comfortable with the fact that you are on the phone without her having to talk much. She just sits there and listens for a minute or 2 while she gets her brain around the fact that you called and she is speaking to you and let her get over the trembles involved with that coming out of the blue. Take control on the phone. Take out the fluff and keep the call tight (tight does not necessarily mean short ... just keep control of the agenda and the conversation.) Have her responding to your stimulus so she is the female and you are the male in the conversation. If she wants to step up and be more insolent than you, all the better ... now you have that banter of sexual electricity going. You should pitch the get-together that you come up with, preferably as low-key as possible rather than a formal date. Once you are where ever you are going you can use the cube where you are in a by-the-way style thing if you want. You do not have to just because you used it as an excuse to get her number does not mean you have to use it. Better than the Cube is the Runes. They are better because you leave them at your place, so if she wants them done she has to come to your place and inside with you. This is a good pretext for getting her home alone with you. The Cube and the runes are discussed in Appendix 1. If you choose immediately after the palm reading not to use the above routine and go onto other routines (such as the Grandmother routine), do not get her number there and then, and just continue with regular string along based conversation, a solid number close is to pull out a pen and paper, touch her on the shoulder, and say confidently: I like you. I am going to see you again. Give me your number. You will notice that this is worded as if you choose her. You are saying it as if you could have had her number at any time and you have only just decided that you are going to see


her again as if that is what she was trying to achieve all along and her charms have got her what she wanted. Slap the pen and paper down in front of her gently. It is strong and forceful. It is hard for her to play coy games. It works. The way I do this is you pull out pen and paper, reach out and put your hand into the middle of her back behind her shoulder blades, look her in the face and say, "I like you. I am going to see you again. Give me your number" and at the same time with your other hand slap lightly the pen and paper on the table, looking at it. Her eyes will move to it too. Your having your hand on her back means you and her are both looking at the paper side by side and it is filling her vision up close. She goes onto autopilot and fills out her number without thinking. As she is filling it out, it is time to give her your phone rules or discuss the exact circumstances of when you call so that she can imagine picking up the phone and having you on the other end. You will find, with practice that you do not attach any real outcome to whether you get the phone number or not. It is all a social experiment. Once you are starting to get good and have many women, every girl will seem almost disposable to you. You will not follow up on your phone numbers that you get properly, and you will allow otherwise perfectly good interactions die midway just because you are distracted by something else. This is because you will trivialise your interactions as "just practice", removing the pressure you put on yourself and the interaction. This is in fact a good thing, but keep in mind that you need to look as if you are entering into this relationship with good intentions. You should treat it all as a fun experiment. Even with a girl who you really like and value highly. You must, when you see a girl you really like, understand that you should not put pressure on yourself to be successful. If you put too much pressure on yourself because you value the girl, you will loose many of the lessons in being relaxed that you have been building by practicing on the women around you. You need to not change the way you are acting, but rather have these conversations so normal to you that you are accustomed to it and not trying hard. With girls that you will see again, you dont necessarily need her phone number. If she is a girl that works somewhere you will see her again, the continuing interaction is not based on getting the phone number and following up over the telephone. In that case you can just speak to her again. In such circumstances it is especially important that you remember her name and the details of your last conversation. It is flattering to remember someone, and their details, and coming back for a second conversation with her, by remembering the first you create intimacy and the illusion that you know each other well, and can drop immediately into comfort building type conversation. If this is a good way forward in a situation such as this, it is a good rule for all continued interactions with girls.


Her Strategies. Our good friend, the Colonel, envies my successes with the fair sex. I tell him he can have just as many as I if he will only listen to me. Confidence, that is all you need. If you never fear a rebuff you will never have one. W. Somerset Maugham, The Hairless Mexican from Collected Short Stories Vol. III, 1951 Within a flirtation situation, girls will have their own agenda: she wants you to validate that she is desirable. It means that she is looking for you to tell her that she is beautiful and extremely sexually attractive, reinforcing in her mind all the options that she has in men. Once she has been validated, she need not continue with the interaction, because it was all she was looking for. I will therefore spend some time talking about remaining centred and at one with yourself while understanding this agenda. It is not difficult, and does not degrade you at all, so long as you do not fall down into nastiness or a tit-for-tat conversational structure. Stay above it. You should be the big one within the interaction: the sun around which she is a planet orbiting. This means that you are immovable in the centre and are not thrown off your balance as she fishes for her validation, attempting to claim the validation before you have given it by assuming the victory and giving you a rebuff. It means that you take nothing as a rebuff, but rather as a symbol of the underlying need for validation. Understanding the situation allows you to flow within it, and gives a clear course of action to correct the relationship to one of openness and sharing. When you are in a flirty conversation, there is a dance of the pursued and the pursuer. The roles can change, you pursuing her, and then her pursuing you, or it can be all left ambiguous. You can accuse her of liking you, supremely confident that you are having an effect on her or you can let it be known that you are hitting on her. There is no reason that you have to stick with one or the other throughout the conversation, you can move between the two modes. To address the scenario where you want it to be ambiguous as to whether she is capable of having you or not: putting agendas on the table can in certain situations kill the flirtation and turn it into a proposition. It is fine to proposition a girl, but that should only happen once you are sure she will say either yes, maybe or not yet. A girl, after a palm reading will sometimes accuse you of being a player, or a womaniser. If her accusation of you being a player is strident and a put down, you should laugh and come back with a strong line like (delivered with a smile as if you are mocking a four year old): Oh, cute you thought I wanted to be your boyfriend. You can follow up, if you like with a smile I am not that easy, you still have some work to do yet. The second phrase moderates the first, and puts the fact that this in fact is a romantic encounter back on the table so that you have not rebuffed her. Remember that this is fun, and you are a big person, so you want to keep the interaction positive and a thing of growth for both of you. The reason the first phrase is good is that she was not thinking that you want to be her boyfriend; she was thinking you want to sleep with her. The follow up line about you not being that easy then breaks the tension of the put down and gets her chasing.


A good principal in life is that you should reward the behaviour of other people that you want to encourage, and not reward the behaviour you want to discourage. Remember that she used this line as a strident put down, attempting in one blow to gain her validation at your expense and kill the fun of the interaction. You should not reward that, but neither become wounded by it or vindictive. Do not take these things as rebuffs. Part of growth is being confident in who you are and enjoying such situations. You should, nevertheless, step back for a second taking away any warm feeling she might have had so that she almost feels as if the room got a couple of degrees colder. This is punishment for her behaviour. Do not draw it out, a couple of seconds sends the message. When you reengage, you are then going to have to have more high energy conversations such as comedy, and watch carefully the messages you are sending as to whether she can have you or not. In fact, her insecurities have manifested themselves and she has played a gambit so she can say to herself see, my charms won the day. I am this beautiful creature that all the guys want. Look at this guy, I hardly even had to open my mouth and he was fawning all over me like the boys at high school with pimples on their faces and semen stains on their pants. And those guys had so little control of themselves they could not even control their own bodies. I am such a fantastically beautiful creature that I turn mere mortal men to jelly as soon as they lay eyes on me. You dont want to be that mere mortal nor feed her vanity. You are the big one in the relationship. The centred guy who is at one with himself. She is the one in inner turmoil within herself, that inner turmoil manifesting itself as gambits to feed her vanity at your expense. This is not to say she has a deep character flaw, but rather that she is not at the same level of personal development as you. Given that is her gambit you need to continue for some time having her guessing as to whether she can have you. Because you are the cool one. You are the prize that all the women want. Women are not scarce in your life, and she is just another. She still needs to perform well to win your heart. I find there is a mechanism that I use to bring me closer to girls, and that is her loss of face. I just hold the threat by not giving her the validation that she wants, and never actually act on the threat it in a cruel way, I am doing it for her own good. When I say that, I mean that I can escalate the flirtation and act and speak as I want, as long as I make no blatant statement of my intentions. I can stand close to her. I can talk in roundabout ways about sex. I can touch her. I can escalate the relationship, and there is no way she can take her validation at my expense and say: "Sorry, I am not interested in you", or "Back off there Charlie", or anything like that, because she understands that I can always laugh at her and say "Look who has tickets on herself ... what makes you think that I have any interest in you?" or something along those lines. I would never say that, I am above it, but she understands that I might. By not making the chase explicit, it is always an option, at least in her mind, and therefore changes the dynamics of the interaction. Further, sometimes a validation gambit will come in the form of "I am not sleeping with you", or something like that, when I can smile and say "Who ever said anything about sleeping together. I have 3 rules that a girl has to meet before she gets access to my


bedroom, and you don't meet them. Sorry to let you down like that". Now the thing is reframed, no? She wants to know the 3 rules. But I don't tell her until we are in a place where we are alone because I dont know her well enough yet. I dont want to overemphasise this validation grab gambit or demonise it. There is nothing wrong with it, and it is part of the beauty of women and the reason I love them. Girls are attuned to the energy of who is chasing whom and will try to turn it around so that you tell her that you want her. This is part of the fun game of flirting. In order to turn the tables and get the pursuer and pursued reversed for a time, you can misinterpret one of her validation gambits and tell her to "slow down" or make another statement that makes out that she is the one chasing. For example she might say You want to sleep with me, dont you? and you can reply Ha! Look at you! Thinking about sex already! Slow down a bit. I need to get to know you first. You can also run a reverse validation gambit by realising that she is aroused from her non-verbal communication like when she is flicking her hair and giggling at you. A good thing to say at this stage is, with a smile, You are attracted to me, arent you? I can tell. And that is very cool let it breathe for a second, she will not answer, and may blush, kind of dumbfounded in the way where she does not know what to say. then you continue with what ever you were saying so anyway, blah, blah, blah, continuing the conversation and just letting that sit out there, ignored. The conversation will continue as if it never happened; yet we have the flirtation on the table rather than an unspoken sub-text. Girls are very much into the whole flirting thing in order to get the validation that she is attractive and desirable. Some girls who guys might label a "tease" string guys along; not out of cruelty, but as a method to get him to tell her she is desirable. A girl that chases the validation can be stringed along by withholding the validation just out of her grasp. I was watching a sitcom once where a woman looked at her male co-worker and said "Do you want to sleep with me?" phrased in a way where it looked like an invitation, to which he stepped forward and said "yeah, alright", to which she answered "good", turned on her heels and walked away. This is bringing out into the open the subtle communication often behind flirting that drives the behaviour and she has just elevated herself at his expense and killed any fun in the interaction. In order to keep the girl coming, and leading her along like the pied piper, you can withhold that validation so that she is not sure if her charms have won the day yet. So she thinks she almost has you admitting that you are really into her, but you don't give it to her. The palm reading routine is so good, so intimate and such a call to action that often you will be accused of being a player. Expect it. If you are not getting it, you are doing it wrong and she was not powerfully moved by it. Whilst you should not be actively courting this objection, I would like it if you could push the envelope more until you get it. First because, like driving a car, you do not know where the cornering limit is before you spin it around if you never actually take it to that limit (and is why in advanced driving courses the instructor will get you to go until you spin in a controlled environment so you know what the slippage in the seat of your pants feels like). Second because learning to handle the validation gambits is part of what you need to learn here, and the you are a player objection is a good one that is very different from (and needs


to be handled better than) I would go out with you tonight, but I need to wash my hair. I want you to get this objection on at least one occasion while doing this course and relish it. It will start giving you skills that will serve you deep into your relationships. Sometimes immediately after a palm reading she may make the pseudo-rebuff in the form of a the girls must really like that at which time you agree. Yes, girls like me and just continue with whatever you were saying anyway. Other times it is of the style; That was incredible. You are the biggest player I have ever met. Such a player! You will need to judge from where this objection is coming. If she was powerfully moved and is now completely in love with you she will be kind of smiling and in awe. In that case then a thoughtful, honest approach is the best comeback. You go quiet, drop your eyes (as if you are searching inwards and thinking) and let a smile crawl across your face. You look her in the eyes (hers should be big like saucers trust me, yours will be too, just naturally from having got into the same headspace as her) and you say quietly and modestly. Thank-you you just said I am like James Bond. I hope my reality can meet up with your expectations. Here use your judgment, but if you lean in and gently kiss her on the cheek it is excellent if it will not be rejected, and it is game over. She is all yours. Another thing that I get sometimes is do you just do that to pick-up women? or variation at which point I just laugh, dont even dignify it with a response and run the Grandmother routine or any other where did you learn it routine. This is rejecting the frame that she has put on the conversation. You need not buy into her frames, like when someone poses a bad multiple-choice question where none of the answers are what you want to choose such as if you believe that you are either a) an idiot or b) a nazi to which you want to scream that you reject his false framing of the question. The person posing the question has framed it in a way that you need not accept. Many of these validation gambits present you with a bad multiple choice, and rather than try to answer correctly, you need to reject the entire frame as a triviality and pull her back into your conversational threads. When rejecting her frame entirely, a standard formula you can use while learning the skill is by laughing at her objection and talking about her behaviour in putting it out there. She says for example You are making that up, arent you? Now there is no need to dignify that with a serious response that plays into her frame. Yes is a bad answer, and no is playing onto the back foot in a defensive mode that is uncomfortable for you and degrading to your inner self. Instead you laugh and move out of the frame. Like Ha, look at you. You are like the distrustful little sceptic, arent you? And turning to her friends, Is she always like this? Now you have not even accepted her frame or treated what she has said as anything more than a triviality. Although to some of you, this may be counter-intuitive, her attraction to you at that moment increases dramatically. Now during the palm reading, you are reading her much more deeply, and thus she is looking for your approval now on a much deeper level than the superficial level of flirting centred around physical beauty. You have talked about all her inner beliefs and desires and now she is exposed, and a brutal rejection of her would not be to reject the


outer girl on her beauty or superficiality, but rather to reject the inner girl who thinks and feels deeply. I will often tell her that I like her, and kiss her on the cheek. That gets the validation flowing in both directions. She has kissed you on the cheek after the reading, and you have kissed her. That we are getting together is now on the table. If she says You just worked all that out by speaking to me before you started, you misinterpret the test and go honest with: Thank-you. I am flattered that you think that I am so observant that I could see that without looking at your palm. I wish I could. Here give me a kiss (point to cheek). Important to realise is that many of these things are tests. She is bouncing it off you to see whether you are for real or not. Never go onto the back foot. Ever. Always smile. When you dont go onto the back foot you are maintaining your power and acting in a cool way. You have to be cooler than a girl you are picking up, or rather perhaps a bigger person than her. That does not mean that you are less talkative. It means that you avoid banal conversations, and if you find a conversation banal, you are not scared to change the subject. Part of being cool and maintaining your pride and power in the situation is that you always should have your own thing going on. When you are with a girl, you are there because you are bringing her into your world, not the other way around. You should not look as if you are trying hard to impress anyone, let her try to impress you. However, this is keeping the pursuer-and-pursued roles ambiguous is not a hard and fast rule. Some girls react very well to being chased. Being courted. But as a general rule, if she is trying to put you on the back foot with a rejection, you need to be firm with her and let her know that the game is not over yet. I am going to give you an example at the extreme end of continuing with her frame and at the same time directly telling her that you and her are getting together, to give you an example of how far you can go this style of thing without with-holding validation. The subtext in her objection is I am attracted to you, but there are certain hurdles that need to be jumped before I am comfortable with this. In this case you can, rather than tell her that her charms have not yet won the day, move onto aggressive footing. This should be delivered as cocky humour. Her: But I hardly know you. You: Cmon, who are you trying to kid? Im no stranger to you. You met me in your first hot dream, remember? You know the good-looking joker in your little girl dreams that always faded when you woke up wet between the legs. You waited and wished. You lucky girl, Ive stepped out of your dreams. Im alive and real and right in front of you. Now come here and give me a kiss on the cheek. That style of response is for a girl who already has a high level of attraction for you, and in running something so arrogant and cocky, you will increase that attraction dramatically even if she refuses the kiss to try to knock you off your high horse to tell you that you


havent won yet. You can persist with this style of chasing game, but be warned it can get old quickly if she is not ready to hook up with you immediately. Once you go direct like this, you will want to either take back the validation to get her chasing again, or assume the sale, and that the fact we are getting together as a possible boyfriend-girlfriend and go after rapport and comfort in a getting to know you style exchange. Now, specifically for palm reading, you might get to the end of your bit and she will say Those things are applicable for anyone. In that case you laugh and run the selling it routine and include the retard line reading. It is important here. These skills are important, and you will use them down the line in a relationship. Because within a relationship your partner will try gambits to feel out the boundaries of the relationship. Perhaps she might try to impose an exclusive relationship upon you by pretending that she thinks that you are seeing some-one else, and having you defend yourself that you were not with another girl, or perhaps she might throw a tantrum because you went out without her last night, setting a new precedent that all your movements need to be tracked by her. They might try to see if they can get a response by acting angry about something, and you can reply, falling back to your autopilot that you will be learning here Ha, look at you! You are all angry, or she might try a crying act to persuade you (no problem there, it is not her fault. Her parents taught her that one, she cried when she wanted the bottle as a baby, and got it, and the gambit has worked ever since.), and you can do the same Ha! Look at the spoilt little girl. Now is not the time for the waterworks, baby. We are not going to stay in this hotel because you are crying. I have a discount coupon for a place here in this book . On that sort of thing you need to understand why they are crying first.


The Advanced Palm Reading Now you have should been out reading girls palms and having success. You should have started to incorporate the previous lessons on handling the situations surrounding the reading and getting your delivery and persona right in the interaction. I am now going to add some complexity to what you have been doing, and get you taking some more risks. The improvement to the routine is to make it more complete, to equate to a single theme and a complete picture, rather than the more disjointed reading that you have been doing. The major change over the reading you have learned and been using is that you are going to be running the 3 shells over your inner love reading for the head line. It is not necessary to read the life line if you dont want, and I do not include a life line reading here both because I will seldom do more than this when I read palms and also because I want you to understand that she cares nothing about what is in the actual palm and whether the reading is complete or not. I dont usually read her life line. You can read any combination of material and she is not even looking at her palm. Because I have a lot of conversations that I like to have in a comfort building situation, I make the reading long enough that it serves its purpose in that it gets me in with her on a different level, she is attracted to me, and we are intimate together basically agreeing that we are together, and then move onto other conversations so we can get to know each other. For that reason what follows is my advanced reading and is long enough to do all the things I want to do, but not so long that I am continuing after the job is done. There are certain girls that are just hard to talk to, and if I identify such a thing (like English is not her native language for example), I will just continue with a longer reading to keep the intimate thing going with her. Alternatively, lets say we are at the bar on bar stools with me beside her and some other guy on the other side of her who either knows me or her and wants to break into our world and talk to her. I will continue the palm reading for so long, leaving him just sitting there and staring into his beer, that his spirit on picking up this girl is broken. Hopefully he will walk away and find something else to do. If you want to lengthen the routine, feel free to run this as it is then, change orders and add any additional material that you might see fit. Obvious additions are the two readings from the beginners reading (Head and Life lines) that you have learned but are not in this routine. Only use them if you feel that is what is needed to take the seduction forward. The three shells reading is sufficient to get her completely. Introduction: Do you know your basic palm? Relax your fingers. relax... relaaax. Yeah ... that is right. This is your head line (run your finger along her head line, and continue to do that every time you point out a feature on her hand. Do not be scared to touch her), this is your life line, this is your heart line. (twist over the palm to look at the "children lines". Dont say anything, just examine her palm then say) Now, important to your palm are some minor


lines that I am going to introduce you to also. This line here is called your fate line. Yours is strange because it (does whatever it does). The other thing that is important to your palm is this (run your finger over her Mound of Venus) ... your Mound of Venus it represents your heart also. I'll come back to it. Your palm all combines to a single story. Fate line reading Where will I start? OK, so lets start with your fate line because it is a distinguishing feature in that it (does whatever it does ... comes up to the head line for example. Time to change your voice tone and make sure you are in a serious voice here as if you could cry because it is likely that you are talking about a death in the family or divorce of her parents or something). That means that as a child or adolescent you had some experience where you were asked to become an adult before you were ready. (Pause, let it sink in). Yeah, I know, that was very difficult for you. (Empathy on that line) However, as much as that was very hard (pause), everything that has happened to you makes you who you are today. And given you like who you are today, you can therefore thank that event for making you who you are. You are more able to feel deeply and live as an adult because of it. Heart line reading Now your heart line. Because it curves up to between your index and middle fingers, it means that as a little girl you always had dreams of a perfect-man. And you always thought that a perfect-man would walk into your life. (Pause, look her in the eye and smile, the reading just took a change of pace and she will be thankful for it) However, at some stage, as much as your perfect-man could be right in front of you (be careful with the self point here) you may have trouble even recognising him and more trouble meeting him and seizing the opportunity that is right in front of you because if we look over here to your Mound of Venus ... as I said, this represents your heart also. Mound of Venus reading Your Mound of Venus is this fleshy area here. If you have a close look, you will see these small lines that run up and down and side to side (you say this even if she does not have any. If she pulls you up on it tell her if she gets better light and has a close look she will see them and that you are practiced ... push on with the reading). Now these lines represent bars like in a jail over your heart. And it means that you have a caged heart. (Here you reach across with a semi-cupped hand, and touch her chest above the breast, your fingers representing the bars around her heart). It means that you hold yourself back and don't give yourself completely to all the people in your life (wave your hand out at the rest of the world). But you know that. You know that sometimes you are shy, or scared or lack some confidence, or try to act cool, or say the right thing, or act lady-line and you dont just be yourself and just relax even with your best friends. And you hold people out of your life (bring your hand up ... palm out like a policeman might say stop, but relaxed with your elbow bent in a subtle motion), and stop people from really getting to know you (gesture back and forth) and relax in a non-judgmental way. And youd be a lot happier if you could not lock yourself up, but rather let everyone else in, and give yourself to the people around you. And then you can just relax and be comfortable with yourself and everyone in your world. You dont need to hold yourself back and watch 57

your manners and what is "the right thing to say". And in that way your heart is caged (touch her again on her heart). And you have trouble taking the new opportunities right in front of you, and this especially needs to be watched when you meet your perfect-man (run finger along heart line or else self point). Three Shells over your inner love reading Shell of Childhood Now, your head line. What this means is that as a little girl you were born just this bundle of love. You had just this shining light inside of you (clench fist loosely and place with the back of your hand into the centre of her chest). You just were this loving little girl who wanted nothing more than to love everyone and be loved. But at some stage this inner love was over looked. And you were hurt. And you tried to be recognised for something else. I don't know if it was for your schoolwork, or for music or for sport or for art or for your popularity. And you said to yourself "Well if they dont recognise my love, I'll make my own way in the world". (change your voice back to the sad tone of voice) But you just wanted to be this little girl that loves. Because you have this capability to love so deeply. And you just wanted to love everybody and be loved for the inner love. So you decided to navigate your own way in the world because you this inner love was overlooked and your heart was burned. So you built a shell around yourself. (Here you run your hand along her shoulder representing the shell she has built) Your first shell. So now you are hard on the outside like hard candy (and you knock on her shoulder gently like you would knock on a door), but you have a soft inside like soft fudge (and drop your hand towards her lap take stick out your index and middle fingers, relaxed and curling upwards and push them forward down low to simulate you putting your fingers into her. Do not make this an obvious move that is too close to her lap, you need to use your judgment as to how close you can get. You want it to be as close as possible without it being consciously noticed. I have never had a girl consciously notice this gesture; her unconscious takes it in, however). Discussion of the above reading: This reading is about the common experience of loosing the unconditional love of childhood. Or rather the unconditional love of childhood was found to have conditions. Important here is that you dwell on her ability to love. Being in love for humans is an important motivator. Some people love the feeling of being in love more than the actual person that they love. So you dwell here on her ability to love, and she has this experience inside of oh my god. This guy sees me for who I really am! You can judge what you do, but sometimes I add a bit around the schoolwork or sport or music part where I say perhaps your sister was prettier and get that competitive thing going there too. Everyone even if they were spoiled as a child, there was a sense somewhere that they did not get the attention that they needed. We are all born believing that we are the centre of the world. When a child puts his hands over his eyes and says, You cant see me, I am hiding and then takes them off and says Boo! he is telling you that he still sees himself as the centre of the world. He has not separated out his experience-of-the-world internally


from the external world itself, and if he closes his eyes, the world is not there anymore because he cannot see it. There then comes a day, perhaps when the child is about 4 or 5, where perhaps he stays home from school for the day and he suddenly realises that The Simpsons is on television every day at 2pm whether he watches it or not. The world goes on without him or her. And as the child realises that he is not the centre of the world, he might realise that he has to compete for his parents affection and respect. It is unfortunate that we have to lose our innocence of the unconditional love. But our parents needed to motivate us. They needed to prepare us for a world as a freestanding, independent person. So they told us we had to tidy our rooms, and withheld their affection until it was done with negative reinforcement, and gave us praise when we did what they wanted with positive reinforcement. The same was for everything our parents encouraged us to do. The reading taps directly into this mechanism, and makes it an undesirable thing as compared to being appreciated just for her ability to love and love her back unconditionally. The dream is unrealistic, but idealism, by definition is not based in reality. You can expand the theme into something separate later to the fact that her parents often encouraged her for the wrong things. Encouraged her to be things that the parents valued rather than looking at the child, seeing with perfect information what she was good at and what she enjoyed and encouraged her to do those things to allow her to become the sort of person she really wanted to be. They may have encouraged her in maths when she regrets now that she never learned a musical instrument for example. Shell of Superficial Female Expression Then as a teenager, you were still this little ball of love inside (fist on chest again). You were still this girl who wanted to love and be loved. And you wanted the boys to be interested in you. But your beautiful loving inner radiance was hidden under that first shell. So you started to look at yourself in the mirror. And you started to try things with your hair and dress yourself up in the clothes that the cool girls were wearing. And you did yourself up like a Christmas tree with clothes and jewellery (this line is optional depending on how beautiful she is. The more beautiful the better). And perhaps you used to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder if your ass was fat. (they do not laugh at this, and you should not deliver it as a joke, but rather as the truth because when her body changed and her hips got wider from little girl hips to women hips, she definitely used to look at her ass in the mirror and ask herself this question. She probably still does even if she has a perfect ass. However sometimes they do laugh. If they do you lean back and laugh too and point at her and say I can tell, you still do that to this very day, dont you? Let her laugh and laugh yourself without letting go of her palm. It is a nice break in tension of the reading and you can become warm in the glow of each other. Dont rush getting back to the reading, allow the laughter to breathe, dont smother it, but dont let it break up the reading either. Dont get caught up in other conversations, just back in) But you were still this loving little girl. And it hurt you again that you had to make yourself look as good as possible. Put window dressing on your beautiful inner love (fist again to chest. Every time you say inner love you suddenly change vocal inflection back to the one where you are almost going to cry). So on top of this first shell (run hand over


shoulder again), you built a second shell. The shell of superficial female expression. And now your inner loving radiance was covered with two shells. Discussion of above reading: This again dwells on her ability to love. However this time you downgrade the things that most men find her desirable for (her beauty). Your lack of superficiality is not lost. Further you kind of insult her by both telling her that her ass is fat (although this is a common experience at puberty and takes her mind back to when her body was changing), and that you are not impressed by the effort she puts into making herself look good. The beauty that she values so highly is only window dressing on her soul, and you can see that. This makes you a very different kind of man to what she is used to, and having told her that you can see beyond her beauty, you have told her that you see her inner love and you find that very appealing. She feels even more that you see her for what she truly is. The subtext is: "the depth at which you were ignored for your true inner beauty (love) as a child is manifested in the amount of time and energy that you spend on dressing up that hardened shell like a Christmas tree now. The more beautiful you are and the more time you spend on hair, and gym, and make-up the more you are attempting to deceive and divert attention from the fact that you are unable to have your inner love recognised". This makes her beauty look like a bad thing. A symptom of a deeper evil. It is twisting her beauty from a thing that makes her more attractive to a thing that makes her less attractive to a man of integrity who can recognise the true inner beauty of the girl. This she would never have heard before. It is a common experience for us all. Many people who do not do well with women and reject outside help have the objection that she should see him for the deep sensitive person that he really is. That any woman who is attracted by these bad-boy players is not the sort of woman that he wants anyway. He expects the woman to have some deep intuition that means she will see the sensitive loving guy inside, and not judge him on his looks or his job or his friends or his car and she will just accept him and love him for who he is. It is exactly that emotion that you want to go to in your mind as you deliver this reading. Shell of failed love Then you formed a third shell. You were still this loving girl. You met a guy, and you were spurned in love. You were still this loving girl with a boundless ability to love and be loved. And you told yourself that you would never be reliant on a man again. So on top of the shell you built because your inner love was not noticed as a child or your sister was prettier or whatever, you built a shell of superficial female expression and deception with make-up and bracelets and rings and on top of that you built another shell of self reliance as you told yourself you would never be reliant on another man. But still underneath those shells is this loving girl who can love and be loved. And your perfect-man (running your finger along the heart line again but looking her straight in the eyes) is the man who can recognise the inner love inside you (blatant self point). Who can see the inner love, and penetrate all three shells and touch you deeply


(here you bring your hand up from her lap to where you were putting your fist for the inner love stuff but this time you have your index and middle fingers outstretched, bringing your hand up her body without literally touching her until you get to her chest then you touch her there with your index and middle fingers. If you look at your hand she will watch it come up also. You lean on the word penetrate). And with this ideal man, you will be able to relax and understand that your capacity to love is what you are appreciated for, and you will be able to give from that deep well of love and receive his love. And then your shells can disappear and you can allow yourself to be reliant and have the unconditional love you have always yearned for but never received. However, the problem is with these three shells, you are making your body tense and the tension is putting lines in on your face. You need to peel away the three shells and make sure you do not block your heart and hide yourself and your desires and tensions (point again to her Mound of Venus, and put your hand over her heart again in the caged gesture with the fingers representing the bars). And you need to work to seize the opportunity in front of you to allow the inner love to be expressed and to receive love from a man who can see the inner you when he is in front of you. Discussion of the above reading: This concludes the readings and rounds it out tying the entire palm reading together. Now you explicitly make yourself her ideal man, and give her criteria by which she should think about these things and measure you. Because you are the only man here that sees the inner love that she has. Further, you are running down both her ex-boyfriends and any current love interests in her life. The line that really bites is putting lines on your face. She will loop on that one and contemplate it only half listening to the rest. That is a good thing, you want her in a kind of stupor. Girls as young as 19 will start to notice little lines around her eyes and start buying expensive skin care cream. By 24 those lines are becoming endemic. Here you are blaming those lines on the fact that she does not have the right man and are offering a solution to her aging and mortality. This is really a reading about her third period as an adult. The entire 3 shells over your inner love reading splits her into the 3 separate periods in her life. Her childhood, her adolescence and her adulthood. She still does not have the unconditional love that you have talked about, and the men in her life have valued her for other things. If she believes the inner love is valuable, as valuable as you are saying in your readings, she has to agree that no man has ever really appreciated her for it. You are overselling yourself, saying that you are capable of doing so. You are saying her independence as an adult woman is just a manifestation of having ventured a long way from her original life position of having unconditional love and care during early childhood. We have come a long way now from the first reading where she was a little girl at the centre of her world who could put her hands over her eyes to stop the world from seeing her. She used to have an unconditional love, but that was found to have positive and negative reinforcement strings attached to it, then she tried to make herself beautiful to be accepted and get that unconditional love. It didnt work. She is now an independent woman who stands on her own two feet in the world. But she wants that unconditional love. She needs it. You are


offering it. You are offering something that she has not been able to achieve on her own with years and years of trying new strategies to attain it. From here, you can, if you feel the girl will be receptive, move onto the sexual reading that I include in a different chapter and it flows directly. Children lines (Now you twist over her palm to look at her "children lines") You are fertile! (Smile, drop palm). HER: What? YOU: You are fertile. You are able to have children. (HER sometimes: How can you see that? YOU: It is here in these little lines. Now some palm readers who come from a different tradition to me will tell you that these lines represent the number of children you will have. But obviously in my palm reading tradition we cannot read the future). You: give me a kiss (pointing at cheek).

The routine in at a glance (cheat sheet) Fate line: grew up before you were ready Heart line: Dreams of perfect-man Mound of Venus: caged heart, you dont give yourself over to others Head line: You have a deep love with 3 shells: the shell of having your inner love ignored, shell of superficial female expression, shell of spurned love. Your perfect-man will recognise your inner love. Children lines: you are fertile.

The routine without comments for easy reading: Do you know your basic palm? Relax your fingers. RELAX ... relaaax. Yeah ... that is right. This is your head line, this is your life line, this is your heart line. Now, important to your palm are some minor lines that I am going to introduce you to also. This line here is called your fate line. Yours is strange because it (does whatever it does). The other thing that is important to your palm is this (run your finger over her Mound of Venus) ... your Mound of Venus it represents your heart also. I'll come back to it. Your palm all combines to a single story. Fate Line Where will I start? OK, so lets start with your fate line because it is a distinguishing feature in that it (does whatever it does). That means that as a child or adolescent you had some experience where you were asked to become an adult before you were ready. Yeah, I know, that was very difficult for you. However, as much as that was very hard (pause), everything that has happened to you makes you who you are today. And given you like who you are today, you can therefore thank that event for making you who you are. You are more able to feel deeply and live as an adult because of it. 62

Heart Line Now your heart line. Because it curves up to between your index and middle fingers, it means that as a little girl you always had dreams of a perfect-man. And you always thought that a perfect-man would walk into your life. However, at some stage, as much as your perfect-man could be right in front of you, you may have trouble even recognising him and more trouble meeting him and seizing the opportunity that is right in front of you because if we look over here to your Mound of Venus ... as I said, this represents your heart also. Mound of Venus Your Mound of Venus is this fleshy area here. If you have a close look, you will see these small lines that run up and down and side to side. Now these lines represent bars like in a jail over your heart. And it means that you have a caged heart. It means that you hold yourself back and don't give yourself completely to all the people in your life. But you know that. You know that sometimes you are shy, or scared or lack some confidence, or try to act cool, or say the right thing, or act lady-line and you dont just be yourself and just relax even with your best friends. And you hold people out of your life, and stop people from really getting to know you and relax in a non-judgmental way. And youd be a lot happier if you could not lock yourself up, but rather let everyone else in, and give yourself to the people around you. And then you can just relax and be comfortable with yourself and everyone in your world. You dont need to hold yourself back and watch your manners and what is "the right thing to say". And in that way your heart is caged. And you have trouble taking the new opportunities right in front of you, and this especially needs to be watched when you meet your perfect-man. Three Shells over your inner love reading Shell of Childhood Now, your head line. What this means is that as a little girl you were born just this bundle of love. You had just this shining light inside of you. You just were this loving little girl who wanted nothing more than to love everyone and be loved. But at some stage this inner love was over looked. And you were hurt. And you tried to be recognised for something else. I don't know if it was for your schoolwork, or for music or for sport or for art or for popularity. And you said to yourself "Well if they dont recognise my love, I'll make my own way in the world". But you just wanted to be this little girl that loves. Because you have this capability to love so deeply. And you just wanted to love everybody and be loved for the inner love. So you decided to navigate your own way in the world because you this inner love was overlooked and your heart was burned. So you built a shell around yourself. Your first shell. So now you are hard on the outside like hard candy, but you have a soft inside like soft fudge. Shell of Superficial Female Expression Then as a teenager, you were still this little ball of love inside. You were still this girl who wanted to love and be loved. And you wanted the boys to be interested in you. But your beautiful loving inner radiance was hidden under that first shell. So you started to


look at yourself in the mirror. And you started to try things with your hair and dress yourself up in the clothes that the cool girls were wearing. And you did yourself up like a Christmas tree with clothes and jewellery. And perhaps you used to look at yourself in the mirror and wonder if your ass was fat. But you were still this loving little girl. And it hurt you again that you had to make yourself look as good as possible. Put window dressing on your beautiful inner love. So on top of this first shell, you built a second shell. The shell of superficial female expression. And now your inner loving radiance was covered with two shells. Shell of Failed Love Then you formed a third shell. You met a guy, and you were spurned in love. You were still this loving girl with a boundless ability to love and be loved. And you told yourself that you would never be reliant on a man again. So on top of the shell you built because your inner love was not noticed as a child or your sister was prettier or whatever, you built a shell of superficial female expression and deception with make-up and bracelets and rings and on top of that you built another shell of self reliance as you told yourself you would never be reliant on another man. But still underneath those shells is this loving girl who can love and be loved. And your perfect-man is the man who can recognise the inner love inside you. Who can see the inner love, and can push through all three shells and penetrate you deeply. However, the problem is with these three shells, you are making your body tense and the tension is putting lines in on your face. You need to peel away the three shells and make sure you do not block your heart and hide yourself and your desires and tensions. And you need to work to seize the opportunity in front of you to allow the inner love to be expressed and to receive love from a man who can see the inner you. You are fertile! Give me a kiss. Now, just to summarise so you can see the entire picture. Every single reading in this advanced palm reading is universally true. You should have absolutely zero fear that any of the readings are off base. Sometimes in a palm reading, the girl will try to tell you that it is not the case for her. You say in response Shh! The palm never lies. Have supreme confidence in it. So stepping you through from the beginning to illustrate. First it talks about being born a child and turning into an adult. We are still, as adults, asked to act in adult ways when we would prefer to be children and defer to our parents, secure that it will be worked out. Having times in your past when this is the case is absolutely universal. A girl might tell you that she does not have such an experience she can put her finger on. Perhaps it is true that she cannot put her finger on it immediately, but she understands the sentiment. Even if she had a clean childhood, it might be as simple as finding out that Father Christmas does not exist and that her parents had lied to her for example. It might have been the day she was first sent to school and had to leave her mother at home. It might have been when she first understood that we are mortal and will all die eventually. She might have lost a


grand-parent. She might have been punished for something that she was innocent of. There were times when her innocence started being lost and there is no denying it. At some stage someone has told her that she needs to be a big girl, or else she has told herself. She has definitely been in adult situations where either the world has let her down or she has had to deal with a situation she would rather be able to hide from or not have happened. It is universally true. Do not accept any objections. The second reading about perfect-man we all have dreams of a perfect mate. This has nothing to do with her current relationship. She might be in a relationship that satisfies her to bits. But it is still true that she had dreams of a perfect-man. Let me turn it into male terms for you. Imagine you have a fantastic relationship in your life and I tell you As a child or adolescent you had dreams of a perfect 10, however you ended up married to some woman named Doris. And you love Doris to pieces. However you always believed that the perfect 10 would walk into your life one day. But even if your perfect 10 were right in front of you, you may not be able to either recognise it or act on the opportunities right in front of you. Because you lock yourself up. You try to act cool, or you are shy and so when that perfect 10 might be right in front of you, you are unable to just be yourself and blah, blah, blah. You get the point. It is not important about her current relationship. The reading speaks to her inner animus, and that is personified as her perfect-man of childhood fairy tales. She has concepts of a perfect mate in there and no real living breathing man can actually completely live up to that. The reading is absolutely universal regardless of her level of satisfaction with her current relationship. Shhh! The palm doesnt lie. The third reading 3 shells over your inner love. She cannot argue with any of it. She was once a child with unconditional love. She was born into the world that way, and as a baby someone took care of her. Then she found out that the love had conditions. She was told to tidy her room, and was toilet trained and she found that the love was withheld and had conditions put on it. This is necessary to turn the dependent organism that is a baby into a functioning adult and is an important part of life. Behaviour is modified via feedback, and she got feedback as to what correct behaviour was. There is no getting around it or claiming it did not happen to you. Shh! The palm does not lie. If she is a beautiful or even decent looking girl, she thinks about her presentation and knows well that she is valued for her beauty. In doing that, she is not being validated for the simple unconditional love she had as a gurgling, crying, sensitive baby, and is validated instead for her beauty as a woman. She knows if she were to suddenly loose her beauty or get a round of pimples, bad hair day, and a mood that makes her want to dress in an unattractive way, she will get treated differently by the world and the people around her. This has displaced the unconditional love that she had in the womb onto her appearance. This is universal for all girls that are well groomed. (It may be untrue for an ugly girl who does not look after herself, her appearance or how she is perceived by the world, but these are surely not the girls whose palms you are reading). There is no denying it. Shh! The palm does not lie.


Now the spurned in love reading. She may not have ever had a rejection from a man in her life if she is young. That is true. However, the feeling is common. There is no man out there that loved her unconditionally like she was loved as a baby regardless of how she acted. It is impossible to do, and it is not something any man would want to do. If he did, she would not be attracted to him in return, as she would see him as beneath her. She has definitely told herself that she would never be reliant on a man again. The reason is simple. She was born a dependent baby. All her needs were looked after. Now she is an adult. She has rent that needs to be paid, and bills that need to be paid. She needs to get herself up in the morning, dress herself and move around the world as an adult. No man can do those things for her, no matter how much she might like it. If she expected it, she had to tell herself that she can not allow herself to be reliant on a man again, because she is an independent adult in the world and has to accept the responsibility for who she is. The love and the world are not unconditional. In a similar way no woman can live your life for you. You have to look after yourself as an adult. Now what she really wants on a deep down level that is not considered (and would not actually be wanted in reality) is that unconditional love and support of childhood. She understands the feeling. But she realises that she has to be a woman. Has to be an adult. She has now ventured an enormous distance from the original premise of the unconditional love. I have had girls try to tell me that the other readings are not true, but this reading about never being reliant on a man again has never got the response of that never happened to me. Even if I did get that response, the sentiment is universal and you can honestly look her in the eye and say Shh! The palm never lies.


Selling-it routines. Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. Albert Einstein, Evolution of Physics, 1938 Palmistry is not real. Of course, you can tell some things from looking at someones hand. If they are a smoker, or if they do manual labour for example. But the lines mean nothing. Nevertheless, it is important when a girl asks that you believe in it. How can someone like you, a rational thinker believe in something as obviously false as palm reading? I will here give you a routine that you can use with girls. This is based on the philosophies whereby I justify it to myself philosophically. My own justification has a classical philosophical underpinning and the concepts can be quite conceptually difficult. Understanding my philosophical underpinning is not necessary to running the routine properly, but understanding my ideas on this will enrich your experience of using the routine, and expand the scope of the sorts of places you can go with it. If she is a hard sceptic, cease reading her palm because she is listening on a different level and will not enjoy it. Just laugh, call her a spoilsport and accuse her of being no fun, drop her hand, bust her on it, and move onto another topic of conversation. Also you should not justify yourself in any way, if you say the reading that follows, treat her like she is a little bit stupid and you are explaining this to a child. This routine loses all my vocal inflections and seems like a long meditation. It is not. There are 4 simple ideas that I will summarise afterwards to get you performing it right. Selling-it palmistry routine Ha! I have you worked out now: You are Jill the science chick, arent you? (You call her Jill even though her name is not Jill. Calling her Jill is part of the joke). OK, Little Miss Science. There is a field of science called Dermatoglyphics. (to remember this word think of the word Dermatology the medicine of skin, and the word Hieroglyphics: carvings, symbols with meanings. For me, for some reason the word is really hard to say, so instead I say Dermatography because it is easier to pronounce. Dermatography is not a real word, I made it up, but what does she know anyway, right? I would struggle with the real word if she were a medical student or something). Dermatoglyphics is a science that studies the hand and fingerprints and finds correlations with diseases. The lines on the hand have a 100% correlation with all sorts of diseases and syndromes. There is a clear mark on the lifeline of every single child with downs syndrome for example. (Optional, for fun with a smile: Here, give me your palm. See, I thought so: this is the retard line, and it says you are a dork!) What is more, the lines on the palm are not random or caused by creasing. On a foetus, the lifeline forms at 7 weeks after conception, and the heart and head lines at 9 weeks. But the hand doesnt develop


the muscles or tendons needed to move it until 11 weeks. Therefore the lines are there before the hand can even move to form creases. But it is not an either / or belief. For example I dont need a weather man to tell me which way the wind is blowing. And I dont need to think about the laws of gravity when a glass falls off the table. Because gravity says that the force of attraction of 2 bodies (gesture back between you and her) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance they are apart. If two bodies move closer together (step towards her), the attraction gets stronger by that distance squared. (Slow down here, you may have lost her in the above but you want her to understand now). Now, I can simplify the world in my everyday life and say: the world is flat, up is up and down is down. Unsupported objects fall down. That does not mean that I believe the world is flat and gravity does not exist. It is just easier to think of the world in that way in every day situations. Palm reading is similarly a simplification of the world. See, I cant see the specifics of your history from it, but I can see general trends. Palm reading has a long tradition going all the way back to the oracles of ancient Greece and continues to this day because it contains the truth. Are you a scientific person completely? I mean do you believe in Ghosts? This routine should not be memorised. It is the way that I run it, but it represents my own understandings and the way that I think about the world. To simplify what you talk about, I will summarise the routine: First you accuse her of being a science chick. Then you introduce the science of dermatoglyphics, and talk about the real research in this science pointing out the correlation to downs syndrome. Then you point out that the lines form before the hand is capable of moving in the womb. Therefore the lines are not from creasing. Then you intimidate her with science by talking about how complex science does not impact the simplicity of the world. In my example I talk about the complex theory of gravity as opposed to the simplification of unsupported objects fall down. But you could similarly talk about any scientific simplification (the protons, neutrons and electrons that make up matter being made of energy, yet it is easier to think about the bus that is about to run me over being solid. Or the wave / particle nature of light, but despite wavelengths and absorption theories the flower seems red in the simplified world). Belief in one does not mean that the more simple case is not true also. You compare palm reading with that as a metaphor. The routine is actually the tip of the iceberg of a whole string of ideas I have about this that I will explain here to give you the back-story on the routine in case you feel like exploring it further. This in fact forms my philosophical underpinning of all fortune telling routines. I want to take you from your current position as a rational thinker, and use rational thought to take you to a logical position where palm reading can exist, and you can be the sort of person that can do it without having to re-define your concept of


yourself as a person, or the sort of person that believes in the supernatural. I must emphasise again that the following is conceptually complex and understanding it is not necessary to either read palms or lean to interact with women and is only included to enrich what I am teaching and increase your enjoyment of what you are doing. It is outside the main ideas of what I am presenting (although important to the philosophy), so if you are interested, you can turn to the Appendix 1a on it and read further.


Girls you have already kissed. If it aint broke, dont fix it. Anonymous It is not necessary to read the palm of a girl you have kissed, you should be having relaxed get-to-know-you conversation. However, if you must, for example you called her for a second meeting to follow up on a phone number you got on the night you kissed her and need, on this meeting to segue back to intimacy I offer the following to guide you in your interactions after the kiss so you understand the sort of conversations that are applicable at this stage: Once you have made out a girl, the fact that you and her are together becomes on the surface and out in the open. In that case, you cannot do the perfect-man readings because it is obvious what you are doing. She will see straight through it. In that case, you will need to use your judgment and work out what moods you want her in and run readings that go towards those moods. Each girl is different. As a general rule however, my advice is not to do it. Especially if it is on the table that you are trying to seduce her. The interaction you want to avoid is that of you role playing the seducer and her, the besieged. It will invariably come out in the form of last minute resistance, when you have moved the relationship quickly (where she is saying things like we really shouldnt be doing this), and you want to disarm that frame by not playing into it. If there is even a tinge of that frame playing out palm reading is the absolute worst thing you can do. However, if you must, you should use the fact that you are already intimate with her to do more comfort related readings and sexual readings. Things like the below: Share fantasies. There is a secret garden inside your mind where you store all your deepest thoughts and fantasies. And you dont let anyone in there, not even your best friends. You are capable, however, of letting a certain guy in. But he only gets one chance. When you let him in and talk about your fantasies openly, there can be no judgementalism or you will shut them up forever. But you need to understand that when you see the person who you are able to let into your secret garden, you know that he will accept that world completely. As you stop and imagine a time in the future having let this person in, and now having company in your own secret garden, and all the feelings of satisfaction at having made the decision and done it. And you look back on today, looking at him, and knowing for sure that it is him that can be let in. And as you do that, you need to realise that you are able to be the person who you actually are. Because you lock yourself up inside with inhibitions. But there is no need to do that. Because no-one understands you truly. And


you can relax completely and just allow yourself to act however you like and be the person you actually are. Fear of Success/ self-saboteur. Here in your life line it says that sometimes you can be a self-saboteur. What that means is that you get in the way of your own opportunities. Sometimes you will turn down opportunities to go out with friends and have a good time because you, somewhere deep inside, are afraid to just let yourself go, and do the things that you want to do. And sometimes you let fear get in the way of action. Like you might be in the middle of something else when the telephone rings, and then the person on the other end wants you to go out and do something. But often you will let that fear get in the way of going out and doing it. But you need, in your life, to stop doing that. Stop interrupting your own opportunities and being the self-saboteur that you know you can be. And you need to let any fear holds you back from embracing your life entirely fade away. And understand that success is within your grasp, and you just need to reach out and take it. Happiness is right here in front of you, and you need to step forward and say, I am going to do it! These are good conversations to have, and things to practice. Having them within a palm reading to learn takes the pressure off you and gives you an excuse to say these things the first time, with a subtext of it is written in the palm. However these conversations can be had without a palm reading and will serve you well in the continuing relationship.


Going sexual. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. Shunru Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, 1972 Transitioning the conversation to sexual is a stage in you and her getting together. It easiest done where you are talking about sexual themes in general, or making jokes that have sexual themes (not smutty jokes, but more like what I have included in the African Store Routine in the next chapter). Here I am going to have you transition the palm reading sexual to let you get a feel for it. Going sexual within a palm reading is a judgement call just as it is with any conversation within a seduction. Getting a good feel for explicit sexual conversation is a good thing to learn. I want you to try a sexual reading and see the reaction, understanding that it breaks nothing even if rejected. Specifically, here is the one that I want you to do at least once since it is extremely low risk and fills out a continuing theme in the palm reading: Sexual result of the 3 shells over your inner love All these shells have you locked inside your body so your orgasms are shallow and your body and face full of tension and lines. Not expressing your true love. But when you meet that man of integrity (self point) who can see the inner beauty, not just the shell of superficial female expression. The man you have dreamed of since you were a little girl who could recognise your loving heart. A man you can trust. A man that can penetrate you deeply. Right inside you. Through all the shells so that instead of some shallow exercise in sex, you are able to share your inner love, and all the world can fade away. And your fears can relax, and your body can open and you can connect so deeply your hearts merge into one. And it is no longer about the superficial sexual release that you have been used to, but a communicating with your deepest heart. This reading works best when she is extremely attracted to you in which case it is an exciting promise of great sex. If she is not visibly excited by you that is where you are doing your learning. You need to see what moods this creates and work out why and how, tweaking your understandings of interactions as you do so. For example, I love a palm reading. You can make her laugh. It makes her feel good. It makes her cry. It makes her feel understood. My advanced reading all builds to one thesis. This is an extension on the thesis that can either feel sexy or it can feel like a clinical diagnosis depending on the delivery. If I am in a non-performing mood and I am just going through the motions with the routine like it is the 100th time I have done it today, when she is listening, the energy between us can be almost dead. There is no spark. There is no risk. Even when you move onto the sexual thing saying "and your orgasms are shallow, she nods her head in agreement as if you are like someone giving her a diagnosis. Like a doctor. Not sexy. Not


risky. Not "Shhh! People might see us!" It is the later risk that you want in your interactions, and you should use these sexual readings to understand it. Alternatively, you can go straight at a fantasy reading. I will usually do it like a pure cold reading; watching her face to see when I hit the mark. I use the heart line as proof, and I'll make it ambiguous as in: Kink elicitation reading You are either bi-sexual (pause) ... or you have fantasies about exhibitionism (pause) ... or you have all those dreams and fantasies about being punished ... perhaps simply spanked ... perhaps whipped ... perhaps tied up ... perhaps having being "taken" against your will (You watch her very closely for which gets a little reaction. Therefore, I use the opportunity to fish around for what her "kinks" are.) For the kink elicitation you have to keep your ears open. You should not judge her kinks at all. A kink elicitation is an important part of partners exploring each others sexuality, and is best left until after you have already had sex and been satisfied. What that means is that I asked her what she thinks about when she masturbates. Girls will usually try to wriggle out of the question. So I tell her about the fantasy of an ex girlfriend to give her an example of the sort of thing that is fine to share with me. If she jumps on the bi-sexual thing you can follow with a reading that goes (semi-crying voice tonality again): Bi-sexual gambit reading And you hold your preferences deep inside. But there is no problem with them. And you need to understand that you are able to live without hiding who you really are. Because when people know (self point), you are not judged; you are embraced and accepted for who you are. Because it hurts you to lock yourself up like this. There is no need for you to feel that there is something wrong with you and you need to hide it. Your preferences are completely natural, and you need to embrace them, and live them. And be at one with them. Because no-one (point away) understands you. People really understand and can love you for it. You can embrace them. And you can allow your sexuality to blossom, and you can live it openly without shame and without remorse. Another milder reading goes like this: Importance of human touch reading. Your skin texture tells me that you need to understand that human touch is important to you. Because you are prepared to go without touch for long periods of time. And in part there are things holding you back from expressing this, the most basic of human communication and warmth. As you understand that deep touch is critical to just being a healthy living breathing person. And sexuality is part of that. It is a natural expression


that is unhealthy to go without. You need to be kissed often, and kissed well. And you dont get enough of it at the moment. The palm reading routine is a modular routine. Each of the readings can be chopped and changed. They do not even necessarily need to be attached to the line that I am suggesting. You could read perfect-man from her lifeline if you wanted. Tell her the readings that you need to tell her to get the situation working. You can build your palmreading with blocks of readings that fit together like Lego live in the field giving a unique reading to each girl choosing the way forward by looking at the situation in which you find the girl and the her mood. You will find that there are a lot of different energies or vibes or chemistries with the girls you run a palm reading on. Some girls do not want to get into heavy stuff and want the interaction to be sexually charged. Others will be looking for someone who can truly understand them. Others still will be interested in their own natures. Some will just have a burning question they want answered and the minute you say you read palms like the destiny of their current relationship. You should not fight that energy. You should run the routine the way that will suit your purposes best for achieving your goals with the girl. Remember: you are not a palm-reading purist. Nothing is ever wrong; it is just a tool to get you talking on a completely different plane with her. All these things call for you to use your judgment and do the palm reading in the delivery and style that is best for the girl.


Changing the direction of a conversation and use of comedy. Among the most remarkable features characterizing Zen, we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) Sometimes you open a palm reading, and the girl will just obviously simply not be into it. She might tell you straight up I dont believe in that superstitious stuff. You smile at her and go I know! You are the little sceptical scientist. It is written right here in your palm. But check this out: I was out the front earlier and and head into another conversational topic. In that case just drop the hand, not like a hot potato, but continue to hold it for a bit and go at right angles with your conversation and let it go gently. You always reserve the right to come back to the palm reading later when she is in a mood to get a little more intimate with you, or not come back to it at all. Palm reading is low risk. There is a correct time for a palm reading routine. It is once she is aware that she likes you. When you start speaking to a girl you need to be reasonably high energy. Not hyperactive, but clearly in meeting new people mode. Listening closely looking for tangents, changing directions of the conversation to keep it going, following up on conversational threads that she leaves open, creating open threads for you to follow up on later if you want, finding opportunities to make jokes and display how comfortable you are in this situation. However there comes a time where your initial work has been done and she is attracted to you. It does not take very long, but you use your judgment as to when a good time is to move to the next level. At that stage it is time to slow it down and move the topic of conversation onto a deeper level of sentiments and getting to know each other deeply and getting comfortable with each other. This is the right time for a palm reading. After she is attracted and it will be accepted because she is ready. The palm reading will transition the mood. Moving to this level of intimacy is an important stage in you and her getting together, and thus you will find yourself wanting to jump to this routine, in part because it is so good at taking you to the next level. If a palm reading is rejected, you can side track the conversation back into the high-energy routines and come back to it if you wish when the situation is better. When you want to abort an attempt at reading her palm you go at right angles as if you got side tracked. I am going to give you a sidetrack routine to use just so that all the options are covered. This also serves as an example of the sort of high-energy material you can run before a palm reading. This chapter is instructional for the larger picture of the interaction. So you are reading her palm and it is not going well. She is all crossed up. You look at her, then you look down for a moment and look back smiling as if something just occurred to you. This is a comedy routine and should be delivered as such. You should


look like you are trying to keep a straight face. You should look like a relaxed sophisticate when delivering it, not like you enjoy undergraduate humour. African Store Routine So check this out ... I was out shopping for a gift for my little sister on <whatever street with a large amount of these shops in your city. I am talking about the sort of store that sells imported African art, often discounted including beads, etc.> yesterday (now is a good time to drop the palm and point in the direction of the shops from where you are) ... I was walking around from shop to shop in my own mind thinking about what I might get her ... and I wasn't even looking when I accidentally ... walked into an (pause) African store! (allow it to breathe here for a moment). You know which ones I am talking about, right? The ones that are all dark with all the carved wooden face masks and like beads hanging from the ceiling and voodoo dolls with a big fat Ugandan woman behind the counter... Now I don't know if it's me probably but I walked in there and my first reaction was ... (delivered with pure amazement opening your eyes wide and pulling your head back slightly as if you just stopped and checked yourself) "Whoa! Africa!" (allow laughter) And it was not the sort of store I wanted to buy furniture or art in because like I am really white (allow laugh) and it doesnt go with Ikea. (allow laugh) But I cant just turn and leave, right. I mean it is an African store and there is the owner behind the counter looking at me. So I go in to look around just cursing myself for not looking before I walked in. She goes "Can I help you, suuurr?" So I say (insecurely) "Yeah ... I was wondering how much is this ... umm. err big ... giant ... carved wooden penis?" (allow laugh) [optional if telling it in straight style: or at least that is what the statue looked like to me (you might get another laugh)] She says: "$1500, suuurr - do you want to buy it, suuurr?" (allow laugh at how expensive it is) So I am thinking as fast as I can ... because you know how sales people can be ... you walk in "just looking" (do quotes with fingers) and walk out with a giant wooden cock in your hand ... (allow laugh) I say (insecurely): "Ummmm ... no ... I ... think ... that ... I am going to go compare the prices of the penis at ... other ... umm African stores ... and if yours is the best Ill come back." (allow laugh) The routine is a good model for the sort of material you are able to run when you are high energy and I use it as an example of the sort of routine you should get together for when


you are attracting the girl to you. In other words, you should have routines that are purely comedy based with laughter as the objective (as opposed to attraction, or conveying personality or any other criteria), and think about youre your early interaction with comedy in mind, and get together and test many of these. I have hundreds of them, the one above chosen simply because it is what I am running right at the moment (time of writing). Getting together and testing interesting little sexually oriented comedy bits is part of what I really enjoy in going out and meeting women, and it keeps my interactions fresh. If you dont like my comedy routine, it is unimportant, you can use your own. Like the Grandmother routine, it is not important whether you use the one I present, however this one, I know works and you can use it to learn comedic timing until you want to replace it with something you like better. The routine does not sound at all crass coming out of my mouth because I am someone who is comfortable with my sexuality, and it is clear that it is not intended to shock. I do, in fact, have African art hanging on the walls of my apartment in real life. It shows that you do not take yourself too seriously, and she can relax because you are not about to get upset and take something the wrong way if she wants to make a joke. She can take off her kid gloves when dealing with you. You can then also make fun of her. Making fun of her is important. It is an element of flirting that says, I dont take myself seriously, and I dont take you seriously, so we can play together. The punch lines give a reason for the sexually graphic language. Comedy is a way to bring up sex without even coming close to proposing sex between you and the girl. It does not sound anything like a proposition, or bragging about my sexual exploits. Instead it talks about sex in the third person and I am only talking about sex in order to get to the punch lines. The sex is a mechanism to laughter, and all is forgiven. Laughter is a response to a large range of things, but is also, importantly, a release of tension. Something about what the person just saw or heard or thought made them tense on an emotional or psychological level, then something in her "chose" to release or vent this tension in the form of laughter, rather than tears or anger or some other form. It is a release of tension. That is why it is important when dealing with a girl. A man meeting a woman makes her heart rush and increases the tension in both of you. If you continue being serious and try to be James Bond, the tension will just continue with no release. That is why girls giggle in the presence of an attractive man. In fact, she knows she is attracted to you when she starts giggling or laughing. It is her signal to herself. Given that, and given that laughter is so easy to generate with a joke, you say things that are actually funny to get the signal happening in her. When you make a joke and both of you can laugh, and that tension can be released and leave permanently. Laughter also makes you feel good. In the commentary track on the DVD of Jerry Seinfield's "Comedian", Jerry and the other guy are having a conversation about why people like comedy so much. Jerry is talking about the amazing things he saw at the "Cirque de Soleil" ... that the acrobats were doing far more difficult things than standing in front of a microphone and making people laugh. The other guy points out that laughter feels better than the gasp of astonishment from


seeing an acrobatic feat, and in that way the feeling, the euphoria that laughter gives the audience is qualitatively superior to the gasp, and it is why there is a much larger market for comedy and much more money in it. The quality of the feeling of laughter is hard to beat. And that quality of feeling will release the tension, have you vibe off each other, and it is extremely accessible to you. A simple joke. Routines designed to get a laugh. Early in the interaction, you need to be super-confident as if you are not looking for her approval. You are bringing her into your world where you, not her, dictate the levels of social etiquette. You act as if you dont care whether she stays or leaves because your friends surround you; everybody in the place is your friend including her. So you set the intimate tone of the conversation and send a message that says, this is what interacting with me is like. This is my sense of humour. I am who I am and am and so confident that I am worthwhile that I am prepared to relax completely and have this conversation with you as if we are already best friends. In that way you have dispensed completely with all formalities and invited her for a ride in your world. She can look at the world out of your eyes and enjoy the experience. However it is not the sort of routine I would use as a first routine after breaking the ice, I would warm her up for a few minutes first and will have used a good early interaction comedy bit to set the tone. This routine is a few minutes in once the mood has been set to some extent and is why I include it as an example of what I would typically use to break up a palm reading. It displays my reality and the sort of interaction that she can expect from me in the future. If you are not the sort of person who can pull off this level of sexual routine, then you will want to get together your own also of a humorous nature so that you have a plan for ejecting from a palm reading. Humour can be learned. Lets say that you do not consider yourself a naturally funny person today. What you need to do is get together a proven comedy routine like the one above. This routine you will need to run quite a bit to get it working properly. Reading it, you can see it is funny and why it is funny, you just need to play with the delivery to get it right. Keep running it even if you get groans the first time. Get your delivery really polished. The routine works as a straight story, but it really glows as a comedy routine. In a comedy routine there are set-ups and there are punch lines. The set-up is the part where you set the stage for the unexpected line that causes a laugh. The unexpected and funny line is called the punch line. The secret to good comedy routines for romantic encounters is that you need to keep the set-ups short. Single sentences if possible. Then you want to get one punch line flowing after another. You can see how short the set-ups are in the African Store Routine, and how I have stripped out all the additional things that I could have put in there. You can use 5 or 6 sentences (or as many as you like if you want to tell a good straight story that displays your personality in a different way) to set up your thick punch lines before she is aware that this is comedy. Once I am into the thick of the punch lines, I strip out all additional information that I could have chosen to recount to keep the punch lines coming reasonably thick and fast. In that way I choose to make the introductory set up longer to move any necessary information from between the punch-lines up to the top when she still thinks it is just a straight story.


Never tell a standard joke early in the interaction with a woman. When I say that I mean never tell a knock-knock joke, or anything that looks like it has that standard joke structure. You do not want something that starts with So this guy walks into a bar with a duck under his arm, right. And the barman says . Those are obviously constructed so that the laugh is desired. You are setting the whole situation up in order to get the laugh, and setting yourself up so that you are looking for her approval in whether she laughs or not. You are then at her mercy, because if she doesnt laugh you spent all that time looking for her approval and did not get it. What are you to do now she hasnt laughed? You look like you are trying hard. Rather than telling jokes, your comedy should look like it is just something coming off the top of your head exactly as in the African Store Routine, that you find amusing just for yourself, and you are amusing yourself. You dont care if she laughs or not. It is a story that you are telling that you see humour in and you dont really care if she sees it or not. You are comfortable with her and with yourself. A comedy routine does not need to be that funny. Remember that it looks as if it is coming straight off the top of your head. This is just your natural wit to her. She is not expecting you to be funny. You are just a guy who she has started talking to. So even sick jokes get a good laugh. There is no risk in attempting a joke. When a girl laughs, she is actually bouncing her mood off you. It is a good thing. Her attraction to you is escalating. She is laughing and having a good time. You are causing her to have good feelings and she is communicating that with laughter. Have you ever seen young girls giggle with each other for no reason? It is the same mechanism. They are bouncing vibes off each other and escalating their enjoyment of each other. You are laughing too. It is almost elitist. The two of you are sharing a joke together that the rest of the world is not privy to. If you get a girl laughing, provided the jokes are not at your expense or are self-depreciating, you can assume that she is attracted to you. Getting her laughing is all you need to do and then you can move onto a palm reading. Delivery is how you say what you say. Not just with your voice, but also with your hands, facial expressions and body. In the above routine, you are exaggerating. We all know that African Art is extremely phallic, you are just exaggerating it. It is obvious that you are exaggerating, and you should exaggerate the emotions as well. You need to almost be trying to keep a straight face to signal to the girl that you are not being serious and she is allowed to laugh. Leave pauses to allow the laughs to breathe. Do not talk over them. You should never strangle a joke. If you get a laugh, do not comment on it except as a tag line. A tag line is where you empathise with her emotion and you do that spontaneously as in Yeah, I know. It was embarrassing. You are empathizing with what she is laughing at and underlining it to make her laugh even more. I see people strangle their jokes all the time. The girl might take a second to catch on to a certain joke, and you should not say, I wondered how long you would take to get it. That is strangling your own joke by commenting on it. Do you see the difference between a tag-line and


strangling it? One is empathizing with the emotion and extending the joke, the other is commenting that you were trying to make a joke and strangling it. Even, on the above routine, if you do not get the laughs, it works well as a straight interesting story. You can deliver it like that. If she says Are you serious? when you say it was worth $1500, you say nah, just joking and reach out and touch her on the arm in a gesture of acceptance with a smile. Girls do not like to think they have no sense of humour. She will drop her eyes because she did not understand that you were joking and work with you on the rest of the routine. But if it does not get the laughs, dont sweat it. It is still a good routine for regular conversation. You do not want to take yourself too seriously when you first meet a girl. In fact, taking yourself too seriously is a sign of insecurity. People who do that are so nervous in the interaction that they put a lot of pressure on themselves and can not just relax and make fun of themselves and the girl. Similarly the use of cutting sarcasm directed at the girl or being insulting is a sign that you are not comfortable in your skin in her presence and trying to judge her harshly before you are judged. This is protecting your insecurity by going on the offence, and it is not nice, and does not endear you to anyone. Get the African Store Routine as well as other comedy routines together so that they really elicit the laughs. Once you have it down, you will see that you can be funny. Once there, you can deliver jokes properly that come to your mind spontaneously. When you try, because you learned the comedic delivery from my above routine, you will find that those get good laughs too. That builds confidence in your sense of humour. With confidence you will say those jokes that come to your mind more. You will start looking for funny angles.


Using Language Effectively. The acceptance that all that is solid has melted into the air, that reality and morality are not givens but imperfect human constructs, is the point from which fiction begins. Salman Rushdie, Imaginary Homelands, 1991 Word choice and being able to deeply communicate with someone is a skill unto itself. The palm reading will teach you to talk to deep themes and be able to control the images within her mind and the things that she is thinking about. This is not some evil trick, but rather the objective of good communication. You want to remove the barriers between you and her and communicate in a way where she can stand in the same place as you and view things from the same angle that you view things. You should allow these language skills to spill out of the palm reading situation into your general interactions. Language, by its very nature is a one-size-fits-all process. Take a word; say the word leaf. We look at a leaf on a tree, and use the word leaf to describe it, to represent it and communicate it. When we do that we take a unique object that is different from all other leaves in its shape and veins and colour and we categorise it as an object that has certain things in common to other objects of a similar type; other leaves and decide to call this unique object a leaf. Then we take the word and change it to the best representation we have of it; a string of sounds. Our vocal chords and mouth manipulate the word into a set of air vibrations, which is then received in the ear of the listener. From there the receiver takes the vibrations from the hearing sense and turns it back into an image of a leaf in her head. In doing so, we have lost all the detail of the original leaf that we were using words to describe, and now she has in her mind an image of her standard-leaf to which all other leaves are imperfectly compared and is unique to her. Perhaps her standard-leaf, the a priori leaf (as Immanuel Kant would describe it), is the shape of a maple leaf like on the Canadian flag, whereas mine is the shape of a Red-Gum leaf coming from a different place with a different childhood and a different original leaf in my past. With that, we get a one-size-fits-all representation for the infinite differences of each of the veins and shapes of the original leaf described, and the process of even attempting to use language strips out the details and the specifics. From within that framework, we put together one-size-fits-all palm readings to appeal to and trigger those a priori images in a girls head; unique images that are much different in her mind to my own when I chose each word and constructed each sentence. We use the imperfect descriptors of our ideas: words, to get the girl to have good feelings and happiness. We want her to associate those good feelings with us, and we want to motivate her to make a decision. In fact we are fortunate for the limitations of language in representing the actual world. Because of the limitations of language, we can further pull the detail out of the leaf, or in the case of a palm-reading, the things which are important to her, and have her attempt to


reconstruct our experience in her own mind using her a priori concepts, life experience, ideal concepts that make up her as a person and form her world view and philosophies. This is a skill you will build by using the palm reading so you can carefully choose works in other conversations. With practice you will be able to do it naturally with any conversation you like. While when I run the routine, I run it very closely to the advanced reading, the reading is in fact free form rapping. You want to work out want her to feel then put together the sentences to make her feel that. Now there are two ways that you can have her access a feeling. One is to ask her to remember how she felt on another occasion and tell her to recall that so that she feels it now, and the second is to ask her to construct a feeling in her imagination and imagine she feels it now. So stating that again to be clear. There are 2 ways to have her access the feeling: a) Remember it from her past. b) Construct it from her future (imagination). So, for example, if I want her to feel a new sensation that she has never felt before, and therefore need to construct it (randomly, just to explain; anger and happiness at the same time I choose these because they are opposites) I might go: If you could imagine a time when you are extremely angry. And you just want to yell and scream and break things. You might squint your eyes, flare your nostrils and breathe deeper and can feel your muscles tense with anger. Now as you imagine feeling like that, perhaps you could also imagine that you are extremely happy while you are doing this. You are enjoying the rage and happy inside with an inward smile really loving the experience as you go out and break things. And you can let the happiness spread and rejoice as you feel this anger. Like Yeaah! This feels great What I have done in the above is just take two sentiments that do not go together. Anger and happiness. They are the opposite of each other. I construct for her the feeling and sentiment using words. The words drive themselves. I just have in my mind where I want to take her and then put it together. Similarly, if I want her to feel sure she is making a good decision like in the beginners heart line reading, I say to myself, when is a time when she was really sure of something? Well it was before she bought something she loves. I will have her recall a piece of clothes that she loves to wear. Once she has that in her mind, I will ask her to go back and remember when she bought that piece of clothing. Hindsight is 20/20 so when she remembers looking at the thing on the rack, that item of clothing will still have all the positive associations that she got from wearing it. She will be sure that this purchase decision is a good decision. Now that I have her with a feeling of sureness, I want to tell her to trust that feeling. Because if she feels sure right now that she is about to make a good decision that will


continue to be good into the future that is something she should trust. If I have got her to consider hooking up with me, and she is sure that is a good decision then I am in a good position as far as the seduction goes. So while she is there in her mental space, I can take the opportunity to tell her that it is this feeling of sureness that she should trust, not the other complications in her life like the reputation she might get from her friends should she come home with me, or any other judgments. So I put the words together to tell her that. When I run these readings it is never exactly the same twice. So if you look at the way that I talk in these palm readings, you need to understand what I am trying to achieve in each of the readings, and then work on achieving the same things with your own language live with the girl. In that way, you should not memorise the readings as I have written them, but rather realise the things I am doing and allow yourself to go free form during the reading. As you do that, with practice, you will be able to identify where she is emotionally, and what feeling you need to give her to take your case forward. For example, you may feel that she is nervous for her safety. You want her to feel this is safe. So you go back in your mind and you think to yourself When would she have felt extremely safe? Perhaps you come up with When she was wrapped in her mothers arms as a child. That is where you go with it. You say And your head line says that you can really trust your judgment. I mean, if you can remember a time when you felt really safe. Perhaps you were in your mothers arms sitting on her knee, with these big arms wrapped around you. And you could completely relax inside because you knew the whole world was good. And as you remember that time you should remember all the things you heard and the warmth of the feeling that you had deep on the inside. As you come to understand that you are completely secure. And as you feel that sense of safety and security, you realise that this is a judgment you should trust. And when you feel like this, you can say to yourself This is completely safe, and I can relax into the situation. That is the process, and that is how you should think about reading palms. It is a skill set. A skill in free-form readings. Not a memorization exercise where you just memorise my lines. With practice you will be able to construct this yourself. Reading palms is just a means to and end. Once you understand who to access feelings you should find yourself doing it all the time.


Female Obstacles (Chaperones) Now you should have mastered many of the skills, and should be becoming confident with the palm readings that I have presented. In this section I am going to move you off the standard readings, and have you go out and attempt to do a complete fresh reading using the language talked about in the previous chapter, and not rely on the beginners or advanced palm readings. This is to build your skill in doing it free form. It means that you will read the palm of the girl you like in the way you have now become used to, and doing a second reading on her friend completely from your head without the crutch of simply repeating the same thing. The reason you need a new reading for this is that you do not want them comparing notes and understanding that you just say the same thing all the time. There are two objectives in what you should be learning here. The first is to develop your skills at using ambiguous language, and coming up with readings yourself. The second is to start to learn to deal with the social situations that you will find girls are often in. Both these things are beyond learning to read palms and are part of the broader skill base that this course aims to teach. Girls will often have friends with them that act as obstacles (in more polite society called chaperones). They like to ensure that their friend does not get into any situations that she cannot control or does not want to be in and will actively work as a saboteur. She is the obstacle because girls protect each other; sometimes out of jealousy, sometimes out of a sense of protection. A girls friend will generally not want to see you be successful with your girl. Getting a feeling for how to handle obstacles is an important skill. They are easy to deal with, usually less attractive to the girl that is your objective. People take on roles in their lives and in their relationships. Obstacle is one such role. Girls do not necessarily form friendships based on sex, but rather common interests and how well they get along, etc., just the same as guys. However, invariably there will be a little power relationship that forms where they both realise that either one is better looking than the other, or one is the responsible one, and the other the less responsible. It is almost as if one of the friends will take on a quasi-male role in the friendship. When they go out they then fall naturally into desirable girl and obstacle roles. Here is how it works: Good-looking girl gets a friend who is less good looking. They go out together (perhaps even in large groups ... there can be more than one obstacle). Now what the good-looking girl can do is completely absolve herself from responsibility in this evening. If you notice, it is always the best-looking girl that is the most interested in the interaction with you when you are speaking to a group. The reason for this is that she has displaced the responsibilities for her actions onto the obstacles. In doing so she has played out her dominance over the obstacles in a feminine way. Nevertheless, they know their roles. The role of the obstacle is to reign back in the good-looking girl. The desirable girl may in fact have brought her obstacles along especially to be obstacles.


I know one girl who is the usually desirable girl in her group. Her friends complain that she never grows up and is irresponsible and acts like she is 16. She goes out and drinks and flirts with guys, and it is her more homely friends that ensure that she gets home safely. Yet this same girl has a friend, Roxanne who is more irresponsible than her, even if not strictly better looking. She complains that this friend is hard to go out with because she is always getting into situations she needs saving from. That she had no father in her life and therefore flirts outrageously with everyone. Now it is rich, this girl psychoanalysing her friend because she plays the obstacle role in that friendship but not with her larger group of friends. With her larger group of friends, it is her that is Roxanne. It is a role. People understand their roles. But to understand where the obstacles come from is easy. What they get from the relationship is they get to go out with the Roxanne whom they really like. They get the additional fun of the free drinks that may come her way, and get to meet guys that are out of their quality range, and they enjoy playing the role, being able to fantasise about the men in the desirable girls life. So understanding that tells you how to deal with obstacles. You do not sneak your desirable girl out the back door and give a phone call. This is the obstacles worst nightmare ... she has been derelict in her duties as obstacle. She will track you down with a vengeance and drag her irresponsible friend away and give her a berating in the car on the way home. While this might seem childish, although it is more prevalent among young girls, it is a role that is played with more subtlety by women of all ages. The way to deal with obstacles is to talk to them. Is to acknowledge them as people, and give them some attention so that she approves of you as the gatekeeper to her friend. To have them wishing that it was them that were with you. They will then allow their friend to be isolated with this quality guy within the club. They will then not come up and pretend they are lesbians, they will not drag her away and they will not suggest they go to the bathroom together. You have your desirable girl speak to her obstacles. You tell her to tell them that she likes this guy and he is good. You spend time with them to make them comfortable. Obstacles are not without their vices. They are not prudes, they are playing a role and what they actually want is to get a man themselves. If you can set up the obstacle with a guy, even if he is not your wingman, then you will extract to your place easily. Women school like fish. You know why fish school? It is because the big predatory fish comes in and chases the pack without focussing on any one fish. As he chases the pack they spread out because he has been focussing on all of them. At the end, the big old predator is sitting in the middle of where the centre of the pack would be going "where did all those little slow fish go?" But if he had focussed on one he would have got it easily. Similarly with women. They hang in groups and try to tease you along into not committing to which you will chase. It is easy to beat. Call one a your girl, and the rest obstacles. Problem solved. Sometimes you will do a palm reading where there is her friend, who represents your obstacle, listening. If the friend is watching, you cannot go into the deep stuff like the


three shells over your inner love reading. It is better therefore if you make a semi-solid policy that a palm reading is personal and insist that if she wants it done, it should be done in privacy. Girls in groups of two are harder because it is difficult, if not impossible, to leave the friend there alone while you isolate your girl. If you are working with a wingman, he can work the friend while you read the palm, and if there is loud music, it causes an isolating buffer so it is you and her in a bubble anyway. I have now given you a lot of material for readings for the your girl. Now, it is a reality that you are on occasion going to have to read more than one palm to get your girl. It often, in fact, happens, that you read your girls palm, and she is completely into you now. But she needs the validation of her friend to justify how she feels. She wants her friend to understand this interaction that she is having so that she can let herself go and become more attracted to you. In that case, she will ask you to read her friends palm. Often, you will do this with your girl listening. The three of you in a little triangle. In that case, you cannot do the same reading that you did on your girl. You need an entire new reading. Whenever you need a new reading you can simply pull 3 readings from the runes readings in the appendix and read the palm as if it was those runes that you pulled. However I have a reasonably standard obstacle reading. The important part comes later but I start with this optional reading. It just lets her feel you are quality so she can be comfortable you are a quality man and are good for her friend and she can understand why her friend likes you. It is the reading I usually do and goes like this: Quality man Mound of Venus reading. This is your life line, this is your head line, this is your heart line, and this is your Mound of Venus. I am going to start with your head line. You feel really deeply. When you go out to the world you square your shoulders up and hold your head up and pretend that you have everything under control, but underneath you are really sensitive. And you like it when people like you. When people can see you for who you are, and can see your inner strength. Now your heart line and your Mound of Venus both represent your heart (if your girl is listening you say: yours is different from hers because yours <does what it does mention a minor faint line crossing it or point out the exact curvature>). Now do you have a boyfriend? Either: (If she says yes) I thought so. See because your Mound of Venus has this crossed pattern it means that you are faithful, and if this man is the man that you choose to spend the rest of your life with, your heart will completely belongs to him. You have this capability to love so deeply. However, if we look to your heart line, there are times when you dwell on small things in your relationship. You get the idea of some small thing and you go over it and over it in


your mind and you allow your relationship to make you feel bad when it should be nothing but a source of pleasure to you. So you need to allow yourself, when you see the man in your life, to feel really good every time you see him. You see there are some people who have relationships where every time they see each other they feel really bad. Like some people might say, He didnt ask me how my day was and then let that make them feel bad. But instead, when you see the man walk through your door say to yourself Ohh! There he is! I feel really good! And if you can stop, and remember a time when you felt really good. And just let the feeling take over you. As you feel that feeling, you need to understand that this person in front of you (self point) is worthy. He is a man of quality. And you need to embrace that man in your life. Or: If she does not have a boyfriend: Okay, if you had a boyfriend your Mound of Venus would mean that your heart completely belongs to him. But since you dont it means that you have been holding yourself back, scared of love because you love so deeply and can become scared that you will get hurt if you let yourself fall in love. Not allowing, those men that are all around you (point around at all the men in the place, or your wingman if you have one) into your life. But you are ready. You have reached a state of health when you are now ready to embrace a man who can fulfil you deeply. In order to retain this balance in your life, you need to ensure that you relax, and be confident, and just allow the inner beauty that inside you to shine. And you can allow all those feelings of tension and nervousness to just fade away and allow the world to just be. To enjoy what is going on around you, and allow your inner good nature to come to the outside. So that you wear it like power. It is your good nature in everything you do, your easygoing beauty that will attract this man into your life. So you can be fulfilled deeply by that man of quality that you are on the verge of forming a relationship with. And when you recognise quality in front of you (self point), you can just relax and allow nature to take its course. The important part of the reading is this: Female Obstacle reading This is your head line. It means that you dont like the feeling of being out of control. Of having things that you feel that you are responsible for, but have no control over what happens. So there are two ways out of that for you. One is to try to exert your control over more and more things and situations, and the other is to relax and reduce the things you are responsible for. To recognise that you are responsible for you. And you have control over your own actions. And when you are in an unhealthy frame of mind you try to control things, but when you are healthy you are able to let go, and just smile, and enjoy yourself, and feel really good. And just let the rest of the world swirl around you, enjoying it. Enjoying watching the people around you who are making their own decisions, and you dont judge those decisions when you are healthy, but are rather content to just let the world be. And if you could stop and remember a time when you


were watching the swirling snow out the window. And sitting inside, in the warmth, just enjoying watching the way the storm dances. You need to do that more often. This is your life line. It means that you can be very protective. You can be protective of all your friends and family and want the best for them. This means that you will make an excellent mother. But you need to allow people to make their own choices and not interfere in your friends lives. If you are not from a region where it snows you should change the storm part of the reading to the sorts of storm that the girl can relate to. Thunderstorms and rain for example. Obstacles are protective and pull your girl away. The routine is to tell her to relax about the girl and think about herself. It does that quite forcefully. The obstacles generally follow this advice and keep out of your hair once you have run this routine. More material: this is just stuff that is universally true that I run although it does not take a seduction forward, and is thus good for an obstacle. Although it is the same theme as the 3 shells reading it sounds sufficiently different and I have never had a girl catch it. Your life line tells me that you long for the unconditional support of childhood. If you can stop and remember back to when you were a child, completely secure that you would be looked after. You knew your parents would provide your next meal, that the bills would be paid and that you could just be. Just relax into the love and support and knowing that you were looked after. And you long for that feeling still even though you are an adult. Because you dont have that support anymore. And you need to manage your own affairs to keep yourself afloat. But you would love it if you could have a relationship in your life that could give you that unconditional support and love that you used to have. And that means that there is something missing in your life. An unfulfilled yearning. And in order to be happy, you need to let it go, and relax, and understand that the world will actually look after you. For the remainder of the readings you can use readings from the runes or any other readings that you did not use on your girl (like the beginners readings). Finish by telling her that she is fertile too, and let your girl vibe her friend so they are comfortable escalating the intimacy and you have the approval. One other thing: dont forget this is a warm reading. When I say that, I mean that you have the girl in front of you and can observe some things about her. If she is out of university and 25 or so and working, you can talk about how she is making her own way in the world but would love to have the unconditional support of her childhood years. If she is tattooed and self mutilated (piercing, etc), you can assume she had a harder life and can talk about that in ambiguous ways so as not to cause offence. These piercings and tattoos are signs of bi-sexuality so you can push that. If she is in hippy garb, you can talk about how she cares for things and blah blah save the whales style topics. First and foremost, what you are wanting to do is sell to her that the palm reading is real so she can go "wow, this guy knows everything about me ... I am naked with him, he can see




Male Obstacles without girl listening (a.k.a Befriending Male Obstacles) The first man who, having enclosed a piece of land, thought of saying This is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders; how much misery and horror the human race would have been spared if someone had pulled up the stakes and filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow man: Beware of listening to this impostor. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to everyone and the earth belongs to no one! Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Discourse on Inequality, 1755 Male Obstacles have a different agenda to female. They work from possessiveness, jealousy and a misplaced belief in chivalry; defending the damsel in distress. You want these guys to be your friends. To have this problem often, you need to be approaching girls within groups. Nevertheless, it will crop up even for those not doing groups so learning to deal with other men is an important skill. Keep in mind, this is still using the palm reading to teach you the proper intuitions and get you acting in the right way. Give the readings a try and you will learn how the dynamic works. When you read a males palm, you want it to be positive. So you run the generic readings from the Runes appendix, but at the same time tell him that he is a highly independent rational thinker who is able to make his own way in the world and readings like that. Into that style of routine you insert the following. Broken Dreams reading Your dreams are broken, and you need to re-capture them. You are settling. I mean remember when you were younger, your dreams of a perfect woman? I mean remember you used to think about pin-up models. Maybe Claudia Schiffer or Elle McPherson or Angelina Jolie. But now you will just settle. And remember you used to have dreams of what you would be when you grew up. I mean maybe you thought you would be an action hero and live an exciting life, but you have settled for the job you have. You have said This will do me, I dont need any better than this. You need to reclaim your dreams. You should not settle for this girl or that girl (point in direction of girl). You need to go out and make the changes to your life that will allow you to achieve what you want. And you should do it cleanly, being that action hero without any underhanded positioning and scheming. You should keep those dreams lofty. This reading is to get him to change his focus from this girl that we are with to his ideals of a perfect 10. You can deepen him into talking about his Anima if you like and point out that the girl in his group does not measure up as real, living, breathing girls without television make-up and flattering lighting and camera angles never can. The gender can be changed on the above routine and it can be used on a girl, not necessarily in a palm reading but rather in general conversation after a palm reading. In that case you tweak the reading to say what you want it to say. That is that her current relationships are breaking the dream, and you represent what she always dreamed of.


As you get older your options diminish. When you were a little kid you could have been anything. Nobel Prize winner, President of the USA, Astronaut, anything. Perhaps as a toddler and you kicked the cat, your father said, "Look, the kid could be a footballer. He could play NFL." But as you got older it was clear that you were not a stand out freak of an athlete, so that option went. But you could still be a doctor, or a UN chief or a Hollywood actor. But then you start failing maths and oops ... no more engineer, no more Nobel Prize winner, no more the man who might invent the cure for cancer. On it goes. Your options continue to diminish as you go on. So you have him think about that, and you tell him that he needs to rekindle his dreams. Because he used to have dreams, we all did. And he is settling at the moment. Big Man reading You are capable of being extremely likable and having a lot of friends even if you dont always manifest yourself that way. And that is a function of mood. Because if you can stop and remember a time when you were truly gracious and met a new group of people. And as you remember that you should remember how you interacted with the world. The confidence you had that you were likable and how everybody accepted you easily. And you might realise that was because you accepted them. And you were able to become friends immediately without holding yourself back or judging the new people harshly. And you need to feel like this all the time, so that you can be in this state of energy all the time. Because your passionate nature is endowed with a strong sense of loyalty and fidelity. You are kind and generous with friends, with whom you develop an unspoken rapport. And when you see that rapport, and feel like this you can trust it and relax. And take pride in the fact that you are a big man in personality terms that can accept new people easily. This reading is then to tell him to accept you as a new person in his group and to get him acting in the right ways. You have linked his sense of pride to his ability to make you comfortable and to be hospitable. After that, you can tell them whatever you want. Read their palms as if it is a rune reading and as if they pulled the warrior rune, and the harvest rune and the blank rune too (or which ever random combination you pull out of your mind. See rune-casting appendix for rune readings). It is all ambiguous, and all good. Just make sure you tell them to relax about the chick, and respect the new people they meet. Guys are not difficult to befriend if they are not nervous about their women. Befriending guys is easy because there is no confusion about intentions. You are not speaking to him because you want anything from him. You are a guy, he is a guy, you have something that you want to talk about, and he is as good as anyone to talk about that with. You are speaking to him because he is there. You should treat him exactly like that. Like he happens to be there and you want to speak to someone. Humour helps greatly with making your conversations with guys worthwhile from his end. His laughter makes the interaction worthwhile from your end.


When he has girls with him, the intentions get a bit more clouded. He might know that you are there for the women. If they are nervous about their women, they are next to impossible to truly befriend, but social etiquette dictates that he has to act around you as if there is no problem with you speaking to him. He would look insecure to the girls if he gets possessive, so he has to play along. If the women in his group accept you he will continue to play along through forced smiles. Now there is something deeper there. You are always playing with intentions during a interaction. When you start the conversation with a girl, you should start it as if it as if you have no intentions, but she just happens to be there and you happen to be speaking to her. Same with the whole group. You speak to them just because they happen to be there like you might speak to a guy you want nothing from. Now the trick to that is to genuinely seem like you want nothing from them. They may be searching for a hidden agenda. When the dishevelled guy walks up to me in the street and asks me for directions. I'll give them, but I know there is a hidden agenda and a "do you have any spare change?" is coming. I give him directions, because he might genuinely be lost, but you are expecting the agenda to surface. That is not the guy you want to be. You want to come in, befriend him like you are now best friends then steal his girls out from under his nose. You do not want to be the beggar at her doorstep. Now, that said, you should display your sexuality proudly at the same time. You are a sexual being and should not be ashamed of that. But being a sexual being does not mean that you want to sleep with anyone in particular or that you have an agenda. Instead, you want to start speaking to her and decide that you like her during the interaction so that the agenda was not pre-planned but rather spontaneous. That is how it should come across. Even if she has been being quiet when you were speaking to her group, once you read her palm, and you see her for the inner girl, it is what you see that impresses you. So you ask for a kiss. Now the intentions are still a bit mixed. Your decision has not been made that you want her, but you like what you see and want to continue the interaction. When you have a guy who is faking he likes you because he is boxed in by the social etiquette, he can become a proactive obstacle in trying to ruin your chances with the girl. This will happen also when he suddenly realises that you are stealing his girls. By then it is too late and there is nothing he can do about it. Because the interaction between you and him has been forced and fake on some level. The minute that he starts trying to interject himself between you and her, you should bring the true emotion to the surface, and not just play along. It will be obvious to the girl what he is trying to do. So instead you use sarcasm on him to make him look stupid. I call him "champ" in the most facetious way possible. As in "Good one, champ! I wish I could be as good as you!" The onus is then on him to try to cut you down. If you are in the middle of a palm reading and he comes up with some comment, you should say, "Champ, we are in the middle of something here. I will come over and we can hang after we are finished here. I promise! Really! C'mon Lisa, lets just move over here." and you isolate her further away.


Never display any possessiveness of women. Possessiveness betrays an underlying insecurity. A truly secure man is not concerned if his woman is speaking to another man because he is secure in his knowledge that he is the best man that she is likely to meet in her lifetime, and when a man enters the interaction you are having with his girl unthreatened by the situation, it is quite likely that this girl is not available to you. However the highly possessive are worried that if their woman speaks to any other man, then she will realize that the other man is better than him and he will loose her. Love and possessiveness are not linked, and possessiveness is not an indication of depth of love but rather a depth of insecurity that she will leave you for someone else. The insecurity is part of your inner turmoil and it will manifest itself in your blind self. Dont be that insecure guy, be the guy that is able to know that he can hold his women without worry. Ironically possessiveness encourages infidelity. When you say to a child Do not jump in that puddle, in order for the child to understand that, he must put a picture in his mind of him jumping in the puddle, then cross it out, negating it. The picture you caused him to create makes the idea occur to him where it might not have naturally, and makes jumping in the puddle all the more appealing. Similarly a display of possessiveness does the same thing to a girl and lets her know that you feel you have something to fear from this guy or that. Further, if you are the insanely jealous sort and punish her with a verbal barrage for speaking to the waiter or whatever when she is innocent of any mal-intent, you are punishing her for something she might as well be guilty of, and she knows it. Further, you are setting up the rules of a game that goes You flirt with other men in secret, and Ill try to catch you or worse. Once she understands the rules of the sub game in your relationship, it will encourage her to play her side of the game. Why would you want to set up that sort of game with a girl? Instead, you need to have a philosophy that jealousy and possessiveness kill a relationship. You establish within your interactions early that there is no ownership. This works in your favour in a number of respects but will truly pay dividends when there truly is no possessiveness on your part and it is not a charade, and accept no possessiveness by her of you. Then you can relax into the interaction and relationship without niggling fears and actually enjoy life. As soon as you want to possess something that other people want to possess, if you allow it to corrupt you in a possessive ego way, you make yourself the lap dog in the relationship exposing your insecurities. The minute you are there you are already loosing the battle, and increase the likelihood of her cheating on you. You need to be at one with yourself and relaxed and confident to keep the girl that you want. And the only way you can do that is by letting go and not wanting to keep her and possess her. That is a complex idea, and a paradox. It is something you should learn by first getting your outward behaviour correct and acting in non-possessive ways. I understand that possessiveness is a male human trait bred into us the desire to know that any offspring of your girl is yours. But as you fight the external manifestations of possessiveness, and become better with girls giving yourself more options and making any girl replicable, you will value a lack of possessiveness in the girls with whom you form relationships. You should work internally with yourself to practice what you preach to actually kill the


possessiveness within you. Once possessiveness is dead, your life will be more balanced, and you will have reduced some of your insecurities that cause you discomfort. Part of your inner turmoil as a man is wrestling with your own sexual limitations that can manifest themselves in things like the Madonna whore complex, in which a man can want his female partners to be Madonnas; that is, like the Virgin Mary: virginal, pure, and sexually reserved. However the same man can also want his girl to be a whore: extremely attractive who dresses provocatively and reflects well on him in the world, sexually aggressive, and understand how to give pleasure in the bedroom without reservation. These two desires can often contradict each other, and it isn't so much that a man wants a girl with a duality to her persona (whore in the bedroom, Madonna in society for example) as that he wants something that doesn't exist (woman who gives him great sex, but doesn't know anything about sex and never sleeps with anyone). I know men who sufferer so greatly from this that they are unable to deal with any single human female who he has slept with, because has the negative response that, although he likes her when she is being "his whore," he also hates her because she's no longer being "his Madonna and is actually repulsed by her sexuality. Obviously that is extreme, and it is all part of the inner turmoil that stops you from finding peace within yourself. Females tend to understand this duplicity in the head of a man in front of her; it may contribute to why women won't be more sexually aggressive and why they think "he won't respect me" if they sleep with you. In that way, your possessiveness is active in stifling the sexuality of the women in your life. A woman will act in a way where she is playing into the preconceived notions of the men in her life. A girl comes in to any relationship with these ideas about what a relationship should be from her previous experience with other guys and her parents relationship or whatever, but you bring her into your reality in such a way that she has to re-think what is proper behaviour. If your reality is cooking at home and renovating the house on the weekend, she will be sucked into that, if it is expensive restaurants and weekend trips to Paris, she will be sucked into that, and if it is thrilling excitement and going out all the time and partying, she will be sucked into that. Girls act in a way where they are trying to "say the right thing" to keep the relationship moving forward. So, if you want a sexually adventurous girl who is prepared to explore her sexuality into bi-sexuality, exhibitionism, and exciting sex you have to set the expectations of what those right things are, and she will play into it. You want to allow her sexuality to grow, and develop her into a sexual being that can actually fulfil her desires. To remove the societal restrictions that has her sexuality in a box. Now if you let it get out of hand and give her too much (meaning that you accommodate what she says and respect what she tries to sell you are her limits), you will let her fall into a comfort zone and she will not go any further. Eventually a relationship falls into an equilibrium where the two of you are together, and you can just hang out because this is what the relationship is. The girl wants into that


zone, because then she has her "relationship", even at the expense of the sexual growth she can do if she is prepared to hold it off a little longer. She wants to be able to sit down together and just chill on a Tuesday night. But if you want her to grow, and explore aspects of your own sexuality and hers, you cannot fall into that, and not display any prudery, judgementalism, possessiveness or jealousy. Women think differently than men, and it is no point getting upset because they do so. If she is angry, there is no point lamenting it, but rather laugh, like you might at a cat for being angry for no reason and say with a laugh You are all angry, are you? What are you angry about? Reducing the gravity of the frames that she sets on the world both establishes you as the steady male that is the rock while she cycles between her feelings, and reduces the turmoil that can hurt your quality of mental well being and enjoyment of life. It is a process of appreciating the nature of women. When you are inconvenienced by her behaviour, let your bending in your behaviour come from gladness, rather than being wounded like an insecure little man. The pursuit of women should not be to serve your own vanity, but rather for the relationships with the women themselves. If it is nothing but a chest beating look at me, I could have her if I wanted exercise, then you are betraying yourself as a self serving little insecure man rather than the lover of women who enjoys life and the company of women. It is the second that is attractive. It is common for people to let their own internal issues, insecurities and agendas to cloud interactions with subplots that do not take the case forward and subvert friendships and communication to the lesser goals of pettiness. If you can get your inner state correct within the interaction, you are in a state of pure extroversion where you and her are out here in the real world together, not playing to petty insecurities of either.


Male Obstacles with girl listening. (a.k.a Going Head to Head with Competition) The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an heirling, and not the shepherd, whose own sheep they are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The heirling fleeth, because he is a heirling, and careth not for the sheep. Jesus, The Gospel according to St. John, 10.11-13 King James Version. Men see girls as possessions, and even if they do not have a chance with the girl themselves, or they already have a girlfriend who is in the room, they will actively insert themselves into your relationships to attempt to prevent anyone hooking up with each other. This can come from competitiveness, or it can come from protectiveness and a misguided sense of chivalry, but from wherever it comes, you need to learn to deal with it. You do this from within a veneer of cordiality while hiding underneath a power play that puts you above him in the social situation. There are certain things that men believe are good readings but will disqualify them in the girls eyes. You should take note of the below as things that you should definitely not do in an interaction with the opposite sex. What you are doing with these readings is ruining his chances with her and making a joke at his expense that he often does not see. Nice Guy Reading You are a really nice guy. You will make someone a good husband. You are the sort of thoughtful man who will put himself in a womans good graces by buying her flowers, or drinks. You put your women on a pedestal and treat them as if they are queens. You are able to be sensitive to a woman, and you always ask what she wants and never starts something without consulting her. You will side with the women around you, and lavish them with attention, continually feeding her ego. While this is a good thing, you need to work harder at holding your opinions firm and not changing them to suit the women in your life. Because deep down, when you are being yourself, you are a straight shooter who does not play games. However you need to work on being less lazy, and more outgoing and spontaneous. You are a big man. I can see that you have the fundamentals in your palm to provide you with fortune and success in your future. You should make sure you meet and talk to more people in your surroundings because networking is important. Girls are unattracted to men that put them on pedestals, and many men do not understand this. They buy into the philosophy of their mothers who told them that they must be nice to women, put womens needs first and women will be nice back. Girls are sick of weak guys who try to win favour by being nice, and are attracted to the men who already have women with them and are unattainable to them. This reading thus sounds like it is a positive thing for you to be saying about him in front of a woman, but you and the girl both know that it is a damning inditement of his sexual behaviour.


Before you go onto the next reading which is very harsh, you should insert some other innocuous reading to break it up such as from the previous chapter or from the runes readings in the appendix. Then you can hit him with this one: Wimp reading There are certain fears in your life that stop you from living your dreams: whether it be making a greater contribution to mankind, or from earning more money, or from having fulfilling relationships or from living life the way you truly want to live it. If you were absolutely fearless, would you be doing the same job you have now? Imagine if you had no fear. You would be doing something different, and living in a different way. Because at the moment you are living in fear. Your life is relatively secure and comfortable, but dead. Not exciting. There are not enough risks. You are scared to be the man you truly can be, and fear is what defines you as a person. You need to embrace your fear. It is normal to have fear and it is a part of life. You need not pretend you dont have any, you should fully acknowledge it. And you should wink at it, then do those things you are scared of despite your fear. And if you can do that, you can make the bold changes to your life that are required to be the sort of person you really want to be. The reading is very harsh and you need to use your judgement as to when to pull out of it and jump to something else. I will seldom get all the way through the reading, but will decide it is at breaking point and I should move on. So you pull out of this reading before you break the relationship and have him pull his hand back and follow up with the Big Man Reading from the previous chapter to finish on a high note. To expand on the reading, we can understand it by looking within ourselves. We experience fear in our lives and specifically when we want to speak to a girl. You cannot wish it away, but rather embrace it. The essence of cowardice is not acknowledging the reality of fear. Thus in the above reading, you are accusing him of cowardice. Fear can take many forms. Logically, we know that we cant live forever. We know that we are going to die, so we are afraid. On another level, we are afraid that we cant handle the demands of the world. This fear expresses itself as a feeling of inadequacy. We may feel that our own lives are overwhelming. Then there is the more abrupt fear of approaching an unknown woman. It can cause panic. This is another type of fear that is common in many areas of your life, not just approaching women. It is the same fear as the fear you feel when you believe that you cannot handle the situation you are in and would prefer to be in a lower pressure situation (the way many feel about public speaking for example). This sort of fear manifests itself in restlessness, nervous laughter, speaking too loudly or too quickly and fidgeting. These behaviours are unattractive to the opposite sex. They can see the fear in the way you are acting and they will see your ability or lack of ability to deal with it and make judgements about you. Learning to speak publicly will help you deal with this fear, and will also be good for your skills at meeting women as it will make you comfortable speaking to large


groups of people that are her friends and having 8 sets of eyes on you as you become their centre of attention. Fear has to be acknowledged. You have to recognise your fear and reconcile yourself with your fear. You should look at how you move, how you talk, how you conduct yourself, how you chew your fingernails, how you sometimes put your hands in your pockets uselessly as you go about your everyday life and as you approach women. Then you will find out something about how your fear is manifested. You must find that fear lurking in your life in many things you do and identify it. You must exercise to recognise this fear, and exercise to overcome it. Acknowledging your fear allows you to move towards fearlessness. To experience the fear and act anyway since you are aware that fear is part of your life. True fearlessness is not the reduction of fear, but going beyond fear. I still, having approached thousands of women in my life feel fear. The first approach of any given night, in particular can almost paralyse me. However, being fearless requires me to act anyway, and that is exactly what I do. It is what you are going to learn to do also. Going beyond fear begins when you examine your fear: your anxiety, nervousness, concern, and restlessness. If you look into your fear, if you look beneath its veneer, right down to the heart of the matter, the first thing you might find is a calm sadness beneath the nervousness. Nervousness is cranking up, vibrating all the time. When you slow down and relax with your fear, you find sadness which is calm and gentle. To understand the calmness in the centre, and to expose it, is unnerving at first. But then as you experience the empathy of understanding fear more and more, you realise that human beings should be tender and open. That openness is the answer to your fears. So you no longer need to feel shy or embarrassed about being gentle. In fact your softness begins to become more passionate. You enjoy extending yourself to others and communicating with them. Then you can truly appreciate the world around you. Then you can deal with women in a way that is organic and easy. Your fears and frustrations are not manifested in a hate or judgement of the girls you are with, but rather an acceptance of who they are and an appreciation of the experience of interacting with them. The ability of acceptance will cause you to have fulfilling relationships and improve your ability to meet new women. The girls will sense your centeredness and acceptance of their natures and enjoy it. If you have no anxiety in your relationships, you can carry that to new encounters, and if you learn to have no anxiety in your new encounters you will be better in relationships. You still retain your pride; you do not lower yourself to try to win her favour. You deal with her situation and her tests with the light-hearted non-seriousness that the situation requires. It is then, with gentleness, that you can deliver a line like Oh, cute, you thought I wanted to be your boyfriend correctly, because the delivery does not come from a place of insecurity and false bravado, but from a place of gentleness, and an open heart and empathy.


From within that, you no longer become possessive about the women you are speaking to, and no longer have the ugly thorns on your presence that the men around her whose palms you are reading do. I often see beautiful girls that, upon closer look of the way she is acting, her behaviour betrays the metaphysical thorns of vanity, greed, and selfabsorption. In reading his palm and identifying his fear, you are both exposing his lack of ability to deal with his fear, and, she will understand, exposing his need for possessive jealousy of her.


Your Male Friends. A true friend stabs you in the front. Oscar Wilde. Your friends, even though they are on your side in life, once you become better than them with women, will want to see you fail. It is an unfortunate fact, but men define their value as humans, often from their ability to be sexually attractive, and further more sexually attractive than those around them in the world. They too can act like obstacles and pretend to enforce the virtue of women. Your male friends may also think you are a bit of a joke for reading palms. Ignore them. They will get used to it. I advise that you tell them that you could always do it. Dont tell them that you do it only to get girls. Your male friends love telling the girls this. Men are petty jealous animals. It is a fact. Even your best friends can on occasion talk to a girl to try to ruin your chances with her. Should one of your male friends tell a girl whose palm you have read or whose palm you are about to read that you read palms to pick girls up especially to attempt to foil your attempts you say: Yeah, John is a sceptic. He doesnt believe that it is real. I have discussed it with him many times and even tried to read his palm, but he was so closed to it that he would not let me do it. But that is okay. He doesnt have to believe the same things I believe. There is no point discussing it with him anymore. You should make it a semi-firm policy that you do not read palms while the girl is amongst her group of friends. This is similarly the case for your friends. Try it once and you will learn for yourself. Take my advice and do your learning in an environment where you do not care for the outcomes like an anonymous social environment. You might find yourself, however, in a situation where you absolutely cannot isolate her into the corner for a one-on-one reading, because that would signal to the group that you are hitting on her. This is the case if she is married, or you are part of a group from work or any other place where you want to be discrete. You should really hold off on the palm reading and have other conversations. If you do break the rule, the situation needs to be thought about. Probably the worst situation is where you have your own male friends in the social group and guys out number girls. Because if you read her palm within a group your friends will all chuckle and laugh as you do it whispering to each other about what you are doing. I talk about this in the case of palm reading, but once you are good with women it can occur anytime you sit next to a girl and are in deep rapport, regardless of the conversation. Instead of whispering and making jokes about palm reading, it will be just about the fact that you are hooking up and what a player you are.


This is obvious to the girl. If you get into that situation you should not ignore it. Remember, you are the fearless male that demands respect. You should look at them straight in the eye and say Look at you guys lined up like the 3 wise monkeys. It is easy to judge from over there. You should not bow to their pressure to stop even if they claim that you have told them that you use it as a trick to obtain women. Laugh at them, and continue the reading for a minute or two and whisper in her ear that you will finish it later. As you can see, the firm rule that you should never break is that you should not tell your friends that you learned this to meet women. You should tell them that it is in your family and you have just not been doing it for years. In fact you should not talk about pick-up techniques at all. You should just do them as if they are not techniques that you can tech your friends what to do and why, and this is just you as a person. Understand this: you are not a teacher, and if you try to be you will loose your friends. People need to come to want to learn to be better at women for themselves, and telling a man that he needs improvement can be an insult directly to his self-image as a male. If you know you are going to get problems from within your group, you can prepare the girl by telling her that guys dont like palm-reading before you even get close to doing it. If you want to talk further about the subject and there are guys in your group you can talk about how guys think only women should be able to read palms. It is a general discussion that works and the guys will agree. Once that is done, you have inoculated your girl against the objection. It is called inoculation because it is similar to the way that inoculation works in medicine. What it does is give the patient a very weak dose of a disease (small pox for example), and as the body fights off this extremely small amount, it builds the defences with in the body to resist a real infection. Similarly here, you are telling her about your friends attempts to sabotage you in a round about way. That they have trouble with a guy doing it. Then should your friends want to tell her that you are trying to pick her up in front of you, you can laugh at them and tell them that if your sister were to read their palms (remember that you learned it within your family so she can do it too) they would be lining up. They will agree. The reason that they will agree is because they want to sleep with your sister, and thus they would not turn down a seduction palm reading from her. They are actually agreeing to piss you off because you would not like your little sister hitting on them in the way that you are hitting on this girl. But to the girl it seems like the only reason that they would want it from your sister is that your sister is female, and they believe that the problem for them is that males should not be able to read palms. Problem solved.


To go depressing or to stay positive. Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet. Important to learn here is to take control of the interaction and not shy away from themes that are difficult. You are sharing yourself more openly if you are fearless to deal with themes that are at the core of existence. It increases your depth of personality, gives a certain exoticness to you, and gives her great joy. In sales it is common to use fear to help sell a product. Low fat foods, cleaning products to protect your babies from disease, all sorts of things. We are strongly motivated by our fears. Given that, there is a line that we should walk during a palm reading as well as interactions in general to use fear to keep her motivated, while keeping her feeling good to have her associate that good feeling with you as the palm reader and to be enjoying the experience. You will notice that the entire palm reading is actually negative and not a feel good experience. That it is so powerful at attracting her to you is perhaps at first blush, counter intuitive, but in fact it illustrates to her that you understand her deeply and can empathise with her struggles as a human being and she does not need to hide herself with you or present herself as a shiny person with all the pretences that come with that. Crying in a palm reading is a good thing. If a girl cries in your presence, it means she is sharing herself with you in a touching way. If you can get her to cry you are doing very well in the palm reading. You can make a girl cry in a palm reading if you stumble upon something that she is sensitive about (or that she is bi-sexual) with a (and you have to almost cry yourself here she will follow you to the emotion): Because no one understands you. And you are so lonely, keeping this inside. And you are so beautiful on the inside, but it is completely not recognised. And that leaves you feeling alone, and down. And you really need someone to understand you deeply. You need someone who can reach in and touch you on the inside. And make it all seem better. A call to action for very good-looking girls who are aware of their beauty only: You take yourself for granted. And you need to understand that while you are obviously a very beautiful girl, beauty is fleeting. Because you have this tendency to live in today only as if the days will continue to be like this forever, and you dont imagine a time in the future where the inevitable effects of aging have taken place. Where events have taken a toll on your life and your body and your face, your outer beauty having fled and you have missed this opportunity that you had in your twenties. And you are lonely looking back on today as a time of missed opportunity. Because your opportunity for initiating long-term companionship is in the present tense. And you will be able to reap the harvest of your decisions today into the future. Whether that harvest is bountiful or a black harvest is completely up to you. Your destiny is completely in your hands today.


You should evaluate where you sit and the sorts of things that you want and need in your life and do all those things that you need to do today while you have this outer beauty. Because human touch is important to you. It is human communication and essential to your organism. Without human touch you atrophy and die. Touch is like breathing. And you should take your opportunities for touch today to ensure you have it into the future. Pretty girls have the above fear. They understand that if they spend their youths and beauty for example, as a waitress in a flashy restaurant with large tips and lots of attention, and make the wrong decisions, once they hit about 30 their skin is going to start coming apart and they will have to move down-market. Today they have options in men, but they will not always. She will be an old toothless geriatric that smells of rotting flesh with bladder problems and a colostomy bag in a wheel chair one day. At that point she will not be as desirable. So the reading gives her a call to action and tells her to grab you now while you are available to her because you will not be always. Further what the reading does in the ending when talking about human touch is tell her that if she does not get that touch today it will cause a more rapid descent into ugliness because she will atrophy and die. This is the beauty of palm reading. How else could you ever broach such a subject with a girl and how else could you make such prophetic statements that strike the fear of god into her?


Closing words If one really wishes to master an art, technical knowledge is not enough. One has to transcend technique so that the art becomes "artless art" growing out of the Unconscious. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Introduction to Zen Buddhism, 1976 Managing romantic encounters is an art. Like all art, in order to ply it well you need to be in the right state of mind with an inner equilibrium. While this is book uses a palm reading routine to teach interaction and part of that is learning to interact with the world the way I do it, there is no one right way to do things or interact with women, and you should not consider it such. Because the selection from among many choices, the art of the work is just as dependent on your own mind and spirit as upon the material or girl. That is why you need piece of mind. So you can express your art beautifully. Sometime look at a novice workman or bad workman, say an uncaring 9-5 working watch-maker at a jewellers, reading the manufacturers instructions as he fixes the watch and compare his expression on his face as he works with that of a craftsman whose work you know is excellent and you will see the difference. The craftsman is not ever following a single line of instruction. He is making his decisions as he goes along. For that reason he will be absorbed and attentive to what he is doing even though he does not deliberately contrive it. In his mind also are the underlying pictures and flow-charts that represent his philosophy of the way that watches work as he tightens a spring considering how that action relates to the systems in the whole mechanism. He is not following any set of written instruction because the nature of the object at hand determines his thoughts and motions, which simultaneously change the nature of the object. The object and his thoughts are changing together in a progression of changes until his mind is at rest and at the same time the material is right. That is the mind-state of the artist. You, as a Pick-Up Artist, should be inwardly proud of your craft. Art is quintessentially a quest for communication. It does not matter if it is sculpture, painting, music, film, dance or drama; the goal is to communicate something beautiful or meaningful. Similarly, the Pick-Up Arts are about communicating. These lessons that I have shared will enhance your ability to communicate with the women you desire, and in that way, I want to increase your ability to apply your art in the true sense of the word.


Appendix Ia: Filling out the Selling-It Routine In the selling it routine, I compare science to superstitions, pointing out that science is nothing more than theories, not based in reality. Here I want to take some time to fill in the arguments so that you can follow what is contained in the routine. This is also good stuff to explore and talk about with the right girl. Scientific theories, to me, are modern witchcraft. It is easy to judge other forms of knowledge based on dogmatic belief in science that is unjustified. That idea sounds like madness and to understand the idea properly, we can go back to the post-renaissance philosophy that makes up our view of the world today as modern Westerners. Ill start with Scottish Philosopher David Hume. Humes reasoning followed arguments that would result from the answers to this question: Suppose a child is born devoid of all senses; he has no sight, no hearing, no touch, no smell, no taste -- nothing. There is no way whatsoever for him to receive any sensations from the outside world. Suppose this child is fed intravenously and otherwise attended to and kept alive for 18 years in this state of existence. The question is then asked: Does this eighteen-year-old person have a thought in his head? If so, where does it come from? Hume would have answered that the eighteen-year-old had no thoughts whatsoever, because if he had a thought where would it have come from? In giving this answer would have defined himself an empiricist, one who believes that all knowledge is derived exclusively from the senses. In this modern age we are predominantly empiricists, and all science is based on it. But we were not always so, and other cultures would answer the question differently. The answer to this question is a philosophical construct and has no absolute truth. We cannot know for sure what the answer is to the question, and religious people from other cultures would surely answer it differently. The line of thinking is impossible to refute, however. If I were to tell you, that as opposed from the common-sense view that the world is actually out there, I offered an alternative hypothesis that you are in fact just a brain sitting in a jar with 5 sensors plugged into it attached to a central computer to stimulate your 5 senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and physical feeling, that all the world that you receive is nothing more than an illusion; a program feeding you the data and the computer keeps track of it all to keep some sense of continuity in your world-view, and these words here that you are reading are part of the same program, there is no way to refute that view with evidence. These were the ideas from where the film "The Matrix" formed its philosophies and are a re-writing of the ideas of Bishop Berkeley. Hume and Berkeleys ideas flowed directly from the arguments of French philosopher Ren Descartes. Descartes started with the difference between knowledge and belief. He felt if he could find a concrete foundation on which the logic of ideas could be built, they would be irrefutable. So he searched around for things he actually knew. As he did so, he


kept writing things off. Do we know, for example that the world is round? People once thought it was flat. Internally, within their own heads, would this belief that the world is flat have felt any different for them than for us now that the world is round? Because I feel like I know the world is round. They must have felt like they knew that the world was flat. The difference between knowledge and belief is only a feeling of sureness. If we question everything, even our knowledge about the shape of the earth, we are left with very little. They felt the same about their belief then, and then had to deal with the Copernican flip where Copernicus stated that the earth goes around the sun as opposed to vice versa, understanding that the world was in fact round so their world views could accommodate that Columbus had gone over the edge to the new world. The new understanding did not change anything in their day-to-day lives, but the flip in worldview caused a new golden age of thought known as the Renaissance where everything underlying was questioned. This was the world Descartes lived in. There is no reason why each and every one of our current beliefs could not be shattered causing a new "Copernican flip" in our worldviews forever altering what we believe. Say for example that there was a new theory of light that showed us that the round world in the pictures is an optical illusion, and there is some new truth. It would be hard to get our minds around, but it is just as conceivable as the flat-word with up and down being overthrown with a new theory and a new "truth". So as you shoot down all knowledge one piece at a time, you can consider that you may be dreaming now, and that perhaps your whole life has been a dream. You can not necessarily trust your common-sense, for you can not be sure this is not a dream, even if you pinch yourself, and further, there are insane people out there who believe that their head is a pumpkin. How can you be sure you are not one of them? If we reject everything we can not prove due to lack of evidence, and question even the existence of the out-there world then all you can possibly know is that you exist and the only way you know that is because you can think. You are thinking now as you read this, therefore you know that at least you exist. So the one thing that you know for sure is that "I think, therefore I am". That is Descartes famous line that you will have heard of. That is not a large foundation from which to build the world. Where can you go from there with the edifice of logic? The position of Bishop Berkeley (of which the world of "The Matrix" is just a re-writing ... God being "The Matrix" rather than machines) was that the common sense world out here was perhaps the dream of God, God being a part of all of us, and us being a part of God. The table in front of you is just a dream of God manifested onto your consciousness. Bishop Berkeleys position, being a churchman, was a spiritual one, and he was trying to put God back into the philosophy of the day. Although he was not aware since the Eastern texts had not been translated or seriously studied in the west at that time it is not so different from that of the Buddhists: Recognising the voidness of thine own intellect to be Buddhahood, and knowing it at the same time to be thine own consciousness, thou shalt abide in the state of the divine mind of the Buddha. (Tibetan Book of the Dead).


Descartes is often called the father of modern philosophy and his ideas brought in the modern scientific age. The adjective for of Descartes is Cartesian (we are now discussing Cartesian Philosophy). You will have heard the word before and looked at his ideas in high school mathematics. For inherent within the modern empiricist philosophy is the idea that in the commonsense world, if we are conscious of it, it is real. We first reduce the world to nothing but our senses, and then to be able to go on living in this common-sense world say, If I can sense it, it is real. Descartes position of I think, therefore I am puts our own consciousness at the centre of truth and reality, and the foundations upon which truth can be built. But what about unconsciousness? Eastern Philosophies concentrate on dispensing with the ego, ego being the very name for our consciousness through which we are aware of the outer world. But if you admit the unconscious (as Carl Jung attempted to do), you move towards larger metaphysical questions. I will leave that question open; enough to say that there are alternative hypotheses that do not support the empiricist scientific philosophical position. So from within this empiricist, materialistically scientific view, we come to look at scientific thought. Now many people think that Isaac Newton "discovered" the theory of gravity. To say that before Newton the theory of gravity did not exist seems ridiculous. It was always there, right? Well in order to have the theory of gravity, we need Newtons laws where forces are defined. F=ma. Force = mass x acceleration. Now in order to get to this equation, Newton first defined a world that does not exist: The inertial frame of reference. In that world every body continues in a state of motion or rest unless acted upon by an outside force. That is not the world I live in. If I throw a tennis ball it does not go on forever in a continuous state of motion. The second thing that is the characteristic of this inertial world is every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Again, not the world I live in. If I punch the wall, it does not punch me back explicitly. Of course, Newton advances a theory to make it make sense that the wall is pushing back with the same force even though we can not see that. This is a nice piece of imagination. All right, I am with him on it. So the third thing in this world is that the following law is followed: F=ma. Force = mass x acceleration. Force is a new concept. It is measured in Newtons and it is defined by being the product of mass and acceleration. What is mass, though? Mass is not weight. Weight is a force due to gravity that acts on a mass. So what is mass? Mass is what you get if you divide the force applied to a body by the acceleration it produces. Wait on though! We have just defined 2 variables with one equation. In mathematics that is illegal. Bear with me, says Newton. So what about acceleration? Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. Okay, that is straight forward, we can measure acceleration. But wait, says Newton. He is not talking about the acceleration you measure in the real world; he is talking about the acceleration that is only true in the inertial frame of reference. Why? Because in the real world there is


energy lost to heat and friction, etc. So we cannot trust the measurement. So acceleration is the thing we can not measure since we can not isolate an inertial frame of reference. In other words, the basis of all modern mechanics including the laws of gravity is from an invented world where all three of the variables are defined in a single equation, and nothing can be measured in the real world. Newton definitely invented gravity, rather than discovering it. It is a model of the world. In order for any model to have value it needs to make some simplifying assumptions. For we have an infinitely rich and complex model of the world: the world itself. Yet the world itself is so complex that we gain no understanding by looking at it. So Newton simplifies the world, removing some of its complexity, by making some simplifying assumptions. He creates an inertial frame of reference that does not exist so we can study the dynamics of how the world would work if it did exist. But when we come back to the real world, the common-sense world, we need to remind ourselves that it is a model only. It contains no real truth that is built on the foundations of anything we can know for sure. So ultimately, Newtons laws and gravity are theories created by a genius. A fantasy world with fantasy concepts. The model he has built had good predictive value in this real world that we live in. It can put aeroplanes in the sky, and men on the moon. Incredible from a new fantasy worldview. The faith we have in this science is formidable. I will get on an aeroplane and trust the predictive value of it. But I do not believe that it contains any absolute truth. The modern-witchcraft of science is truly formidable. As part of what we have done with empirical and scientific thought is to become negatively metaphysical, stripping out the gods and spirits from explanations of our world in other words materialistic with matter (from which the word materialistic comes) assumed to be a tangible and recognisable reality. Matter is just another word for the principal of existence. It is the thing that all things are made of. You could as easily, like in times of old substitute the word matter for other words for principal of existence such as spirit or God or Buddha like Bishop Berkeley. All of them describe something that is philosophically unknown. What Western philosophers have done is to separate strongly the subject and the object. With Descartes I think therefore I am, we have limited how much we can trust our own internal experience all the way to not trusting anything except that we can know we exist. Once at that place, we return to the common-sense world to live our lives and say we only trust it if it has matter and we can touch it and feel it. In doing so we have limited our worlds backwards from our subjective experience and also written off all supernatural phenomena and our own experience of the word, stripping out the commonality of what it means to be human. Palm-reading, one might argue, puts that commonality back in without pointing to any alternative hypotheses that are unprovable such as higher powers or religious concepts, which would be far too much for a light palm reading.


You can sell it, congruently as a different witchcraft from a different tradition that makes different choices, the practice being so old, and took a philosophical left turn well before Western thought got to Descartes. Palm reading predates renaissance philosophy and we choose to admit our inner experience, and the palm reading talks directly to it. We value the subjective experience of being human. It has some predictive value; in the same way that science has a predictive value. You are now, hey presto, both a rational thinker, and someone that believes in palm reading. You understand the historical significance of it. So having read that, you understand what the Selling it routine does. It says that science, while having good predictive value does not necessarily represent any concrete truth, and that believing that one thing has predictive value does not mean that something else can not have predictive value too.


Appendix 1b: The Simian Line Some girls will have a palm with what is called a Simian line. It is very rare, but you do get it on occasion. What this means is that the heart and head lines merge into one so that there is a single line across her palm. The palm will then look like the below.

The simian line is a special line, and of course therefore, it means she is special. When you get a Simian line palm, tell her that her palm is very special, that she has a Simian palm, and point out how your own heart and head lines are separate. Tell her that people with Simian palms are special for their unique childhoods, and their sensitivity and creativity. That they are more sensitive than normal people, and that they feel just a little bit more deeply than everyone else. Then do the advanced reading as if the Simian line is proof of all the heart and head line readings. For left handers, you should read their left hand. The left and right hands are very different from one another. The theory behind this is that your potential at birth is revealed in the left hand while the right hand represents your adult self. This is reversed in left-handed people. The hand you write with is your dominant or active hand and reflects the conscious you. The other hand (the passive hand) is more about the subconscious.


Appendix Ic: When former child abuse victims blow up in fury mid palm-reading and other tips for dealing with girls who have dark pasts that you uncover. The Sufi must act and speak in a manner which takes into consideration the understanding, limitations and dominant concealed prejudices of his audience. Ibn Arabi Girls who were molested as children can get extremely agitated after the first reading where you tell her that something happened that caused her to act as an adult before she was ready. If the girl is not so good looking and I have not invested much, I will often eject from the interaction because she is damaged goods with her sexual self-image tarnished. But that is just me, and I understand that it is unfair since it was not her fault. If I am attracted to her, I will move on with the reading by telling her to hear me out. Now when I deliver the beginning of this, it is not delivered like a regular reading. I am looking her straight in the eyes honestly and speaking in my regular speaking voice to placate her. It is a dialogue between her and me for a moment before going back to the readings. Most important is that you need to take control of the situation immediately. You do not back-pedal or react. You do not want to be associated with any man hating that she has associated with her past. You do not want to apologise on the behalf of all men. So you come in strong. I am sorry to hear that. I could not see the details of that. But look: Shhh! Shhh! Quiet for just a minute. Stop thinking and just listen. This is the way that I see it: You are attractive. And you are attractive for who you are. Part of the thing that makes you who you are is all the things that have happened to you in your past. Without those you would be a different person. I like who you are today. You are a product of your life. All the good things that have happened to you as well as all the bad things make you who you are today. And you feel deeply. Without all the things that have happened to you, I would have a different person sitting here in front of me. And I dont want a different person. I want you here. And, so as you understand what I mean, perhaps you can stop (pause. The pause is important, you are allowing the world to stop and the silence needs to breathe for a second. Now you are going back to a reading) and remember a time when you felt really self-confident. A time when you were just the most charming girl ever. And as you remember that time you should remember all those things you saw, and all the things you heard and all the things you felt. And you should concentrate on that feeling. How do you feel? (allow her to answer good if she doesnt you are going to need to continue the feel good material until she feels better). And perhaps you come to understand who is making you feel so self-confident. It is you. And if you can feel like this just when you talk to me, there is no reason that you should not feel like this always. Are you okay? Should we continue? So if we look up here to your heart line What I am doing in the above is reframing the experience as one that is positive in retrospect, then distracting her, and telling her to feel good with a positive reading so that I can continue and she has put aside the worst of negative experiences.


You are going to need to gauge now how you move forward. Do not rush pushing ahead if it needs some time to breathe. Asking her how she feels and asking for her permission to go on is a nice thing to do. Leave your sensitive tonality on, and make sure you call her a girl when you refer to her rather than a woman or anything else. Girls are softer on the inside and contain an idea of navet. You can run the rest of the reading the same.


Appendix II: On other methods of fortune telling. I have mentioned in the number close that you should oversell the Cube or the Runes and invite her back to your place with that as a pretext. Now I would be remiss to not teach you something about how to run these routines for seduction. The truth is that all fortune telling techniques are a bit the same. So instead of trying to write a complete explanation of these 2 routines as I have above with palm reading, I offer just the following as an adjunct to a book on the real readings that you should buy to run these routines. She does not understand what the runes actually mean so you can run the same reading all the time just as you do with palm reading. Similarly, she has not had her cube read before, so you are not constrained by the readings in that book either. If you do a rune spread (or read her horoscope or tarot any other method of fortune telling that you might want to learn) that calls for her maintaining status quo (which is the opposite of the motivational mood I want to create). Change it. Say "there are certain things in your life which make a status quo seem like a good option. But those are all those thoughts and people and things that are holding you back from feeling as much pleasure as you can. So if you let the past and the future just drop away and live in the true present, you may realise that there is no reason you need to settle for what you have always had. This is a time of separating paths ... old skins need to be shed, and you need to throw away those things and people holding you back and embrace the opportunity right in front of you. And do all the things that you want to do but never before allowed yourself to do. You are about to drink the wine you have always wanted to drink. Go to extremely pleasurable places that you have always wanted to go. Now is not a time to turn down the opportunities right in front of you. Make sure you do it! Now with me ... etc." In tarot reading (that is related) I love "Death". People freak when you pull death. I want to learn sleight of hand so that I can always pull death. The anticipation is killing them. Jumping straight at death and telling her what it means is like the guy who spoils a movie for you and tells you what is in the end. You need to allow your girl to stop and breathe in the suspense. To allow all her sensations to be standing on end with what the death card holds for her. To get her body quivering with desire to know. Read some other stuff and surprise her with the depth of insight and the "truth" of the oracle, and get the suspense of death even more happening. Comment on it as you pull it when dealing, and say knowingly "Oh, what ... no this cant be". Suspense is the gap between anticipation and fulfilment. Holding that suspense is what a well run routine is all about. This is not mysticism, remember. This is seduction. (Death is actually just the card of re-birth, end of a phase or cycle ... a good card to read obliquely that she should leave her boyfriend... so it is not actually a bad card at all). For oracle style readings, where the girl consults the oracle for an answer to a particular problem facing her in her life at the moment, there are ultimately only 2 answers: Do it and Dont do it. Since you are doing this from within the framework of seduction, the


answer should be always to Do it regardless of the unseen question, which is fair once you write off the divinity. When all truth of fortune telling is written off then either answer is completely arbitrary. Therefore Do it for the answer is as fair as Dont do it and therefore there is no moral problem with that as a standard answer.


Appendix IIa: Runes for Romantic Encounters. I include my runes readings here because they are good for palm reading, as well as any other oracle reading you can dream up. (Like consulting her cat about her future or something). I will give you enough information to get you reading runes but if you really want to get this routine together and tight it might be worth buying not only a set of runes, but also the book that will invariably come with them in a bundle. Runes are a set of 25 stones, each with a runic symbol etched onto them. You will be able to buy a set at a new-age store where they sell crystals and tarot and like tantric meditation shawls, or if you have more time than money you could make a set by etching each of the runic symbols (that you should be able to find on the internet) onto a bunch of similar stones. But if you are making them, you should not feel hemmed in by either the Nordic runic symbols or the number of stones. You could have 15 of Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols if you want and call them the Pheronic oracle. Or 10 or the Hindu gods, or maybe a beached chicken bone, a coloured lambs knuckle, a rabbits foot, a piece of wood, a stone, a smooth piece of glass, a crystal and a lump of bronze and call it a Haitian voodoo witchdoctors oracle! The point is she chooses 3 out of a bag. So you have to have your runes with you to run a rune casting routine. They are therefore not as flexible and all purpose as palm reading that requires no props. However, there is a major difference. The runes are an oracle. So you ask your girl to consult the runes with a question in her mind that she need not tell you. Now you can ask her to pull 1 rune and read that, or ask her to pull 3 runes and do a 3 rune spread. For the 3 rune spread, the way I run it, the first rune is the overview of her situation, the second rune is the challenges of her situation, and the 3rd rune is the action required. Then you just read them with the meanings that I explain below. She does not know what the symbols mean, so you can choose your favourite 3 readings and read them. A good standard reading is to call the first rune (overview of her situation) Separation, the second rune (the challenge) The Self, and the third rune (action) Signals. What is more, it is a flashy routine because you are there with runes! You have people coming over to watch. It is a gimmick. It intrigues the people around you. It is a little bag of stones! That is it.

The Self


A correct relationship with the self is essential in order for relationships to flow. Live in the true present and do all those things that are right for the self. Nothing else is important for the self other than right now. This moment that you are living in. You should just let the rest of the world fade away and allow yourself to enjoy this moment and the ones that will follow. Happiness is nothing more than feeling good, and you are the only one that can make yourself feel good. So if you go inside and just work out what it is that is stopping you from feeling really good. I mean if you could close your eyes, like with lids down, and remember a time when you felt really good. And I mean YOU FEEL REALLY GOOD. Yeah, thats right, like that. And as you remember this time, you can remember what you saw, and all those sounds that you can hear, and all those feelings of just feeling really good. As you realise that there is no reason why you can not always feel like this. You can just feel good just speaking with me. Now, as you realise where all these feelings are coming from. Who is causing you to have these feelings. Make sure you embrace that person, the self. You need to repeat these experiences that make YOU FEEL SO GOOD. And make sure you do not hold this person out of your own life. Partnership This rune gives you notice that a new partnership, a new and rewarding relationship is just about to begin. And you should allow yourself to give yourself completely to this new person, be it a new love, or any other sort of relationship. Perhaps a new job. But whoever is the new person or opportunity you have just encountered, you need to make sure that you DO all those things that you are able to do. It may seem that there are certain things holding you back, but you allow all those things to become smaller and smaller in your mind as you realise that there is actually nothing holding you back, and you can act NOW, with me, I believe it is an important thing to be able to do. Signals This is the rune of receiving: People, messages, signals, gifts. Ready yourself for a very pleasurable gift, and make sure that you are prepared to accept it. This is not a time to turn down your opportunities, as you realise that accepting this new thing inside you life is what will bring you the greatest pleasure. And you should just stop for a moment, and remember the last time you felt extreme pleasure, because this is the signal that this rune is giving you. That you are about to feel that real pleasure, that delight, again and again, that this gift will give you. Separation This is a rune of separating paths. Old skins need to be shed in order for you to embrace the new opportunity that is right in front of you. There are certain things, people, or ideas in your life that are outmoded, and these things are stopping you from doing all those things that you really want to do, but never before allowed yourself to enjoy as completely as what you are about to enjoy. So all those things that are holding you back, you can now just take and throw away. Like you threw away an old piece of clothing that you never wear. You can put those things that are stopping you in the same place, and allow yourself to enjoy this moment, and go with the flow of the times. All your worries fade away and in place are the pleasures of new experiences that you are about to experience, and new relationships that you are about to cultivate. As you realise that you 116

are about to move forward to places you always wanted to go, but have never been. You want to drink the wine that those things holding you back wont let you drink, and experience the things you want to. This is a time for you, and to hell with the rest. DO IT, Now with me, that is how I live. Strength This is the rune of personal strength. You need to terminate the old way of life and begin a new one. Keep in mind that new ways of life are always better, and you should do those things you need to do in order to enjoy yourself the way that you deserve to be. You need to be strong to embrace this opportunity right in front of you etc as for separation. Initiation This rune indicates the initiation of a new way of living. Perhaps a new relationship that will be extremely rewarding. You need to seize the moment and act now etc. as for signals. Constraint This rune represents the constrains we put on ourselves as well as the constraints put on us by the world around us. You need to shed these old skins ... loosen yourself from these restraints, and be the person you want to be, and do all those things you want to do etc. as for separation.

Fertility represents the birth of new beginnings. New relationships, and new people have just walked into your life, right now, and something new and beautiful is about to grow out of this fertile period. Like mother earth, the fertile hole in the ground is warm and wet. You need to allow the harvester to enter that hole to plant the seed of a new beginning. As you imagine a time in the future, when this beautifully fertile period has born its fruit, and looking back on today as the time when it all began. Defence The new beginnings in your life are going to be resisted by forces that do not want you to embrace this new pleasure. This delight. This opportunity at increased happiness. You need to be strong and defend what you want to do, and act regardless of the forces in your life that do not have your immediate pleasure at heart. You are the sort of person who is capable of making your own decisions, and you do so with your own best interests at heart. You need to make sure you defend yourself from all those forces that do not want you to feel this pleasure you are about to feel. Now with me, I am a self sufficient person who would not let anybody stand in the way of my own happiness, and I have no respect for those weak people who will not act on their desires. This rune tells me that you are the sort of person who is prepared to do all the things that you need to do in order to gain true happiness. Protection


You are about to embrace a new, extremely pleasurable opportunity in your life that will take you forward in ways you can only imagine. Perhaps even all of your dreams are about to become true. In this time of change you need to protect yourself from those people from your old life. Those people who will attempt to hold you back. You need to throw away the old and embrace the new. The message of this rune is that you need to protect yourself against the old, you are completely capable of doing so. You need to make sure that you ACT on this opportunity in front of you. Possessions This is the rune of fulfilment: ambition satisfied, love fulfilled, achievements gained. If you could just stop and remember the last time that you were completely satisfied. When the climax of some venture had been reached and you just felt all those feelings of spent satisfaction. As you realise that you are about to feel those feelings again. With me, it is a fantastic feeling that I savour. Joy This is a fruit bearing rune. The results of a long awaited fulfilment are about to be satisfied in your life. You need to ready yourself for something beautiful that is about to occur. If you remember a time when you felt Joy. Overwhelming joy and happiness. As you feel this ... etc. Harvest: This is the rune of beneficial outcomes. Etc (as for joy). Opening: This is the rune that represents a new opening in your life. You are free to pass through and re-invent who you are. Prepare yourself for the receiving of gifts etc. as for signals. Warrior: This is the rune of the spiritual warrior, and always the battle of the spiritual warrior is with the self. etc. (see self) Growth: This is the rune of growth of a new period in your life, etc. (see joy or opening or whatever) Movement: This is the rune of transition and movement, to new attitudes, or a new life. etc. (see separation)
Flow: As for movement

Disruption: Breaking free from the old. See defence. Journey: As for movement Gateway: As for opening Breakthrough: As for opening


Standstill: There are some factors in your life that are making you stand still at the moment; you need to reduce these factors so you can act (see defence) Wholeness: This is the rune of making yourself whole. Of doing those things to become the person you have always wanted to be. It is a rune of completing the self. (etc see self) The Unknowable Blank is the end. Blank is the beginning. This is the rune of ends and beginnings. Part of who you used to be will be over. Dead. You need to separate from the things that are holding you back. Like the phoenix who rises from the ashes, you will reinvent yourself. See separation. See also Self. This is the best rune. It can go anywhere you want it to.


Appendix IIb: The Cube for Romantic Encounters. The cube is a personality game written about in the book by Annie Gottleib called Secrets of the Cube: The Ancient Visualization Games That Reveals Your True Self or simply The Cube. There is enough material around on the Internet to get you running this routine, or you should buy the book for a complete account. As you learn to read it, you use the same philosophy that you use when running palm-reading. You are not bound by the true readings in the book. She makes the size of the cube proportional to your self opinion, or confidence, or ego. But there is no need to run it like that, there is no more truth in the cube than there is in the palm reading. When in a seduction all readings should similarly take your path forward. So for example, perhaps a small cube signifies a need for intimacy, as you work your reading around how nice it is to feel that, and you should do it often. A medium sized cube means you are adventurous, and do a reading about adventures, the feeling of being thrilled and standing on a precipice, and throwing yourself over and how you should do it. A large cube means that you are self-confident and that you should trust your confidence to handle new situations and do all those things that you want to do, etc. Now, I know that there are some of you out there that actually believe that there is some truth to the cube. That the cube is real and gives you real readings about the person. However, when you are doing it with girls, you do it like you have the same level of belief that you have about palm reading. You are not a cube-reading purist. You do not want to be her therapist. So lets say she has a small cube the size of a dice, which is constructed from a wire frame surrounded by cling-wrap. You do not tell her that she is low on confidence and low on self-esteem. Or that her flat ladder means her friends are lazy, as it says in the book. You say something more along the lines of Your small cube means that you feel more deeply than other people and can be hurt easily. You have a need for intimacy in your life, and like it when people can just embrace you and understand you for who you are. You are a really sweet girl who blah, blah, blah. So you should read the cube as if it is a palm reading, again with all the readings pointing towards your goals.


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