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Ethical Issues (competing right courses of action)

5 reasons why it's right to put people in prison -in a country, the stronger the military the less likely you are to be invaded. Similarly, if there is a punishment for crimes then you are less likely to commit them. -in a prison rehabilitation can be introduced and bad behaviours can be punished and good enforced -after being in a harsh prison, a criminal may quit crime in order to never have to go there again -segregating criminals from society, even if temporary will reduce crime -if your society has moral issues with execution, then putting criminals in prison makes a good substitute 5 reasons why smoking should never be outlawed -if smoking is outlawed, similar to prohibition of alcohol in the 20 s then crime will increase and people will smoke illegally -in certain cases, natural selection -a massive amount of people will go through withdrawal -if people want to harm their own bodies, that should be their choice!excluding second hand" -in people prone to addiction, smoking is a better vice than stronger drugs 5 reasons why people should be allowed to say whatever they want no matter how hurtful (or untrue) it is -if people can speak freely, democracy thrives -it simplifies the overly complex social habits of humans -when everyone is expressing their opinion then it is easier to see more viewpoints -white lies will be eliminated, thus if you look ugly in an outfit at least you ll know -if you say or do something wrong, you will be told and thus know you behaved incorrectly 5 reasons to have official dress codes and uniforms -people will not rebel against more important things -easier to recogni#e a policeman -more organi#ed society -in military, adds a sense of discipline and closeness to other soldiers, in other cases stealth -if enforced people will not walk around in distracting clothes 5 reasons to get a tattoo removed -improves appearance -more likely to get a $ob -will be more respected and taken seriously -will not appear a like a scary biker -you don t like it anymore

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