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1. What are Rules?

- Rules are a set of laws or regulations that govern a society in order to make it a better place to live. It is
one of the foundations that allows society to function properly. In other words, rules are created to coerce
something or someone to adhere to a set of standards or laws.

2. Why does the society have rules?

— Laws are made by society because they are an important part of the process of building a society.
Rules are necessary for our society to function properly and to bind all people living in a community. To have a
disciplined society, we must follow the rules. If one does not follow the rules and does whatever he or she
wants, there will be chaos all around. Laws protect our safety and our fundamental rights as citizens against
abuse and other potentially harmful situations.

3. Why do some people do not conform with the rules?

- - Because some people believe that rules are inappropriate or contradict their beliefs, they refuse to
follow the rules. In some cases, some people always force others to follow the rules, but the other
party just feel suffocated and choked, so they defy the rules in order to retaliate. And the saddest
part is that some people simply want to break the rules in order to follow their desires and expose
their true nature, or they simply don't care and do whatever they want. Or some people believe that
they are exempt from the rules because they are powerful and wealthy, and that laws and rules only
apply to the poor.

4. Why do you follow rules?

- I follow the rules because I am a responsible and law-abiding citizen. But I simply follow
the rules that I believe will keep me safe while not violating my principles or opinions. Also, I follow the
rules to avoid harm and trouble; I simply want to live normally and peacefully. To summarize, I follow the
rules solely to keep my life and society in order.

5. What rules do you find restricting?

- Marriage because divorce is illegal in the Philippines, and as a result, I believe marriage restricts some
people, particularly married women who are being abused, battered, raped right now by their husband and
are suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but they can't leave because their marriage
restricts her and possibly their child from leaving. In other cases, being cheated on in a marriage is horrible,
and when the man cheats, society says it's normal and they're "naturally polygamous," which is horrifying.
That is why I believe that marriage is a law that can severely limit a person's freedom and choices, and
society only wants you to be restricted in a marriage by not legalizing divorce in order to give you a second
chance to be true, to love, to be free, and to be happy.

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